Mantis Bugtracker

Baratine - Change Log

Baratine - 0.9.0
- 0005895: [] jamp-pull: the servlet '/*' at '' does not support async (ferg)
- 0005880: [] embedded baratine / junit: replay doesn't replay (ferg)
- 0005881: [] NPE: baratine-js/2020 (jamp issue) (ferg)

Baratine - 0.8.7
- 0005828: [] deployment more than 16M (ferg)

Baratine - 0.8.3
- 0005740: [] user services not resolved after restart (ferg)
- 0005741: [] hessian exception when calling ResourceManager.findOne() from ClientHamp (ferg)

Baratine - 0.8.1
- 0005567: [] NPE when starting up resin with console (ferg)
- 0005583: [] store loadAll() called a different number of times after a restart (ferg)
- 0005582: [] journal on resin start java.lang.IllegalStateException: Stream with large file (ferg)
- 0005568: [] NPE when starting resin with "start" (ferg)
- 0005551: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when replaying journal (ferg)
- 0005569: [] ClassCastException with OpenJDK but not with Sun's JDK (ferg)
- 0005584: [] cannot stop resin: 'public:///watchdog' is an unknown service (ferg)

Documentation - Change Log

Documentation - 3.2.1
- 0002355: [] Website of OpenSSL dll's in release notes (ferg)
- 0002530: [] linkify tags in the "tags index" page (ferg)
- 0002237: [] Fix EL documentation (ferg)
- 0002250: [] rewrite-dispatch proxy tag not documented (ferg)
- 0002133: [] QuercusServlet documentation needed (ferg)
- 0002299: [] Burlap documentation reorginization
- 0002630: [] minimal.conf doesn't work (ferg)

Documentation - 3.2.0
- 0002430: [] Amber basic tutorial (ferg)
- 0002269: [] Spring/Quercus integration (ferg)
- 0002289: [] watchdog-password (ferg)
- 0002224: [] hessian-ioc example uses deprecated <reference> syntax (ferg)

Documentation - 3.1.4
- 0002297: [] Permanent link destination for burlap

Hessian - Change Log

Hessian - 4.0.63
- 0003655: [] Hessian InputStream result is closed (ferg)

Hessian - 4.0.28
- 0004151: [] Support for compressed responses (ferg)
- 0004164: [] Missing IteratorDeserializer (ferg)

Hessian - 4.0.13
- 0004286: [] deserialization of java.sql.Timestamp with null (ferg)

Hessian - 4.0.5
- 0003939: [] add option to disable "hessianTypeName" (emil)

Hessian - 4.0.3
- 0003684: [] deserialize lists to ArrayCollection
- 0003804: [] hessian flash long strings
- 0003777: [] npe on second hessian call (hessian flex)
- 0002860: [] Hessian/Felix OSGi - classloader problem (ferg)
- 0003166: [] Hessian 3.2 serialize/deserialize changes types of certain objects (ferg)
- 0003357: [] NPE on deserialization if default constructor is missing (ferg)
- 0003634: [] no longer properly deserialized (ferg)
- 0003690: [] Hessian 2 Input bug (ferg)
- 0003646: [] Delegate construction of HessianSkeleton's debug PrintWriter to an overridable method (ferg)
- 0003658: [] Hessian connect-timeout (ferg)
- 0003663: [] Can't deserialize an object with an EnumSet (ferg)

Hessian - 4.0.1
- 0003579: [] v1.0 requests seem to result in transfer-coding chunk size of 1 byte, dramatically increasing payload size (ferg)
- 0003452: [] Hessian debug with 1.0 (ferg)
- 0003036: [] version detecting don't work (ferg)

Hessian - 4.0.0
- 0003356: [] NPE calling no-arg method via HessianProxy (Hessian 2)
- 0003362: [] Latest refactoring involving WriteReplaceSerializer breaks simple test case (ferg)

Hessian - 3.2.1
- 0002954: [] Add support for AMF-style RemoteClass aliases in hessian-flex
- 0003004: [] Hessian serializer in Flex don't use the [Transient] metadata
- 0002997: [] Multiple outstanding requests with Hessian Flex fail
- 0002977: [] (Flex) Allow IOError events to be caught for all operations by registering on service
- 0002845: [] Cannot catch IOError when HessianService disconnects
- 0002878: [] Hessian proxy equals (ferg)
- 0002909: [] BasicDeserialized.readLengthList does not pick long arrays (ferg)
- 0002824: [] hessian spec issues (ferg)
- 0002844: [] Event listeners on HessianOperation do not fire
- 0002846: [] Hessian flash date writing < the epoch (emil)
- 0002823: [] hessian 2 vector length (ferg)
- 0002819: [] stream length needs to be unsigned (ferg)

Hessian - 3.1.6
- 0002778: [] Enum serialization with abstract methods
- 0002455: [] The bug 2024 is still occuring with the version 3.1.3 of Java library and the latest of Flex library
- 0002687: [] Memory leak in Flex w/AsyncRequest
- 0002572: [] Hessian/Flex: hessian.client.HessianMessage never sets its messageId
- 0002511: [] fault() called even when result returned in Hessian/Flex
- 0002494: [] Hessian: SqlDateSerializer (ferg)
- 0002500: [] NO content type in Hessian response (ferg)

Quercus - Change Log

Quercus - 4.0.36
- 0005289: [] error_log() needs to print a newline after each log message (nam)
- 0004178: [] error_log not working correctly with files (nam)
- 0005413: [] NULL values is handled different in method arguments (nam)
- 0005411: [] java Enum returned from method should be of Enum type (nam)
- 0003898: [] Quercus PHP does not understand Java enums (nam)
- 0005409: [] static::$foo needs to return child's field when inside parent:: methods (nam)
- 0005407: [] wordpress plugin Contact Forms 7 does not work (nam)
- 0005403: [] gethostname() not implemented (nam)
- 0005402: [] $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SSL_REQUEST'] is not set for SSL connections (nam)
- 0005397: [] cannot find license in non-WEB-INF directories (nam)
- 0003618: [] Character Encoding incompatibility with standard PHP (nam)
- 0003849: [] mysql utf-8 inserts are viewable in MySQL GUI browsers (nam)
- 0003772: [] drupal utf-8 issue (nam)
- 0005380: [] error_get_last() not implemented (nam)
- 0005379: [] mysqli_get_charset, mysqli_set_charset not implemented (nam)
- 0002951: [] mysql_set_charset is missing (nam)
- 0004247: [] Overloading: __callStatic not implemented (nam)

Quercus - 4.0.35
- 0005354: [] OutOfMemory with UserCake Captcha (nam)

Quercus - 4.0.34
- 0005333: [] assignment to arrays from arrays is not evaluated in the correct order (nam)
- 0005308: [] QuercusScriptEngine needs to output unicode correctly (nam)
- 0005328: [] Scripting utf-8 output vietnamese incorrect (nam)
- 0005329: [] $a instanceof self/parent does not work (nam)
- 0005327: [] object field foreach ordering does not match PHP (nam)
- 0004733: [] MediaWiki 1.17.0 installation issue (nam)
- 0004974: [] Regex PCRE recursion (balancing groups) isn't working as expected in Quercus (nam)
- 0004805: [] Regex (nam)
- 0004913: [] unable to access svn:// (nam)
- 0003997: [] sqlite support (nam)
- 0003955: [] dokuwiki regexp illegal syntax (nam)
- 0003879: [] vBulletin 4.0.1 - invalid conditional regexp (nam)
- 0003829: [] Regexp Failure (nam)
- 0005325: [] Not able to use PDO with postgres (nam)
- 0005278: [] can not save permission in drupal6.26 (nam)
- 0005290: [] Event endlessly repeated under Drupal Commons 6.x (nam)

Quercus - 4.0.31
- 0005169: [] unicode: cannot get access java members by name when unicode.semantics=on (nam)
- 0005211: [] filter FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING not implemented (nam)
- 0005190: [] unlink() NullPointerException NPE (nam)
- 0005189: [] SimpleXMLElement::asXML() filename argument not implemented (nam)
- 0005185: [] Marshalling (php->enum) of null for enums fails (nam)

Quercus - 4.0.28
- 0004537: [] PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY is an unknown constant (nam)
- 0005037: [] new static() not supported (nam)

Quercus - 4.0.14
- 0003900: [] vBulletin - preview new topic caused IllegalStateException (domdorn)
- 0004318: [] SimpleXMLElement count (ferg)
- 0004319: [] list($a) = each($this->foo) (ferg)
- 0004311: [] simplexml_load_file - http value (ferg)

Quercus - 4.0.13
- 0004243: [] overloading __isset / __unset not working (domdorn)

Quercus - 4.0.11
- 0004125: [] ob_get_clean() does not exec ob_end_clean() (domdorn)

Quercus - 4.0.10
- 0004074: [] var_dump(__FILE__); // returns string(7) string: (domdorn)

Quercus - 4.0.7
- 0003825: [] quercus standalone: wrong version reported (nam)
- 0003918: [] Wordpress MU Settings link causes exception (nam)
- 0003979: [] is_executable is broken (nam)
- 0004035: [] java.lang.NullPointerException on drupal admin/user/permissions (nam)
- 0004037: [] error_display in php.ini (nam)
- 0003607: [] PHP clone object is ignored? (nam)
- 0003878: [] parse_ini_file does not replace PHP Constants (nam)
- 0003916: [] report as php 5.2.1 (nam)
- 0004034: [] date_format() does not use user-set default time zone (nam)
- 0004033: [] quercus-4.0.6.war incorrect version reporting (nam)

Quercus - 4.0.6
- 0003961: [] The PHP function "array_walk" doesn't work when there is the third parameter (nam)
- 0003962: [] arg_separator.input is ignored (nam)
- 0003758: [] NumberFormatException for very large integers (nam)

Quercus - 4.0.5
- 0003925: [] make method public - QuercusScriptEngine.getQuercus() (nam)

Quercus - 4.0.4
- 0003876: [] java_bean and jndi_lookup don't work in glassfish v3 (ferg)
- 0003857: [] vbulletin - incorrect evaluation order of $this->{$table}["$fieldname"]

Quercus - 4.0.2
- 0003369: [] CauchoRegexpModule NPE on (Drupal/Quercus) (ferg)
- 0003753: [] WordPress: Post revisions not shown (nam)
- 0003748: [] Avoid recursive instropection of methods. (nam)
- 0003712: [] quercus request for support for $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"] (nam)
- 0003746: [] Enable overridding of setting TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE (nam)
- 0003737: [] date_timezone_set does not update date correctly (nam)
- 0003733: [] jetty: ClassNotFoundException for org.eclipse.jetty.server.AsyncContext (nam)
- 0003701: [] is_object and is_resource return wrong results in many cases (nam)
- 0003702: [] isset returns wrong answer with multiple variables (nam)
- 0003476: [] (really version 3.1.9) failure in simplexml_load_string() (nam)
- 0003541: [] java.lang.NullPointerException running Yii (nam)
- 0003609: [] Drupal and OpenID (nam)
- 0003668: [] QuercusParseException - missing semicolon within a scriptlet <?php ... ?> tag. (nam)
- 0003654: [] StringBuilderValue.create() is not performing a "& 0xFF" on the character value (nam)
- 0003667: [] ErrorException is missing (nam)
- 0003662: [] substr_compare failed (nam)
- 0003644: [] Quercus allows to make non-abstract function abstract again (incompatibility with standard PHP) (nam)
- 0003586: [] count() error with recursive (nam)
- 0003513: [] PHP-style hash algorithm names not supported (nam)
- 0003555: [] Quercus $foo->getClass() method (nam)
- 0003587: [] NumberFormatException when calling $result = file_get_contents($url); (nam)
- 0003621: [] instanceof parsing precedence (nam)
- 0003636: [] isset() returns FALSE for $_SESSION (nam)
- 0003610: [] static function variables not "really" static (nam)
- 0003624: [] wordpress 2.8.1 and resin load-balancing - can't login (nam)
- 0003616: [] mail() does not handle multi-line headers properly

Quercus - 4.0.0
- 0003250: [] Quercus .jar published at the maven repository is not propertly packaged (nam)
- 0002976: [] Standalone Quercus 3.2.0 with DOM support! (nam)
- 0003444: [] Compile failure when return statements are all inside switch statement (nam)
- 0003445: [] Infinite loop + memory usage in unpack() (nam)
- 0003438: [] RegexpModule throws IllegalArgumentException on WordPress setup (nam)
- 0003404: [] Tunability or dynamic sizing of regexp cache needed to avoid concurrency bottleneck (nam)
- 0003026: [] java_class("System")->currentTimeMillis() (nam)
- 0003420: [] Compile failure (nam)
- 0003410: [] phpinfo() - show real values (nam)
- 0003406: [] 'simplexml' extension is not loaded? (nam)
- 0003401: [] sscanf %s prints spurious warning on end-of-string (nam)
- 0003402: [] exit() prints numeric exit codes to user (nam)
- 0003403: [] crash with com.caucho.quercus.parser.QuercusParseException on certain integers (nam)
- 0003390: [] iconv() doesn't support big5 encoding (nam)
- 0003391: [] date('r') adds timezone suffix (nam)
- 0003393: [] preg_match doesn't return full UTF-8 sequences in Unicode matches (nam)
- 0003396: [] sscanf %s prints spurious warning on empty string / end-of-string (nam)
- 0003392: [] Quercus doesn't decode hex integer strings (nam)
- 0003387: [] Quercus: unpack() implemenation differs from mod_php (nam)
- 0003388: [] Infinite loop + memory usage in unpack() (nam)
- 0003389: [] unpack() array element suffixes start with 0 (nam)
- 0003383: [] Stack overflow with variable self-assignment (nam)
- 0003373: [] phpbb2 mail problem (nam)
- 0003376: [] Can't compile global string assignment (nam)
- 0003372: [] Refs not preserved (nam)
- 0003358: [] Array with binary string fails to compile (nam)
- 0003371: [] Explicit string cast of indexed character assignment rvalue causes compile error (nam)
- 0003360: [] func_get_args() includes optional parameters in compiled mode (nam)
- 0003367: [] String indexing fails with binary data (nam)
- 0003361: [] String "[]" operator fails to compile (nam)
- 0003353: [] Large autoinitialized arrays fail to compile (nam)
- 0003355: [] Modifications to strings persist across requests in compiled mode (nam)
- 0003351: [] Reference argument fails in compiled mode with dynamic function call (ferg)
- 0003343: [] apc_compile_file not implemented (nam)
- 0003119: [] fsockopen doesn't support UDP (nam)
- 0003082: [] parameter/reference issue with quercus (nam)
- 0003332: [] Autoinitialized static fields fail to compile (nam)
- 0003305: [] Dukuwiki-rc2009-01-26 cannot access the first page (nam)
- 0003329: [] unserialize crashes with Java exception under certain circumstances (nam)
- 0003326: [] Boolean assignment in reference argument fails to compile (nam)
- 0003327: [] Integer variable assignment in argument list won't compile (nam)
- 0003299: [] socket timeout right after installing Wordpress 2.7 (nam)
- 0003324: [] Long-as-boolean compile failure (nam)
- 0003325: [] file_get_contents NPE with URL (nam)
- 0003323: [] Boolean variable compile failure (nam)
- 0003320: [] Boolean variable compile failure (nam)
- 0003312: [] PHPUnit data providers don't work (can't find annotation) (nam)
- 0003319: [] stream_context_create / fopen doesn't send multiple header lines (nam)
- 0003316: [] simplexml doesn't preserve UTF-8 encoding (nam)
- 0003317: [] stream_context_create / fopen mangles headers (nam)
- 0003311: [] feof doesn't detect EOF on sockets sometimes (nam)
- 0003314: [] html_entity_decode() not Unicode-compatible (nam)
- 0003309: [] simplexml array elements always test as true (nam)
- 0003315: [] Explicit specification of class name not allowed in call_user_func_array() (nam)
- 0003297: [] hash_hmac() is slow (ferg)
- 0003282: [] CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS doesn't handle file uploads (nam)
- 0003296: [] preg_replace throws exception on malformed UTF-8 when "u" modifier is used (nam)
- 0003292: [] exit() doesn't work in compiled mode if exception handler is active (nam)
- 0003291: [] Variable assignment in argument fails to compile (nam)
- 0003290: [] ereg() incompatibility (nam)
- 0003285: [] microtime(true) clock discontinuity (nam)
- 0003261: [] Batch compilation of PHP files (ferg)
- 0003177: [] strtotime bug (ferg)
- 0003214: [] FilterIterator not implemented, PHPUnit will not run under Quercus (nam)
- 0003126: [] CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS not implemented (ferg)
- 0003279: [] Default floating-point formatting uses exponent notation too early (ferg)
- 0003273: [] date_default_timezone_set() doesn't work (ferg)
- 0003278: [] Array addition overwrites existing values (nam)
- 0003277: [] instanceof totally broken (nam)
- 0003270: [] Switch statement fallthrough fails in compiled mode if a break exists (nam)
- 0003276: [] Array addition discards item ordering (nam)
- 0003272: [] lcg_value not implemented (nam)
- 0003271: [] Can't call array_merge() on Java Map (nam)
- 0003260: [] multiple interface inheritance syntax not supported (ferg)
- 0003247: [] need to see pwd for passthru scripts (ferg)
- 0003253: [] get_object_vars respects IteratorAggregate but should not (ferg)
- 0003230: [] instanceof does not include interface hierarchy (ferg)
- 0003239: [] Using custom ArrayIterator leeds to a StackOverflowError (ferg)
- 0003242: [] instanceof does not work with java classes (ferg)
- 0003265: [] json_decode fails on some non-JSON string values (nam)
- 0003264: [] ReflectionFunction::invoke loses exception details (nam)
- 0003258: [] Object __toString is not being called when object is passed to Java module function (nam)
- 0003218: [] RuntimeException class not defined (nam)
- 0003254: [] Object __toString is not being called when object is passed to Java function (nam)
- 0003256: [] create_function logs the function text (nam)
- 0003245: [] Error is logged even when suppression is turned on (nam)
- 0003240: [] json_decode fails on string values (nam)
- 0003243: [] defined does not resovle ClassName::ConstantName (nam)
- 0003244: [] Array-to-integer comparison fails in compiled mode (nam)
- 0003225: [] Method static is getting reset (ferg)
- 0003233: [] constant does not resovle ClassName::ConstantName (nam)
- 0003141: [] __get() not firing on $object->objects["name"]->value (nam)
- 0003235: [] ReflectionMethod::getDeclaringClass() NPE in compiled mode (nam)
- 0003232: [] PostIncrement doesn't work when fields are accessed using magic getter and setter methods (nam)
- 0003164: [] resin_restore_state does not restore imported Java classes (nam)
- 0003224: [] Warning when character class is used in regular expression (nam)
- 0003223: [] __toString method not being called when object is used in string context (nam)
- 0003222: [] proc_open() return value does not test as a resource (nam)
- 0003219: [] ReflectionClass::getFileName() doesn't work (nam)
- 0003209: [] instanceof doesn't work with Exception subclasses (ferg)
- 0003210: [] array reference issue (ferg)
- 0003131: [] preg_match doesn't support Unicode character classes (ferg)
- 0003213: [] Subclasses don't get separate copies of superclass method statics (ferg)
- 0002913: [] quercus precompile load (ferg)
- 0003216: [] Can't conditionally define abstract classes (ferg)
- 0003203: [] SET NAMES 'utf-8', VARCHAR string truncation (ferg)
- 0003212: [] Array references not working (nam)
- 0003199: [] Static array passed as argument to function in another file loses copy-on-write in compiled mode (ferg)
- 0003201: [] json_decode fails on empty objects when creating associative arrays (ferg)
- 0003197: [] json_decode fails on empty objects (ferg)
- 0003200: [] Add profiling to quercus (ferg)
- 0003198: [] Multiple ^ subexpressions cause NPE in preg_match (ferg)
- 0003195: [] Anchored regexes take time proportional to subject string size (ferg)
- 0003189: [] json_decode fails on primitive values (nam)
- 0003186: [] Saved state doesn't include list of include_once files (nam)
- 0003184: [] NPE in base_convert when called with function return value (nam)
- 0003185: [] NPE after str_replace() in compiled mode (nam)
- 0003183: [] $GLOBALS implicit arrays disappear in compiled mode (nam)
- 0003182: [] NPE when adding array elements (nam)
- 0003169: [] APC doesn't handle circular object references (nam)
- 0003181: [] Unserialize failure - unserialization of references (nam)
- 0003179: [] Assignment with comparison operator fails to compile (ferg)
- 0003180: [] class_exists() throws exception when class doesn't exist (ferg)
- 0003176: [] $GLOBALS array elements cause NPE when accessed (ferg)
- 0003171: [] Can't read compressed file (ferg)
- 0003167: [] NPE when calling Java class (ferg)
- 0003168: [] $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] gets reset between .php files (ferg)
- 0003170: [] Calling stream_get_meta_data() logs a message to error log (ferg)
- 0003165: [] resin_restore_state doesn't reset static variables (ferg)
- 0003155: [] Can't access static member of superclass declared after subclass (ferg)
- 0003163: [] Multiple expressions in "for" cause compile failure (ferg)
- 0003160: [] Array ref not preserved (ferg)
- 0003157: [] unset() of local variable fails to compile (ferg)
- 0003159: [] Chained assignment of string expression won't compile (nam)
- 0003152: [] Postincrement in method call fails to compile (nam)
- 0003158: [] Wrong type passed to array_slice() causes compile failure (nam)
- 0003162: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when loading classes, round 2 (nam)
- 0003154: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when loading classes (nam)
- 0003153: [] Character index fails to compile (nam)
- 0003148: [] 'get_declared_classes' function does not show user-defined classes (nam)
- 0003151: [] state save/restore (ferg)
- 0003138: [] Integer variable assignment in argument list won't compile (nam)
- 0003137: [] Chained assignment won't compile (nam)
- 0003146: [] array_shift() removes wrong element (ferg)
- 0003139: [] Variable assignment in array constructor won't compile (ferg)
- 0003145: [] Build failure on latest svn code (nam)
- 0003135: [] call_user_func and call_user_func_array don't support dynamic methods (nam)
- 0003134: [] json_decode throws exception on empty input (nam)
- 0003132: [] property_exists not implemented (nam)
- 0003130: [] array_fill() should copy, not reference, values (nam)
- 0003129: [] parse_url() ignores second argument (nam)
- 0003128: [] $GLOBALS elements go missing when it is used as an argument (nam)
- 0003140: [] $_GET doesn't split key-only parameters apart (nam)
- 0003127: [] array_chunk() uses keys instead of values in result (nam)
- 0003123: [] var_export doesn't work on objects (nam)
- 0003105: [] curl_setopt_array doesn't work for multiple options (nam)
- 0003104: [] curl_getinfo doesn't support default behavior (nam)
- 0003103: [] func_get_args() NPE in compiled mode (ferg)

Quercus - 3.1.8
- 0002991: [] repeated compilation of PHP page (ferg)

Quercus - 3.2.1
- 0002981: [] include performance issues (ferg)
- 0002990: [] Result of multilevel array assignment is array, not assigned value, in compiled mode (nam)
- 0002986: [] Array expression fails to compile (nam)
- 0002973: [] Call-time pass by reference returns screwy results from substr() (nam)
- 0002972: [] printf() decimal format specifier doesn't work (nam)
- 0002975: [] DOMImplementation creates XML parsers instead of HTML. (nam)
- 0002886: [] Type hints: "not null" arguments are not checked on function call (ferg)
- 0002929: [] moodle support (nam)
- 0002948: [] Can't mix key/value and nonkeyed array autoinitialization (nam)
- 0002944: [] stream_get_meta_data doesn't indicate read timeout (ferg)
- 0002946: [] Can't add elements to array (ferg)
- 0002892: [] DokuWiki 2008-05-05 causes StackOverflow (ferg)
- 0002943: [] preg_replace doesn't deal properly with empty subexpression
- 0002755: [] str_replace/regexp issue (ferg)
- 0002255: [] iconv() doesn't support target encoding modifier (nam)
- 0002942: [] mb_check_encoding not implemented (nam)
- 0002940: [] String modifications leak across invocations in compiled mode (ferg)
- 0002933: [] Static class method can't access private instance fields (nam)
- 0002931: [] php_uname() returns dummy values (ferg)
- 0002934: [] Modified local array variable value lost when leaving "try" block in compiled mode (ferg)
- 0002935: [] Java method is passed a Value in interpreted mode and a Var in compiled mode (ferg)
- 0002932: [] Casting array to object drops numeric keys (ferg)
- 0002926: [] Changes to .php files are ignored after first reload (ferg)
- 0002930: [] array_fill_keys() needs to copy, not reference, values (nam)
- 0002927: [] Dynamic method calls don't work with more than 5 arguments (ferg)
- 0002868: [] mb_detect_encoding not implemented in Quercus (nam)
- 0002922: [] "(variable name) is not analyzed" error (ferg)
- 0002919: [] Compile error when defining fallback implementation of apc_fetch (ferg)
- 0002920: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in (ferg)
- 0002417: [] Destructors not run on PHP classes (ferg)
- 0002918: [] Defining function in switch statement causes UnsupportedOperationException (ferg)
- 0002217: [] Quercus should run without original php scripts (ferg)
- 0002915: [] Loading class definitions is slow (ferg)
- 0002907: [] Regex option 'A' ignored (nam)
- 0002914: [] PDO functions for Zend Framework (nam)
- 0002887: [] Dynamic members do not work properly (nam)
- 0002552: [] phpmyvisites (web analytics) does not show images correctly (ferg)
- 0002506: [] PostgreSQL support for Gallery (ferg)
- 0002721: [] mysql connection pool connections are not being put back into the pool when used in PHP (quercus) (ferg)
- 0002546: [] resin-3.1.s080320, postgres 8.2.6, postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc4, mediawiki-1.11.1 fails (ferg)
- 0002561: [] resin-3.1.s080320, phpMyAdmin, quercus crypto exceptions (ferg)
- 0002697: [] [PATCH] unserialize does not work properly with lot of dereferencing (nam)
- 0002911: [] Calling mysql_close() twice results in NPE (nam)
- 0002895: [] unserialize error (nam)
- 0002910: [] Quercus serialize/unserialize doesn't recognize protected and private field markers (nam)
- 0002889: [] in_array strictness (CodeIgniter) (ferg)
- 0002880: [] MySQL code assumes only one database name is ever used (nam)
- 0002097: [] gallery2 tmp files always increasing (ferg)
- 0002877: [] Add option to disable database connection pooling (nam)
- 0002158: [] Bad line numbers in backtraces in compiled mode (ferg)
- 0001154: [] debug_backtrace() doesn't include function arguments (ferg)
- 0002072: [] Quercus security enhancements as a scripting language (ferg)
- 0002902: [] Curl NPE with OpenID WordPress plugin (ferg)
- 0001774: [] full stack trace not printed (Exception::trace) (ferg)
- 0002709: [] quercus script leak
- 0002092: [] json_encode (or another part of the Resin system) should return UTF-8 - maybe (ferg)
- 0000844: [] PEAR Not implemented (ferg)
- 0002865: [] Wordpress admin problem (nam)
- 0002905: [] Username and password not used when connection pooling turned off (nam)
- 0002901: [] Can't use "continue" any more (nam)
- 0002882: [] Class method can't access private array field (nam)
- 0002881: [] long2ip() not implemented (nam)
- 0002884: [] Quercus program cache is too small for large code bases (nam)
- 0002879: [] Bogus "break" causes compilation failure (nam)
- 0002861: [] diskfreespace(.) always return 0 (nam)
- 0002874: [] $object->x->x does not trigger __get in array define (nam)
- 0002873: [] $this->x does not trigger __get and trigger __set twice (nam)
- 0002876: [] APC-cached objects' classes are assigned at store, not at fetch (nam)
- 0002156: [] Compile fails on unreachable code (ferg)
- 0000642: [] type hinting (ferg)
- 0000585: [] private not hidden... (ferg)
- 0002857: [] Can't compile class with magic set/get/call methods (nam)
- 0002852: [] OpenID WordPress plugin (nam)
- 0002302: [] Joomla 1.5 not working (nam)
- 0002854: [] WordPress stats problem (nam)
- 0002851: [] Can't compile class with abstract method (nam)
- 0002850: [] Can't compile function that calls func_get_args() (nam)
- 0001011: [] SugarCRM (nam)
- 0002664: [] WordPress 2.0.11 and 2.5.1 installers get stuck in step 2 (nam)
- 0002837: [] argument by reference and self:: (nam)
- 0002835: [] $value = ereg_replace("(\r\n|\n|\r)$", '', $value); does not remove line breaks on Resin (nam)
- 0002828: [] DotClear 2 doesn't work (spl_autoload_register()) (nam)
- 0002811: [] db operation not allowed after ResultSet closed (FormTools) (nam)
- 0002836: [] call_user_func and class method (ferg)
- 0002125: [] Integer from MySQL query disappears on array append operation (ferg)
- 0002830: [] Conditional function definition fails to compile (nam)
- 0002833: [] apc_cache_info() doesn't respect "limited" parameter (patch included) (ferg)
- 0002754: [] mail with null "to" attribute (ferg)
- 0002805: [] Wordpress subscribe2 plugin does not work (nam)
- 0002649: [] PHP Session Cookies Are Not Handled Correctly By Safari Browser (ferg)
- 0002812: [] $$object->foo() variable variable eval errors (ferg)
- 0002806: [] log all PHP errors regardless of user error handling (ferg)
- 0002820: [] image color codes incorrect (ferg)
- 0002817: [] Color codes not rendered correctly (ferg)

Quercus - 3.2.0
- 0002406: [] phpbb3 throwing exception when connecting to oracle db (oci_new_connect) (ferg)
- 0002673: [] JpGraph issue (imagestringup) (ferg)
- 0002795: [] Using Quercus with symfony under Glassfish/Tomcat (nam)
- 0001974: [] SPL implementation incomplete (ferg)
- 0002741: [] request->getParameter sometimes missing (ferg)
- 0002400: [] oci_connect - java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver to DataSource (ferg)
- 0002753: [] postgres driver (ferg)
- 0002800: [] Pages not found in a standard Wordpress installation (nam)
- 0002762: [] curl callback support (nam)
- 0002788: [] class_implements is missing (nam)
- 0002752: [] setlocale not working properly (nam)
- 0002771: [] quercus sprinf and hence DoublePrintfSegment.apply applies local to format-conversion (nam)
- 0002776: [] web.xml sample init-param is incorrect (nam)
- 0002769: [] StringModule/sha1+md5 does not support raw output (nam)
- 0002761: [] glob() doesn't work as in mod_php (nam)
- 0002758: [] Starting the session (nam)
- 0002742: [] include. include_once don't return a Boolean value (nam)
- 0002717: [] php://input for drupal (nam)
- 0002362: [] When extending a built-in class (DOMXPath), parent constructor never gets called (nam)
- 0002175: [] realpath() cannot handle symlinks (ferg)
- 0002398: [] Cannot extend SPL ArrayObject (ferg)
- 0002489: [] Auth_OpenID_MySQLStore::Auth_OpenID_MySQLStore is an unknown method (Wordpress OpenID plugin) (ferg)
- 0001472: [] OutOfMemoryError with OCIFetchStatement (ferg)
- 0002063: [] SQL Server stored procedures does not work with PDO (ferg)
- 0000708: [] user connection functions (ferg)
- 0002666: [] SilverStripe 2.2.1 installer does not work with Quercus (ferg)
- 0002367: [] spl_autoload does not exist in this PHP installation (ferg)
- 0001770: [] $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and "php://input" streamnot implemented (nam)
- 0002657: [] PHP foreach fails when iterating over a Java list: java.lang.InstantiationException (ferg)
- 0002520: [] mysql_fetch_field / mysqli_fetch_fields; using DB name instead of Table name (ferg)
- 0002541: [] mysql fetch_field with DESCRIBE (ferg)
- 0002676: [] mysql multibyte character-set problem (ferg)
- 0002589: [] Charset Settings Not Respected When Connecting to MySQL (ferg)
- 0002606: [] ResultSet columns of type LONGVARCHAR do not hande unicode characters correctly (nam)
- 0002267: [] PDO bind problem (ferg)
- 0002679: [] php://input for drupal (nam)
- 0002690: [] allow_url_include (nam)
- 0002493: [] add enum marshal (ferg)
- 0002680: [] XML BOM prolog not handled properly by XML parsers (ferg)
- 0002699: [] [PATCH] added _SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] and _SERVER['PATH_AUTH_USER'] (ferg)
- 0002696: [] apc_cache_info() doesn't return contents of APC (ferg)
- 0002698: [] APC size is not tunable (ferg)
- 0001398: [] imagettftext and imagefttext not working properly. (ferg)
- 0002197: [] imagettfbbox not implemented (ferg)
- 0002547: [] Doesn't work with adodb_lite (ferg)
- 0001503: [] xml_parser_set_option (): XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING 0 is ignored (ferg)
- 0002678: [] NPE in StaticMethodCall (drupal) (ferg)
- 0002218: [] XMLWriter not implemented (ferg)
- 0002122: [] hash module not implemented (ferg)
- 0002688: [] Type casting fails. (nam)
- 0002677: [] unserialize exception from drupal (nam)
- 0002622: [] serialize/unserialize do not handle references (nam)
- 0002663: [] Seagull 0.6.4 does not work (ferg)
- 0002196: [] Excessive .class file access when previously compiled PHP classes accessed (ferg)
- 0002609: [] [MySQL] assigning empty value to datetime column silently fails (ferg)
- 0002661: [] Null Pointer Exception Loading php.ini file (nam)
- 0002491: [] pg_result_error() - argument length mismatch (Drupal 5.7 install) (ferg)
- 0002550: [] PHP5 singleton example not working the same as Apache module php 5 (ferg)
- 0002303: [] compiled mode - variable declared without right-hand-side causes NPE (ferg)
- 0002259: [] Can't unset a global from inside a function (ferg)
- 0002432: [] Can't run/install ProjectPier on Quercus. (ferg)
- 0002620: [] phpmyadmin complains that configuration file is world writable (ferg)
- 0002616: [] UnciodeModule fails when javax.mail jar is not found (nam)
- 0002436: [] ctype not implemented (for app Prado) (ferg)
- 0002658: [] Can't use class variable as RHS of instanceof operator (nam)

Quercus - 3.1.7
- 0002671: [] BUG #0001497 has reappeared somewhere between 3.1.1 (working) and 3.1.6(Not working) (ferg)
- 0002449: [] Drupal - incorrect output with panels module and views module enabled (nam)
- 0002575: [] compress_handler missing (ferg)
- 0002192: [] PHP function spl_autoload_register not implemented (ferg)
- 0002590: [] 'Array' is an unknown function with Zend Framework (ferg)

Quercus - 3.1.6
- 0000649: [] ReflectionClass (nam)
- 0002076: [] wikipedia image display (ferg)
- 0002377: [] resin-3.1.s080126, mediawiki 1.11.0, fails after some use (nam)
- 0002595: [] NoClassDefFoundError and Truncated Class errors on modified files
- 0002090: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseFacade.sendRedirect( (nam)
- 0002592: [] Comprehensive testing of import/export functionality in MediaWiki (ferg)
- 0002629: [] Can't insert or update records in phpMyAdmin due to NullPointerException (nam)
- 0002645: [] NPE in quercus _caucho_is_modified on (ferg)
- 0002614: [] regexp (?i) ... (ferg)
- 0002598: [] NullPointerException in rss importer (Pligg 9.9.0) (nam)
- 0002587: [] serialize() does not work on a callback function (Wordpress) (nam)
- 0002603: [] php fopen urls not working (ferg)
- 0002605: [] php.ini file path is not relative to application root (ferg)
- 0002508: [] var_dump should support multiple arguments (ferg)
- 0002232: [] phpBB3 does not work anymore with compile=true (nam)
- 0002607: [] StringBuilderValuer.append(Reader reader, long length) fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException (nam)
- 0002597: [] DOM Module does not expose predefined constants (nam)
- 0002554: [] Script time out when using Quercus (nam)
- 0002569: [] json implementation issues (ferg)
- 0002574: [] pligg: xml_get_current_line_number (ferg)
- 0002604: [] MediaWiki import xml_get_current_column_number' is an unknown function (ferg)
- 0002560: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in set_error_handler (nam)
- 0002591: [] xml_set_element_handler causes .QuercusClass.findFunctionLowerCase unimplemend exception
- 0002553: [] OutOfMemoryError in phpBB3 on database restore (mo)
- 0002312: [] Execute php script with cron task (ferg)
- 0002539: [] a zero value Double or Float Value type should return "0" when converted to String (nam)
- 0002543: [] Assignment not working properly? (nam)
- 0002542: [] pligg dangling connection errors (ferg)
- 0002526: [] quercus regexp issue (ferg)
- 0002518: [] ZendFramework parse problem in Session.php (nam)
- 0002488: [] 'break' outside of loop should give Fatal Error instead of a compile error (Wordpress' OpenID plugin) (nam)
- 0002487: [] include_once() causes StackOverflowError (Wordpress' OpenID plugin) (nam)
- 0002516: [] Pligg login error due to incorrect cookie handling (mo)
- 0002496: [] Memcache missing delete (and other) methods (nam)
- 0002495: [] strpos is broken (nam)
- 0001959: [] continue <levels>; not supported (used by drupal views module) (nam)
- 0002341: [] Pligg error looking up contents of URL (mo)

Quercus - 3.1.5
- 0001962: [] Quercus (3.1.2) + Drupal (5.2) = no way to make non US-ASCII chars in form textareas working (mo)
- 0002307: [] Mediawiki exhaustive testing (mo)
- 0002453: [] Make PDO less strict when looking up a Java data source (nam)
- 0002450: [] array_pop returns false when it should return null (nam)
- 0002440: [] implode() - argument length mismatch (nam)
- 0002166: [] java.lang.StackOverflowError when using __autoload(); (nam)
- 0002404: [] array_key_exists does not work with ArrayObject (nam)
- 0002393: [] mktime different behaviour (nam)
- 0002271: [] thinko in base_convert: doesn't always work for large bases (nam)
- 0002305: [] Wordpress exhaustive testing (nam)
- 0002399: [] new ReflectClass("string") and new ReflectClass($this) should both work (nam)
- 0002135: [] Drupal search problem (nam)
- 0002223: [] set_include_path after include/require does no work well (nam)
- 0002290: [] Fatal Error: 'sys_get_temp_dir' is an unknown function. (nam)
- 0002335: [] non-ascii characters in PHP identifier cause parser error
- 0002322: [] mediawiki: /wiki/includes/Skin.php:177: Fatal Error: Method call 'addMetadataLinks' is not allowed for a null value. (mo)
- 0002272: [] X/Y location of pressed area on form type image is incorrectly passed to the _POST variable (nam)
- 0002340: [] Evaluation license not working due to Quercus problem (nam)
- 0002348: [] htmlentities handled incorrecty between mod_php and quercus (nam)
- 0002356: [] strcmp function fails with comparing comparing empty strings with numbers (nam)
- 0002345: [] Cannot create a BigDecimal, seems to call wrong constructor (nam)
- 0002353: [] xml_parse_into_struct (nam)
- 0002350: [] appen string operation cannot be doen with a string is retreived from file_get_contents (nam)
- 0002338: [] oracle module reporting incorrect extension name (nam)
- 0002283: [] NPE with Pligg (mo)
- 0002321: [] mediawiki i18n (ferg)
- 0002293: [] drupal - table temp_search_sids already exists (CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE) (nam)
- 0002258: [] Assignment to reference variables sometimes breaks in compiled mode (ferg)
- 0002006: [] Drupal database installation info needs to be submitted twice (ferg)
- 0002252: [] PHP file edits not always detected (ferg)
- 0002146: [] "Name is too long to represent" error when compiling large PHP file (ferg)
- 0002257: [] dynamic idoim fails in quercus (ferg)
- 0002184: [] IllegalStateException from query on closed connection (ferg)
- 0002251: [] Bit operators do not do implicit string to integer conversion (ferg)
- 0002253: [] Static class variables leak across concurrent requests (ferg)
- 0002181: [] Autoconf-generated files are tracked in svn (ferg)
- 0002254: [] Can't call array_key_exists() on a Java Map (ferg)

Quercus - 3.1.4
- 0002220: [] phpinfo() HTML output bug (mo)
- 0002219: [] <environment-system-properties> in 3.1
- 0002211: [] NullPointerException for urlencode(NULL) (nam)
- 0002208: [] java.util.Map elements cannot be passed functions (nam)
- 0002207: [] QuercusScriptEngine - UnsupportedOperationException from parsing errors (nam)
- 0002206: [] NullPointerException in websphere (nam)
- 0002179: [] phpBB3RC7 problem with CAPTCHA (visual confirmation) (nam)
- 0002198: [] strtr() is very slow with an array of replacements (nam)
- 0002185: [] Excessive .class file access when PHP classes accessed (ferg)
- 0002182: [] Minor logic bug in Env.getConnection() (nam)
- 0002183: [] Log spew when fsockopen() connection is refused (nam)
- 0002190: [] unpack() returns incorrectly indexed array (nam)
- 0002191: [] substr_compare() not implemented (nam)
- 0002186: [] microtime() is only millisecond-accurate (nam)
- 0001966: [] Drupal 5.2 + locale module + Swedish translation => StackOverflowError
- 0001955: [] resin-3.1.s070710, drupal 5.2, postgres (mo)
- 0002159: [] "*" at the end of a comment line causes line number to double-increment (nam)
- 0002163: [] mktime (nam)
- 0002105: [] phpPgAdmin not working with quercus (mo)
- 0002083: [] java.util.Date to integer conversion (nam)
- 0002148: [] mysql_stat() argument is supposed to be optional (nam)
- 0001980: [] PHP DOM (nam)
- 0001902: [] sscanf BROKEN (nam)
- 0002162: [] phpBB3 RC7 cannot display any forum because ACLs are broken (nam)
- 0002141: [] phpBB2 doesn't work anymore with Resin 3.1.3 Pro and non-Pro (nam)
- 0002152: [] phpBB2 profile update doesn't work with Resin 3.1.x (compile=false) (nam)
- 0002151: [] phpBB2 login or register don't work under Resin Pro 3.1.3 (nam)
- 0002144: [] mysql_connect() fails in Pro (ferg)
- 0002139: [] Compile fails with undefined symbol (ferg)
- 0002134: [] Exception subclasses not caught (ferg)
- 0002116: [] DOMXPath - not implemented (nam)
- 0002128: [] mysql_query() doesn't report connection loss to application (ferg)
- 0002108: [] PHPMyAdmin fails with NullPointerException (mo)
- 0002089: [] java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unknown inline modifier near index 10 &#(x)?0*(?(1)27|39);? (ferg)
- 0002120: [] fwrite() on socket doesn't write data (ferg)
- 0002121: [] Can't store Java-generated objects in APC (ferg)
- 0001991: [] Cannot run phpBB3RC5 (mo)
- 0002119: [] Binary values get altered when concatenated to a string (ferg)
- 0002126: [] 8-bit values in MySQL results are corrupted (ferg)
- 0002124: [] Valid PHP regex not accepted by preg_replace() (ferg)
- 0002079: [] array_keys() fails for $GLOBAL (nam)
- 0002095: [] php ini value 32M read as 32b (nam)
- 0002096: [] need to get maximum script execution time from ini "max_execution_time" (nam)
- 0002109: [] ClassCastException when mysql server is not running (nam)
- 0002101: [] file_get_contents() is very slow on large files (ferg)
- 0002102: [] Resource usage functions undefined (ferg)
- 0002103: [] mysql_close() on a remotely-closed connection causes an attempted connection to localhost (ferg)
- 0002094: [] Null pointer exception in Env.getConnection() (ferg)
- 0002091: [] Output buffering goes into infinite loop if output exceeds a certain size (ferg)
- 0002093: [] Null pointer exception in Env.getConnection() (ferg)
- 0002074: [] MySQL client trying to connect to localhost, not real DB server, on reconnect (ferg)
- 0002084: [] Class can't implement ArrayAccess (ferg)
- 0002067: [] Script time out when usiong Quercus CLI (nam)
- 0002071: [] Check "^" operator (nam)
- 0002080: [] mysql_fetch_assoc() doesn't obey column aliases (ferg)
- 0001965: [] __get() and infinite loop (ferg)
- 0002075: [] mysql_connect() flags not effective (ferg)
- 0002061: [] <server-env> init option is not documented (nam)
- 0002060: [] fseek() not supported on a socket stream (mo)
- 0001903: [] ZendFramework 1.0.0 Feeds demo (ferg)
- 0001906: [] Amazon-search demo of the Zend Framework 1.0 does not work (ferg)
- 0001837: [] Mantis shows a stack trace instead of a proper error message (ferg)
- 0002068: [] Broken MySQL connections returned by mysql_connect() (ferg)
- 0001108: [] Need a way to set connection pool parameters on implicitly created connections (ferg)
- 0002059: [] sscanf() doesn't support filling in variables with scanned values (nam)
- 0002066: [] PHP fseek and ftell functions return incorrect values (mo)
- 0002069: [] Resolution in Bug 2052 does *not* work: RE: Quercus, Unicode, Drupal reporting PCRE version invalid (ferg)
- 0002058: [] sscanf() doesn't know "%d" (nam)
- 0002057: [] array_fill_keys() not implemented (nam)
- 0002056: [] Servlet Exception in create_function (nam)

Quercus - 3.1.3
- 0001659: [] Quercus on JBoss crashes on war undeployment (ferg)
- 0002202: [] Function str_replace has incorrect output for literal backslash in replacement (nam)
- 0000725: [] proc_ library not implemented (ferg)
- 0002023: [] 0 isn't handled as a BooleanValue (nam)
- 0001938: [] array data corrupt when using symfony framework (nam)
- 0001975: [] isset() returns false on Spyc-parsed array datastructure (ferg)
- 0001907: [] Extending PHP's ArrayObject does not work. (sam)
- 0002014: [] array_multisort with main key being non-numeric exhibts odd behavior (nam)
- 0001898: [] BinaryBuilderValue and InternStringValue toKey() produce different results for identical strings (ferg)
- 0002004: [] NullPointerException in (nam)
- 0001998: [] json_encode crashes encoding array (nam)
- 0001979: [] array_search regression in latest resin snapshot
- 0001994: [] Resin-3.1.s070827, Drupal 5.2, IllegalRegexpException (nam)
- 0001935: [] Backreferences in regexps broken in Quercus/Resin 3.1.2 (nam)
- 0001872: [] regex conditionals for Wordpress 2.2.1 (nam)
- 0001987: [] Can't run phpBB2.0.22 in Resin Pro (nam)
- 0001956: [] Form field with quoted string is wrongly escaped (nam)
- 0001961: [] non US-ASCII chars inside comments results in a failure (BIS) (nam)
- 0001963: [] return new self(...) fails (nam)
- 0001983: [] incorrect MySQL table metadata for altered/dropped tables (nam)
- 0001981: [] SimpleXML DOCTYPE issue
- 0001977: [] curl CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER option not working (nam)
- 0001978: [] CURL error code values do not match PHP (nam)
- 0001923: [] make QuercusServlet available to php scripts (nam)
- 0001958: [] Don't print warnings about unsupported ini values if set to default (nam)
- 0001950: [] Bug in FileInputOutput.isEOF() (nam)
- 0001940: [] method rawurlencode() differs slightly to PHP implementation (nam)
- 0001936: [] Cannot send response error with Quercus (nam)
- 0000628: [] warning for if ($foo = 3) (nam)
- 0001772: [] Tomcat 5.5.23 - 'RequestFacade' class definition not found (nam)
- 0001922: [] glob() returning wrong value on NO MATCH (nam)
- 0001920: [] curl_init() - NullPointerException (nam)
- 0001859: [] JSR223: mysql_connect: Can't find database for driver (nam)
- 0001919: [] mcrypt_get_iv_size does not appear to be implemented? (nam)
- 0001914: [] Quercus not running properly under jrunscript (jdk6) and ScriptEngineManager (nam)
- 0001873: [] date functions need review (nam)
- 0001900: [] ZendFramework 'setUri' is not allowed for a null value (sam)
- 0001901: [] interface_exists not implemented (sam)
- 0001895: [] require_once() does not look through the include paths (sam)
- 0001860: [] imagepng() - illegal utf8 encoding (nam)
- 0001875: [] making geshi run: preg_quote and string comparison problems (svn snapshot 2834) (nam)
- 0001885: [] An url which contains a reference to a .php file that does not exists causes Quercus to throw a 500 Servlet Exception (sam)

Quercus - 3.1.2
- 0001886: [] Assignments to function parameters cause local variables to be created which shadow the parameters ONLY IN COMPILED PHP (sam)
- 0001864: [] mediawiki 1.10, illegal utf8 encoding, resin 3.1-snapshot-20070710 (nam)
- 0001850: [] comparing an empty string and a string containg the 0 character in PHP
- 0001849: [] Postgres/MediaWiki issue method call 'getText' is not allowed for a null value (sam)
- 0001812: [] exec(), shell_exec(), popen(), proc_open() needs review (nam)
- 0001562: [] Problem with back references to subpatterns in preg_match_all (sam)
- 0001776: [] $request->getSession() (sam)
- 0001811: [] zend framework parsing error (sam)
- 0001800: [] pligg PHP application (sam)
- 0001721: [] idate() is unimplemented (nam)
- 0001809: [] date() day of the week format ('w') is off by 1 (nam)
- 0001798: [] Env.error() should throw an exception besides a QuercusExitException (nam)
- 0001797: [] headers_list() not implemented
- 0001749: [] IllegalStateException running mediawiki (nam)
- 0001262: [] get_included_files not implemented (nam)
- 0000646: [] Iterator interface (nam)
- 0001790: [] php code in drupal content causes exception (nam)
- 0001729: [] simple php code markers don't work without a blank (ferg)
- 0001773: [] Exceptions should be thrown for accessing members from static context (nam)
- 0001638: [] PHP MoBs - unserialize limits (nam)
- 0001459: [] php sort function doesn't work with objects as array elements (nam)
- 0001455: [] Need a way to catch Java Exceptions in PHP (nam)
- 0001712: [] should not append strings if either one is empty (nam)
- 0001639: [] PHP MoBs - XSS for phpinfo (nam)
- 0001763: [] When I used ob_get_contents, a Mojibake occurs
- 0001755: [] print unicode string between ob_start() and ob_end* make Garbage Output
- 0001752: [] simplexml needs review (nam)
- 0001744: [] gallery 2.1 Warning: Assertion "!empty($key)" failed
- 0001745: [] MediaWiki file upload parent directory does not exist (sam)
- 0001756: [] ip2long() NullPointerException (nam)
- 0001738: [] Unclosed character class error in PhpMyAdmin (nam)
- 0001731: [] Quercus produces invalid Java code (nam)
- 0001728: [] Quercus: bug in isset() (nam)
- 0001732: [] $_POST was overwrited by querystring (nam)

Quercus - 3.1.1
- 0001727: [] Wordpress blog view fails after install (nam)
- 0001726: [] Quercus does not work with Qcodo (nam)
- 0001404: [] Problem using Java Objects within Quercus (nam)
- 0001492: [] Mysql Driver Metadata (nam)
- 0001471: [] OCIFetchInto (nam)
- 0001699: [] NPE in com.caucho.quercus.lib.db.OracleModule.oci_error( (nam)
- 0001256: [] Can't do error suppression on void functions (nam)
- 0001620: [] Resin does not work with PostgreSQL database (nam)
- 0001667: [] including a quercus page in Tomcat/Glassfish leads to IllegalStateException (nam)
- 0001411: [] mysqli accessed using object-oriented style does not work for insert_id or num_rows (nam)
- 0001713: [] rawurlencode(NULL) throws unexpected NullPointerException (nam)
- 0001719: [] Thread race when com.caucho.quercus.env.DefinitionState (nam)
- 0001720: [] Resource leak prevents stress testing (nam)
- 0001714: [] preg_grep("//", NULL) throws unexpected NullPointerException (nam)
- 0001717: [] Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in preg_split (nam)
- 0001705: [] problems with preg_split() results when using sub patterns and branches (nam)
- 0001696: [] session_start() generates cookies with null domain (nam)
- 0001703: [] Not all named subpattern matches can be indexed by name in array set by preg_match_all() (nam)
- 0001685: [] Smarty causes NullPointerException (nam)
- 0001682: [] Quercus: print_r() ignores return parameter (nam)
- 0001673: [] Quercus preg_split() result differs from PHP's when using PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE (nam)
- 0001675: [] php include throws NullPointerException (nam)
- 0001666: [] Parsing error (in CakePHP controller.php script) (nam)
- 0001671: [] allow php classes to extend Java classes (nam)
- 0001655: [] LRU Hashcode NPE on new install in Tomcat (nam)
- 0001416: [] q_this issue with mediawiki (ferg)
- 0001656: [] compiled mode missing line numbers (nam)
- 0001658: [] Incompatibility in settype() (nam)
- 0001608: [] Quercus and code igniter (nam)
- 0001247: [] const and static field access is not possible from declaration of static fields (nam)
- 0001573: [] __FUNCTION__ keyword doesn't evaluate to function name (nam)
- 0001624: [] StackOverflowError when assigning a value to an instance variable from __set() (nam)
- 0001497: [] DB Connection Management error using Mysqli (nam)
- 0001649: [] PHP Function localeconv (nam)
- 0001644: [] Quercus: calling basename(null) causes NullPointerException (nam)
- 0001625: [] Quercus wiki i18n issue (nam)
- 0001368: [] Can't register to the Quercus forum (nam)
- 0001617: [] php does not get compiled (nam)
- 0001619: [] mediawiki null object (nam)
- 0001571: [] $_POST ARRAY NOT GETTING FILLED (nam)
- 0001385: [] PatternSyntaxException: Illegal/unsupported escape squence (Gallery2 install) (nam)
- 0001526: [] preg_match_all doesn't support PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE option (nam)
- 0001367: [] Add activeCollab to the supported PHP projects. (nam)
- 0001329: [] PatternSyntaxException Unknown inline modifier (nam)
- 0001533: [] Drupal 4.7.4 issues (nam)
- 0001504: [] flock isn't available (ferg)
- 0001397: [] Putting intval() around a SimpleXMLElement node returns a '1' (ferg)
- 0001535: [] init-param for Quercus (ferg)
- 0001405: [] false warning upon modifying conf (ferg)
- 0001443: [] PHP internal constant __CLASS__ is not defined. (ferg)
- 0001522: [] stream_set_blocking not implemented (ferg)

Quercus - 3.1.0
- 0001381: [] ini entry session.auto_start (nam)
- 0001378: [] Make quercus caucho AS independent solution (nam)
- 0001181: [] Command-line Quercus (nam)
- 0001439: [] Quercus standalone (nam)
- 0001264: [] Quercus ignores existing compiled classes (ferg)
- 0001517: [] FileModule.is_writable() throws NullPointerException (nam)
- 0001493: [] strpbrk() not defined (nam)
- 0001427: [] session_start in phpMyAdmin stops execution (nam)
- 0001502: [] stristr implementation seems to be buggy (nam)
- 0001494: [] Double negative assignment causes syntax error (nam)
- 0001444: [] Sending null as parameter from PHP to a Java class fails (ferg)
- 0001382: [] NullPointer if ini entry is blank (ferg)
- 0001339: [] exception_handler functions not implemented (ferg)
- 0001483: [] count() counts only array elements (ferg)
- 0001430: [] Quercus: file_exists (ferg)
- 0001401: [] mysqli_connect() does not return false when a connection is not made (ferg)
- 0001463: [] Method parameter conversion PHP->Java (nam)
- 0001473: [] quercus script engine issue (ferg)
- 0001400: [] MediaWiki install fails due to unimplemented function (ferg)
- 0001451: [] 0000804: oci* functions (ferg)
- 0001446: [] quercus: binarybuildervalue unsupport operation (nam)
- 0000730: [] curl_ library not implemented (nam)
- 0001422: [] $_SERVER missing user-defined server environment variables
- 0001261: [] realpath() doesn\'t strip trailing slash (ferg)
- 0000720: [] higlight_* functions (ferg)
- 0000724: [] getenv/putenv (nam)
- 0001383: [] file functions are not working with the value returned by fsockopen() (ferg)
- 0001388: [] SimpleXMLElement bug (ferg)
- 0001153: [] debug_backtrace() only works in interpreted mode (ferg)
- 0001320: [] MediaWiki error: expected ')' at 'Exception' (nam)
- 0000767: [] iconv not implemented (nam)

Quercus - 3.0.20
- 0000692: [] stream module functions not implemented (emil)
- 0000710: [] get_browser not implemented (nam)
- 0001257: [] in_array causes NumberFormatException (ferg)
- 0000884: [] php://stdout and php://stderr (emil)
- 0000655: [] pages don't get automatically recompiled if an included file is changed (ferg)
- 0001228: [] Accessing the HashMap return value from java module in PHP (ferg)
- 0001109: [] PHP-Java communication: access to complex structures. (ferg)
- 0001241: [] Lots of InstanceAlreadyExists exceptions when using MySQL from Quercus (ferg)
- 0001233: [] each() doesn't populate class member variables in recursive methods (ferg)
- 0000793: [] ini_get_all not implemented (nam)
- 0001252: [] mantis bt not checking user passwords when they login. (ferg)
- 0001231: [] is_subclass_of throws NullPointerException (nam)
- 0001061: [] class_exists useAutoload (nam)
- 0000942: [] MediaWiki rss feed causes NullPointerException (ferg)
- 0001232: [] extension_loaded() doesn't show tokenizer extension (ferg)
- 0000688: [] popen and pclose not implemented (emil)
- 0000629: [] fopen - verify and complete options (emil)
- 0001240: [] mediawiki/wordpress (ferg)
- 0001248: [] phpinfo() not implemented (ferg)
- 0001156: [] Function get_resource_type is missing (ferg)
- 0000634: [] flock (emil)
- 0000766: [] fnmatch not implemented (emil)
- 0001242: [] fopen() return value can't be passed into set_file_buffer() (ferg)
- 0001197: [] workpress issues (ferg)
- 0000746: [] token_get_all (ferg)
- 0001182: [] Need tokenizer extension (ferg)
- 0000747: [] token_name (ferg)
- 0001113: [] mysql_query() throws "Connection is not properly initialized" exception (ferg)
- 0001205: [] shell_exec is an unknown function (ferg)
- 0000838: [] Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 (ferg)
- 0001193: [] odd behavior in UTF-8 encoding/decoding (ferg)
- 0001176: [] "while (false)" produces non-compilable Java code (ferg)
- 0000691: [] get_meta_tags not implemented (emil)
- 0001194: [] Two running wrapper.pls after restart (ferg)
- 0001196: [] wordpress and mail (ferg)
- 0000992: [] register_long_arrays (ferg)
- 0000862: [] file_put_contents flags (ferg)
- 0000617: [] mail not implemented (ferg)
- 0000791: [] define_syslog_variables not implemented (ferg)
- 0000714: [] get_current_user not implemented (ferg)
- 0000700: [3.0.17] syslog not implemented (ferg)
- 0000699: [] openlog and closelog not implemented (ferg)
- 0000631: [] include_path for files (ferg)
- 0000621: [] add case-sensitive function option (ferg)
- 0001069: [] module provides syntax (sam)
- 0001216: [] reference to GLOBAL variable can not be set using variable variables (ferg)
- 0000669: [] enable-trans-sid not implemented (emil)
- 0000686: [] rewind not implemented (ferg)
- 0000685: [] fseek not implemented (ferg)
- 0000633: [] rewind, fseek, ftell (ferg)
- 0001180: [] Need is_subclass_of() (ferg)
- 0001177: [] Calling parent class method with more than 5 arguments using "parent::" results in bad Java code (ferg)
- 0001135: [] gallery2 (ferg)
- 0001178: [] set_time_limit() doesn't allow removing time limit (ferg)
- 0001179: [] Conversion of strings to integers leaves numbers in bad state in compiled code (ferg)
- 0001046: [] Sign up for mantis works but has servlet exception (megacz)
- 0000807: [] pg_ library (westrupp)
- 0000695: [] gzip library (ferg)
- 0000804: [] oci* functions (westrupp)
- 0001169: [] bug marshalling ArrayValue return type with ReturnNullAsFalse (ferg)
- 0001131: [] MySQL queries fail with ClassCastException (ferg)
- 0000641: [] per-class constants (ferg)
- 0000798: [] image* functions (megacz)
- 0000841: [] LVIII. Image Functions not implemented (megacz)
- 0001145: [] Can't call static method from static method using "self::" notation (ferg)
- 0001152: [] Need str_ireplace() (ferg)
- 0001155: [] Multidimensional array copies contain references to original array (ferg)
- 0001139: [] Compile failure with nonterminating while loop (ferg)
- 0001132: [] mktime() does not use local time zone (ferg)
- 0000799: [] image_type_to_mime_type (megacz)
- 0000645: [] __call special method (ferg)
- 0000638: [] __get and __set class methods (ferg)
- 0001140: [] Defined constants aren't evaluated (ferg)
- 0000644: [] abstract classes (ferg)
- 0000639: [] class final (ferg)
- 0000754: [] pack and unpack (ferg)
- 0001133: [] Quercus is a 32-bit PHP environment (ferg)
- 0001102: [] Need pack() and unpack() (ferg)
- 0001119: [] microtime() is only millisecond-accurate, is formatted incorrectly (w/patch) (ferg)
- 0001062: [] PHP 5 exceptions (ferg)
- 0000834: [] fsockopen (ferg)
- 0000709: [] debug_backtrace not implemented (ferg)
- 0000693: [] fsockopen not implemented (ferg)
- 0001121: [] Need exception support (ferg)
- 0001120: [] "try" keyword causes parse failure (ferg)
- 0001125: [] Numeric comparisons don't auto-cast strings (ferg)
- 0001123: [] Can't call Java method in "return" statement (ferg)
- 0001122: [] Compile failures (uncaught IOException) (ferg)
- 0001114: [] Can't use socket as array index (ferg)
- 0001115: [] fgets() on socket strips trailing cr/lf (ferg)
- 0001104: [] Need fsockopen() (ferg)
- 0001105: [] Need a way to set $_SERVER[] elements from per-host configuration (ferg)
- 0001101: [] Need debug_backtrace() (ferg)
- 0001098: [] Functions that throw exceptions don't compile (ferg)
- 0001099: [] Can't call static method from another class's static method (ferg)
- 0001107: [] <?php at head of script works, <?PHP doesn't (ferg)
- 0001093: [] Quercus floating point expressions lose fractional parts in interpreted mode (ferg)
- 0001100: [] Division or modulo expressions don't work as array indexes (ferg)
- 0001106: [] Modulo operator shouldn't return fractional values (ferg)
- 0001103: [] array_merge() doesn't deal properly with NULL argument (w/fix) (ferg)

Quercus - 3.0.19
- 0000697: [] assert not implemented (ferg)
- 0000640: [] class interface (ferg)
- 0000009: [] Need to implement an element in web.xml to point to a tradition php.ini file. (ferg)
- 0000858: [] javax.script support (ferg)
- 0000590: [] trying to impement gallery vsn 1.5.1 vias Quercus (ferg)
- 0000001: [] array_multisort is unimplemented
- 0000698: [] assert_options not implemented (ferg)
- 0000740: [] get_class_methods not implemented (pluhman)
- 0000741: [] get_class_vars not implemented (pluhman)
- 0000842: [] CXII. PDF Not implemented (ferg)
- 0000689: [] parse_ini_file not implemented (ferg)
- 0000723: [] *_version functions
- 0000978: [] ctype library
- 0000571: [] gzcompress not implemented (ferg)
- 0000673: [] track_errors not implemented (ferg)
- 0000756: [] quoted_printable_decode not implemented (ferg)
- 0000680: [3.0.17] readlink not implemented (ferg)
- 0000759: [] sql_regcase not implemented (ferg)
- 0000753: [] escapeshellarg (ferg)
- 0000651: [] escapeshellcommand (ferg)
- 0000716: [] getlastmod not implemented (ferg)
- 0000717: [] getmyinode not implemented (ferg)
- 0000718: [] getmyuid not implemented (ferg)
- 0000758: [] rawurldecode (ferg)
- 0000757: [] urlencode and urldecode (ferg)
- 0000681: [3.0.17] realpath not implemented (ferg)
- 0000687: [] lstat not implemented (ferg)
- 0000682: [3.0.17] filegroup not implemented (ferg)
- 0000684: [] umask not implemented (ferg)
- 0000770: [] easter_days not implemented (ferg)
- 0000769: [] easter_date not implemented (ferg)
- 0000831: [] gethostbyaddr not implemented (pluhman)
- 0000845: [] dl not implemented (ferg)
- 0000676: [3.0.17] env.stub("reason") (ferg)
- 0000832: [] gethostbyname and gethostbynamel not implemented (pluhman)
- 0000873: [] cryptic (token 560) error when using bare word (ferg)
- 0000755: [] pathinfo not implemented (ferg)
- 0000637: [] require, require_once, include_once (ferg)
- 0000620: [] PHP .asp style tags (ferg)
- 0000616: [] auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file not implemented (ferg)
- 0000618: [] QRE: ArrayValue is not a valid key (ferg)
- 0000531: [] $require should not be a reserved variable name (ferg)
- 0000601: [] checkdate not implemented (ferg)
- 0000584: [] JavaClass::someFunction() not implemented (ferg)

Quercus - 3.0.17
- 0000591: [] magic_quotes_gpc, marigc_quotes_runtime, magic_quotes_sybase not implemented (sam)
- 0000632: [] readfile (sam)

Quercus - 3.0.18
- 0000840: [] CLXVI. XML Parser Functions not implemented (creich)
- 0000613: [] switch case bad behaviour (ferg)
- 0000533: [] array_merge_recursive function is not implemented
- 0000764: [] mhash_ library
- 0000771: [] gettimeofday not implemented (sam)
- 0000784: [] base_convert not implemented (sam)
- 0000773: [] decbin not implemented (sam)
- 0000785: [] bindec not implemented (sam)
- 0000774: [] decoct not implemented (sam)
- 0000776: [] bcadd not implemented (sam)
- 0000867: [] substr_replace should accept array as first parameter (sam)
- 0000882: [] str_replace with array as subject (sam)
- 0000761: [] metaphone not implemented (sam)
- 0000762: [] soundex not implemented (sam)
- 0000881: [] fprintf not implemented (sam)
- 0000749: [] money_format (sam)
- 0000750: [] number_format (sam)
- 0000772: [] strftime not implemented (ferg)
- 0000816: [] xml_ library (creich)
- 0000874: [] strstr (sam)
- 0000760: [] stripcslashes not implemented (sam)
- 0000744: [] str_word_count not implemented (sam)
- 0000636: [] strtok (sam)
- 0000748: [] strcspn (sam)
- 0000745: [] substr_count (sam)
- 0000719: [] disk space functions (sam)
- 0000690: [] is_* file related calls not implemented (sam)
- 0000683: [] fileowner not implemented (sam)
- 0000610: [] version_compare('5.0',phpversion()) returns -1 (ferg)
- 0000648: [] __toString (ferg)
- 0000624: [] instanceof operator (ferg)
- 0000768: [] cal_days_in_month not implemented (ferg)
- 0000677: [3.0.17] sleep not implemented (ferg)
- 0000742: [] get_parent_class not implemented (ferg)
- 0000743: [] is_a not implemented (ferg)
- 0000625: [] settype not implemented (ferg)
- 0000626: [] is_scalar (ferg)
- 0000854: [] session library
- 0000575: [] Mantis signup issues (ferg)
- 0000739: [] import_request_variables not implemented (ferg)
- 0000792: [] ini_restore not implemented (ferg)
- 0000711: [] get_cfg_var not implemented (ferg)
- 0000630: [] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS (ferg)
- 0000788: [] restore_include_path not implemented (ferg)
- 0000789: [] set_include_path not implemented (ferg)
- 0000787: [] get_include_path not implemented (ferg)
- 0000658: [] $HTTP_SESSION_VARS not implemented (ferg)
- 0000657: [] session_register not implemented (ferg)
- 0000660: [] session.auto_start in php.ini unimplemented (ferg)
- 0000668: [] SID not implemented (ferg)
- 0000671: [] Mantis exception after trying to sign up for new account (ferg)
- 0000643: [] clone keyword (ferg)
- 0000623: [] superglobal list (ferg)
- 0000622: [] variable variables
- 0000470: [] Exception when adding a `Note' to a mantis bug report (ferg)
- 0000478: [] get_defined_constants not implemented (ferg)
- 0000806: [] getdate not implemented (ferg)
- 0000843: [] jump button doesn't work (ferg)
- 0000635: [] vprintf, vsprintf (ferg)
- 0000672: [] trigger_error or set_error_handler not working (ferg)
- 0000794: [] restore_error_handler not implemented (ferg)
- 0000670: [] mantis retrieve lost password throws exception
- 0000752: [] mantis `reset filter' issue (ferg)
- 0000627: [] intval needs implementation
- 0000675: [3.0.17] rand not implemented (ferg)
- 0000553: [] java.util.FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException (ferg)
- 0000647: [] var_export (ferg)
- 0000702: [] Not implemented ":" syntax for control structures
- 0000556: [] get_defined_functions is not implemented (ferg)
- 0000607: [] func_get_args should copy the values and not use references!
- 0000654: [] move_uploaded_file
- 0000653: [] is_uploaded_file
- 0000652: [] $_FILES
- 0000606: [] mcrypt library not implemented
- 0000611: [] NPE in mysql_fetch_field
- 0000612: [] round and warnings
- 0000604: [] salt for crypt not optional
- 0000510: [] include and include_once should be relative to the main php script
- 0000006: [] extract($_POST) does not work for arrays posted to a Quercus page (creich)
- 0000605: [] get_declared_classes needs implementing
- 0000512: [] incorrect handling of default parameters (wrong warning)
- 0000534: [] strtr implementation for array doesn't work
- 0000569: [] $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS not implemented (creich)
- 0000603: [] reg expression [[:alpha:]] not implemented
- 0000597: [] eregi and "^[[:alnum:]]+$"
- 0000536: [] alternative block syntax (if: else: endif: , etc) not supported
- 0000515: [] Quercus CVS access
- 0000593: [] getimagesize
- 0000511: [] session_set_save_handler is not implemented
- 0000529: [] setlocale is not implemented
- 0000563: [] $_SERVER is not read_only in the original php
- 0000586: [] Improper handling of associative array within double quotes
- 0000577: [] $PHP_SELF not implemented (creich)
- 0000573: [] register_shutdown_function not implemented (creich)
- 0000551: [] register_shutdown_function is not implemented
- 0000560: [] === for arrays is implemented like the java == but it should be implemented differently!
- 0000572: [] serialize / unserialize (creich)
- 0000559: [] print_r output for arrays not identical to original php
- 0000552: [] parse_str is not implemented
- 0000574: [] exec function is not implemented
- 0000568: [] method_exists not implemented (ferg)
- 0000554: [] java.sql.SQLException: No Database Selected using mysql_* functions
- 0000530: [] $or should not be reserved
- 0000537: [] $echo should not be a reserved variable name
- 0000548: [] Error in date function
- 0000555: [] serialize for array values add an unneeded ";" to the serialized value (and unserialize need it)

Resin - Change Log

Resin - 4.0.67
- 0006460: [] Some (arguably broken) HTTP headers cause unhandled errors (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.66
- 0006468: [] add config to limit scanning of TLDs in jars (ferg)
- 0006435: [] race condition in ScriptStackTrace causing 100% cpu usage (ferg)
- 0006386: [] watchdog_jvm_args property is not referenced by xml configs (ferg)
- 0006419: [] jsp el ${paramValues} is returning a map that is case-insensitive (ferg)
- 0006408: [] jsp jstl import tag is not encoding utf-8 characters correctly at end of 8192-byte buffer (ferg)
- 0006407: [] jdbc connection in transaction with exception (ferg)
- 0006400: [] windows setup.exe fails when reading registry Services (nam)
- 0006395: [] ConcurrentModificationException in DependencyContainer (ferg)
- 0006378: [] resinssl openssl EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crash on openjdk15 jdk15 (ferg)
- 0006373: [] add docs for private IP requirement of servers and config allow-non-reserved-ip (ferg)
- 0006374: [] resin restarting when health:SendMail fails (ferg)
- 0006343: [] add https ssl support to HttpProxy (ferg)
- 0006369: [] openssl_cipher_suite and openssl_chain_file are not referenced by xml files (ferg)
- 0006303: [] add docs for header-size-max and header-count-max (ferg)
- 0006359: [] add min-idle-count database config documentation (ferg)
- 0006362: [] update docs to require openssl 1.0.x branch (ferg)
- 0006330: [] update jmx admin doc for resin 4.0 (ferg)
- 0006332: [] add resin-web.xml to websocket example (ferg)
- 0006337: [] add reference documentation for port properties like port-thread-max (ferg)
- 0006360: [] memory issue (ferg)
- 0006329: [] resinctl restart throws OutOfMemoryError from relaxng (ferg)
- 0006327: [] add documentation for resin:password (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.65
- 0006322: [] watchdog starts up with 32bit jvm instead of 64bit on solaris (ferg)
- 0006350: [] JspPrecompileListener compiling tags multiple times (ferg)
- 0006339: [] Websocket sometimes sends duplicate first message (ferg)
- 0006355: [] access.log pattern "%b" (result content length) is incorrect for larger files (ferg)
- 0006336: [] add or remove documentation for isapi_srun.dll for IIS (ferg)
- 0006349: [] MultipartFormParser: Unable to upload file > 2147483647 Bytes (ferg)
- 0006352: [] add more logging for cloud rpc errors (ferg)
- 0006353: [] openssl docs is linking to spam site for win64 binary download (ferg)
- 0006318: [] add health system dumping of threads when there is an anomaly in request time (ferg)
- 0006346: [] add CONFIG or FINE logging for webapp startup sequence (ferg)
- 0006341: [] Show sessions in Resin Admin web-app even when host + web-app contains '.' or '/' (ferg)
- 0006333: [] add documentation for jsse cipher-suites-forbidden (ferg)
- 0006334: [] delete documentation for openssl cipher-suites-forbidden (ferg)
- 0006338: [] add logging for when ThreadPool2 taskQueue is full (ferg)
- 0006295: [] spring cannot find WebApplicationInitializer classes in the classpath when using resin cloud deploy (ferg)
- 0006314: [] add openssl support for tls 1.3 (ferg)
- 0006305: [] add access-log support for logging request parameters (ferg)
- 0006326: [] com.caucho.remote.websocket.WebSocketWriter transforms all IOExceptions into IllegalStateExceptions (ferg)
- 0006331: [] EventManager using Map.putIfAbsent() that is only availabe in JDK8+ (ferg)
- 0006304: [] docs for access-log format pattern for request attributes is missing attribute name (ferg)
- 0006316: [] openssl_protocol property does nothing (ferg)
- 0006317: [] openssl docs is incorrectly using tls1.1 instead of tlsv1.1 (ferg)
- 0006300: [] improve pdf-report downtime reporting at the beginning of the query range
- 0006308: [] Files with semicolon are not deliverable, and possibly wrong file is delivered (ferg)
- 0006311: [] jvm_classpath property does nothing (ferg)
- 0006302: [] add property for access log format to (ferg)
- 0006294: [] resin-admin thread tab fails with ConcurrentHashMap.keySet() error on JDK7 (ferg)
- 0006297: [] IntrospectionMBean should not wrap AttributeNotFoundException with a RuntimeException (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.64
- 0006272: [] update licenses doc (ferg)
- 0006255: [] ClusterRepository repository update failed warning log message every minute (ferg)
- 0006313: [] resinctl deploy is initializing the webapp twice (ferg)
- 0006325: [] JSSE should fall back to password if key-store-password is not set (nam)
- 0006320: [] add option for same-site cookie None value (nam)
- 0006307: [] expire-timeout health_log_expire_timeout typo in health.xml (nam)
- 0006293: [] resin still fails to start with javaagent on JDK11 (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.63
- 0006287: [] slow leak of thousands of resin-port-0-launcher threads - repost (ferg)
- 0006289: [] sessions are not saved to persistent storage for jsp pages with c:import tag (ferg)
- 0006288: [] pdf-report cli fails with ConcurrentHashMap NoSuchMethodError on JDK7 (ferg)
- 0006281: [] add documentation for hessian (ferg)
- 0006283: [] websocket throws exception when timing out from keepalive state (ferg)
- 0006270: [] add documentation for LogService config (ferg)
- 0006263: [] resin-admin-command-line.xtp available commands isn't up to date (ferg)
- 0006269: [] add openssl tag to reference doc (ferg)
- 0006282: [] New HttpsEmbed fails to initialise the JsseSSLFactory correctly. (ferg)
- 0006279: [] resin fails to start with javaagent on JDK11 (ferg)
- 0006276: [] HttpProxy URL encoding issue (ferg)
- 0006242: [] allow user to specify heap dump location in dashboard (ferg)
- 0006262: [] add doc for --elastic-server-port, --elastic-server-address, and --elastic-server-index (ferg)
- 0006265: [] log-handler Rollovers link is broken (ferg)
- 0006271: [] add health_log_expire_timeout to and health.xml (ferg)
- 0006268: [] JSP EL expression with get() and getBar() (ferg)
- 0006266: [] JDK11 missing javax.jws.WebService needed by Hessian service endpoints (ferg)
- 0006254: [] JDK7 NoSuchMethodError at TcpPort.close() when shutting down (ferg)
- 0006237: [] Feature-Request: Add a configurable default-value for Content-Type to FileServlet (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.62
- 0006218: [] add config for ScalingManager serverTimeout (ferg)
- 0006253: [] add certificate-chain-file to cluster-default.xml (ferg)
- 0006244: [] update database docs to use CDI instead of webbeans (ferg)
- 0006250: [] Hibernate validator throws NPE because AmberPersistenceProvider.getProviderUtil() returns null (ferg)
- 0006238: [] triad update issue on startup (ferg)
- 0006236: [] dynamic server conflict
- 0006235: [] add support for JSSE TrustManager in JsseSSLFactory for spring boot support (ferg)
- 0006233: [] JSSE KeyManagerFactory password can be different from KeyStore password for spring boot support (ferg)
- 0006234: [] add config for passing provider to JSSE KeyManagerFactory.getInstance() for spring boot support (ferg)
- 0006232: [] tcp-no-delay not set on Resin OpenSource (ferg)
- 0006227: [] resin.rnc FileNotFoundException when running embedded with spring-boot (ferg)
- 0006228: [] add for spring websocket support (ferg)
- 0006230: [] add getter for WebApp._mimeMapping field for spring boot support (ferg)
- 0006231: [] add getter for WebApp._localeMapping field for spring boot support (ferg)
- 0006224: [] add config to disable Server header for spring boot support (ferg)
- 0006223: [] 404 for META-INF/resources file when a jar in /webapp-jars is replaced with different name (ferg)
- 0006222: [] resin-admin: add units to time-based meters (ferg)
- 0006221: [] resin-admin Illegal reflective access warning from JDK10 (ferg)
- 0006216: [] allow option to assign a sessionId prefix to a dynamic server (ferg)
- 0006217: [] 500 Servlet Exception when .; appears in URL *not* directly after a / (ferg)
- 0006179: [] /usr/bin from install conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.2-25.el7.x86_64 on CentOS 7 (ferg)
- 0006193: [] Support Https for Resin Embed (ferg)
- 0006202: [] expose contents of resin.application-hash to JMX (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.61
- 0006213: [] Reopen #6212: FileServlet still uses HTML escaped URL in Location Header

Resin - 4.0.60
- 0006212: [] FileServlet must not use HTML escaped URL in Location header of sendRedirect (ferg)
- 0006211: [] admin meter graphs are ugly for locales that use a comma as the decimal point (nam)
- 0006207: [] ResinEmbed does not close server web socket connections on stop or destroy (ferg)
- 0006208: [] ResinEmbed.join never exits (ferg)
- 0006197: [] WebApp StartupTask should log message that task did not finish in time (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.59
- 0006200: [] DB allocation with shared XA, but closed peer connection (ferg)
- 0006195: [] Resin-data - git - objects folder size issue (ferg)
- 0006198: [] HttpProxy rewrite filter does not support UTF-8 URLs (ferg)
- 0006188: [] Cluster deployment failure (ferg)
- 0006190: [] openssl shutdown connection timing issues (ferg)
- 0006191: [] JSTL tag warning in embedded (ferg)
- 0006187: [] 501 response after 200 with python requests (ferg)
- 0006184: [] Path-based XSS in redirects from FileServlet
- 0006177: [] Deadlock starting ResinEmbed
- 0006180: [] Double quotes not set through web server (ferg)
- 0006181: [] SSL protocol update in Quercus (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.58
- 0006170: [] ByteCodeClassScanner fails for packages with JDK9 module-info.class files (ferg)
- 0006168: [] AsyncServlet Wake-up occasionally looses events (ferg)
- 0006171: [] <load-on-startup> retry logic customization (ferg)
- 0006169: [] Enable/Disable Openssl protocols from (ferg)
- 0006166: [] All threads associated with a port disappear (ferg)
- 0006172: [] request parameters not kept immutable (ferg)
- 0006167: [] cookie-same-site (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.57
- 0006162: [] Feature-Request: New rewrite condition such as <resin:IfProtocolVersion> for TLS Protocol Version (ferg)
- 0006140: [] Feature-Request: Possibility to add SameSite attribute to the Session Cookie? (ferg)
- 0006128: [] /resin-admin access from dynamic servers in a cluster (ferg)
- 0006159: [] Takes huge amount of time to start in a situation of having more than 20 web applications (ferg)
- 0006152: [] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'X' is an invalid server because it has the same IP:port as 'X' (ferg)
- 0006116: [] DependencyCheckWorker serves non-modified .jsp before serving new compiled .jsp (ferg)
- 0006157: [] java.lang.ClassCastException: ScalingPod (ferg)
- 0006121: [] Logging initialization issue on JDK 9 with scripting. (ferg)
- 0006156: [] quercus-env-timeout & quercus-timer threads not terminating completely (ferg)
- 0006154: [] ./configure fails on fedora 27 (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.17
- 0006126: [] Weak alarm can not be handled forever if there is no idle thread pool item (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.56
- 0006066: [] Session persistence and deserialization (ferg)
- 0006130: [] DB timing Java.lang.IllegalStateException: corrupted indirect block id (ferg)
- 0006149: [] a fault occurred in a recent unsafe memory access operation in compiled Java code (ferg)
- 0006151: [] com.caucho.server.hmux.HmuxRequest broken (ferg)
- 0006150: [] @Named("red.lion") vs @Named("red.tiger") (ferg)
- 0006124: [] SSL SNI Support for Resin 4 (ferg)
- 0005574: [] SSL with multiple domains (ferg)
- 0006113: [] Access-logging of TLS protocol version and used Cipher-Suite (ferg)
- 0006127: [] servlet-mapping only the first url-pattern works (ferg)
- 0006122: [] Doc update for Custom Access Log (ferg)
- 0006112: [] minGzipSize property (ferg)
- 0006082: [] JDBC 4.2 additions (ferg)
- 0006123: [] NPE in access log (ferg)
- 0006114: [] PDF report name timestamp does not match generated time (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.55
- 0006092: [] Unable to start as Windows service (ferg)
- 0006110: [] health_log_level, it is judged invalid in <resin: if> (ferg)
- 0006106: [] CompositeData MBean exception generated by Java 8 garbage collector filling up log (ferg)
- 0006107: [] Resin with Java 9 (ferg)
- 0006091: [] php/html files no longer recompiled upon modification through Quercus servlet (ferg)
- 0006096: [] <shutdown-wait-max> directive defaulting to ~10s instead of configured amount (ferg)
- 0006104: [] Servlet3 Programmatic login failure (ferg)
- 0006093: [] Failed to parse readRequest when HTTP GET request is too long. (ferg)
- 0006099: [] Exception: Can't allocate connection because the connection pool is closed (ferg)
- 0006102: [] <web-app expand-preserve-fileset="..."/> does not work (ferg)
- 0006103: [] openssl with missing password (ferg)
- 0006101: [] console/gui commands exit immediately (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.54
- 0006043: [] dynamic host issue with resin-admin (ferg)
- 0006071: [] Additional methods for jcache API & related hibernate errors (ferg)
- 0006079: [] HP UX 100% CPU on startup (ferg)
- 0006077: [] multipart/form-data caucho.multipart.form.error (ferg)
- 0006075: [] Vulnerable to Web Cache Deception Attack (ferg)
- 0006086: [] getResource with META-INF/resources issue (ferg)
- 0006076: [] Configuration of <error-page> for 400 Bad Request not working: Shows "unavailable due to ***an internal error***" (ferg)
- 0006087: [] Add support to Syslog Handler for formatted messages (ferg)
- 0006050: [] deployment issue from console
- 0006088: [] Dynamic server not recovering after a stop in a cluster (ferg)
- 0006081: [] jam-app-0.log rollover and compression (ferg)
- 0006056: [] Add CLI capability to check report status of deployed web-apps (ferg)
- 0006074: [] Resin Admin Null Pointer ( Quercus ) (ferg)
- 0006072: [] Hprof-path directory does not succeed if contains Drive letter (ferg)
- 0006054: [] mod_caucho drops request parameters when used behind a SSL termination (ferg)
- 0005915: [] CDI: Can't find a bean. Sporadic exception (ferg)
- 0005904: [] heartbeat reported off but servers are alive (ferg)
- 0006069: [] response.encodeRedirectURL strips Unicode characters > 32768 (ferg)
- 0006063: [] JSSE properties settings issues (ferg)
- 0006067: [] JSSE-SSL: <honor-cipher-order> ignored (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.53
- 0005951: [] 4.0.46 bad install over existing 4.0.37 (ferg)
- 0005979: [] Double start of application (ferg)
- 0006059: [] PHP is not reloaded after modification (ferg)
- 0006061: [] TempCharStream null pointer (ferg)
- 0006060: [] UnsupportedOperationException: com.caucho.bytecode.MethodTypeConstant (ferg)
- 0006055: [] Add log-level configuration to
- 0006058: [] NullPointerException @ buildInvocation( instead of 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.52
- 0006053: [] Resin database damage, cause the jvm-app-0.log very large, and then cause disk full (ferg)
- 0006026: [] rpm installation issue on RHEL 7 (ferg)
- 0006051: [] Diffie-Hellman group vulnerability (ferg)
- 0006041: [] com.caucho.jmx.MBeanView does not match wildcard queries (ferg)
- 0006037: [] ByteCodeParser with jdk8 constants (ferg)
- 0006042: [] JSP and PHP is not reloaded after modification
- 0006045: [] issue with mmap read
- 0006033: [] access.log rotation issue
- 0005920: [] access log not archived intermittently (ferg)
- 0006049: [] indirection through jndi:/server/<path> removes server
- 0006047: [] resin-data db corruption creates large log file, prevents restart (ferg)
- 0006044: [] stat_data.db startup time slow (ferg)
- 0006038: [] Access log broken data (ferg)
- 0005943: [] Dupliate Access-Log Entries when using host-level Redirect Rule with an IfMBeanEnabled condition
- 0006039: [] session saving issue with forward (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.51
- 0006019: [] JNI: Resin 4.0.48 db issue (ferg)
- 0006035: [] Cannot start a new instance using a domain account because of a mutex issue (ferg)
- 0006034: [] issue with database corruption (ferg)
- 0006028: [] NPE due to premature closing of request (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.50
- 0006027: [] ref #6009: Shutdown doesn't appear to give requests time to finish (ferg)
- 0006025: [] add ignore-lock (ferg)
- 0006023: [] NPE: tld discovery (ferg)
- 0006022: [] command jmx-list -operations NPE
- 0005990: [] IndexOutOfRangeException in Caucho.IIS.LoadBalancer.OpenServer (alex)
- 0005948: [] apr_pool_cleanup_register(config->web_pool, s, cse_cleanup_, NULL) at modules/c/src/common/stream.c:1848 cause segfalut (ferg)
- 0006021: [] JSTL Custom tag upper to lowercase (ferg)
- 0006002: [] add custom global error page for 503 service unavailable (ferg)
- 0005918: [] resin crashes on server shutdown on windows with openssl (ferg)
- 0005916: [] OPENSSL: SIGSEGV (ferg)
- 0006017: [] db pool issues when full (ferg)
- 0006020: [] defaults with persistent sessions on (ferg)
- 0005969: [] forward in include with context /foo (ferg)
- 0006008: [] resin:Forward at host level does not forward if @regexp matching context exists (ferg)
- 0006015: [] Allow server id be muted on error pages (ferg)
- 0006014: [] proxy-cache not showing updated files (nam)
- 0005957: [] Deployment of war file causes Java to use 100% CPU and Resin to crash (ferg)
- 0005989: [] Resin pauses for 30 or more seconds during startup performing some git operations (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.49
- 0005994: [] EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION under high load on windows x64, jdk7 x86 (ferg)
- 0005987: [] Disable the RC4 cipher in resin server (ferg)
- 0006001: [] frequent 503 with com.caucho.servlets.HttpProxyServlet (ferg)
- 0005942: [] Posted HTML input names with non-ASCII characters are interpreted wrong (ferg)
- 0005933: [] missing docs for web-app-deploy expand-preserve-fileset (ferg)
- 0005968: [] Resin Server Not starting (ferg)
- 0005974: [] GzipFilter causes ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED in case of exception in <jsp:include/> (ferg)
- 0005967: [] jdk6 compatibility (nio) (ferg)
- 0005988: [] argument -m to deploy isn't parsed correctly (ferg)
- 0005929: [] missing doc for rewrite:SetRequestSecure regexp and value (ferg)
- 0005978: [] Error in session database (ferg)
- 0005984: [] broken (ferg)
- 0005995: [] Deadlock occurred occasionally after start-up (ferg)
- 0005983: [] deploy-ls and deploy-cat commands are swapped (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.47
- 0005947: [] session corruption on restart: invalid type code 4B (ferg)
- 0005962: [] IllegalMonitorStateException saving sessions (ferg)
- 0005952: [] session load failure: LocalDataManager[app-0] unexpected load failure (ferg)
- 0005940: [] Resin requires JDK 8 to compile (ferg)
- 0005960: [] resin 4.0.46 Prohibited package name: java.nio.file (ferg)
- 0005959: [] resin 4.0.46 cannot run on jdk1.6 (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.46
- 0005936: [] JspTagSupport cannot be cast to javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag (ferg)
- 0005946: [] service resin stop leaves indexes invalid (ferg)
- 0005934: [] Allow non-public bean classes (alex)
- 0005939: [] JSSE: add support for SSLParameters.setUseCipherSuitesOrder(true) (alex)
- 0005944: [] DynamicClassLoader references held by JSP files (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.45
- 0005930: [] servlet getWriter() ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for large output (nam)
- 0005919: [] session.getAttribute not allowed in sessionDestroy (ferg)
- 0005923: [] remove modules/resin/org/springframework/instrument/classloading/LoadTimeWeaver (ferg)
- 0005927: [] The stack size specified is too small, Specify at least 264k. Could not create the Java virtual machine. (ferg)
- 0005893: [] init(final ServletConfig config) seems to be called more than once. (ferg)
- 0005914: [] JSP tag classes leaking (ferg)
- 0005903: [] web-tier topology update: invalid server because it has the same IP:port (ferg)
- 0005902: [] Shutdown:inode block c3a has 0 fragment (ferg)
- 0005906: [] support ciphers offering Forward Secrecy (ferg)
- 0005912: [] can't serialize session with java.lang.IllegalStateException: block Block (ferg)
- 0005913: [] IIS: Hmux: use HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name for CSE_REMOTE_USER (ferg)
- 0005901: [] Cannot compile tagged versions (ferg)
- 0005910: [] add health:metaspace tracking for java8 (ferg)
- 0005891: [] Cancelled ejb timers returned by getTimers() (ferg)
- 0005900: [] documentation typo in IIS web.config example file (ferg)
- 0005907: [] Images sent with wrong content type (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.43
- 0005830: [] Running Atmosphere within Resin 4 (ferg)
- 0005849: [] OpenSSL: error recovery (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.44
- 0005886: [] session loading issues (ferg)
- 0005884: [] jsse selfSignedCertificate should support Firefox and Chrome by default (alex)
- 0005885: [] jsse: selfsigned certificate (alex)
- 0005847: [] resin 3.1/4.0 isapi_srun logs 200 when unable to connect to backend (alex)
- 0005850: [] Performance of dynamic class loader (ferg)
- 0005845: [] AccessLog does not rotate on year end (ferg)
- 0005874: [] incomplete war extraction (ferg)
- 0005841: [] async connections close after 5m regardless of WebSocketContext.setTimeout() (ferg)
- 0005865: [] Problem with the size of the session storage on x64. (ferg)
- 0005853: [] distcache.DataStore$DeleteAlarm: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -142 (ferg)
- 0005837: [] NullPointerException when closing WebSocketPrintWriter (ferg)
- 0005855: [] log archiving needs to report success/failure (for NFS mounts) (ferg)
- 0005839: [] spring-integration: allow non-public beans for Filters (ferg)
- 0005851: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException: StreamSource[null,null]: no input stream is available (ferg)
- 0005867: [] health system triggers restart after machine leaves sleep (ferg)
- 0005854: [] Alarm: wakeTime is 0 at next dispatch() (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.42
- 0005843: [] jsp recycle-tags config is not working (nam)
- 0005826: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException: COMET_NKA cannot resume comet (ferg)
- 0005825: [] Servlet mapping protocol soap, rest are throwing exception "Classnot found exception" (ferg)
- 0005824: [] setHeader("foo", null) causes NullPointerException (ferg)
- 0005440: [] Sessions doesn't time out. (ferg)
- 0005748: [] resin-data: large db files. (ferg)
- 0004908: [] Spring / Persistence integration (ferg)
- 0005668: [] AIX: Resin restart frequently and restart not taking $RESIN_HOME (ferg)
- 0005744: [] mod_caucho conflict with mod_fcgid under apache 2.2 (ferg)
- 0005747: [] mod_caucho breaks rotatelog on apache (ferg)
- 0005760: [] add *.so configuration for a web-app (ferg)
- 0005815: [] Physical memory leak / SSL / 4.0.41 possible OpenSSL fixes redux (ferg)
- 0005806: [] document AnomalyAnalyzer health warnings (ferg)
- 0005817: [] add documentation for <openssl> <protocol> tag (ferg)
- 0005819: [] add SSLv3 poodle notice to documentation (ferg)
- 0005810: [] document profile command (ferg)
- 0005820: [] documentation for resin deploy CLI is too confusing (ferg)
- 0005736: [] CPU Profile not included in PDF Report (ferg)
- 0005653: [] /resin-admin on web-tier (ferg)
- 0005684: [] Intermittently getting "Comet cannot be requested after complete()" (ferg)
- 0005570: [] Servlet Async: Expired AsyncContext should send a Status 500 Response (ferg)
- 0005544: [] async with forwarding (ferg)
- 0005543: [] multipart-form with forwards (ferg)
- 0005595: [] Creating DBPools dynamically (ferg)
- 0005514: [] Improvement: Order ServletContainerInitializers according to web-fragment order (ferg)
- 0005599: [] Sometimes Resin takes really long time to save the session. (ferg)
- 0005027: [] resin-pro: sending zip content from jsp page (ferg)
- 0005033: [] Investigate issues of combining GZip and Async/Chunked Encoding (ferg)
- 0005635: [] RPM upgrade leaves watchdog running under old version (ferg)
- 0005549: [] A library with non-latin class filenames cannot be loaded by Resin (ferg)
- 0005624: [] com.caucho.db.lock.LockTimeoutException (ferg)
- 0005636: [] {resin-shutdown} Table[mnode:5] fsync on close failed. (ferg)
- 0005701: [] spring-integration: allow non-public classes for Filters (possibly relax the constraint altogether) (ferg)
- 0005802: [] limit size of log_data.db (ferg)
- 0005803: [] LogDatabase query exception when log_data.db is very large (ferg)

Resin - 5.0.2
- 0005267: [] resin:Redirect at host level (ferg)
- 0005136: [] Bind ports before database validation (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.41
- 0005809: [] doc uses resin:JndiName, which is wrong, instead of resin:Jndi (ferg)
- 0005780: [] a restart sends email via localhost instead of the configured smtp host (ferg)
- 0005611: [] contextInitialized method of a ServletContextListener is called twice (ferg)
- 0005709: [] ScheduledTask runs before scheduled time, resulting in task being run twice. (ferg)
- 0005777: [] resin + gzip hangs with Content-Length header in response (ferg)
- 0005627: [] data corruption due to improper handing of EINTR (ferg)
- 0005530: [] access.log not rolling consistently (ferg)
- 0005785: [] Access.log doesn't roll (ferg)
- 0005794: [] timestamp occasionally missing from logs (ferg)
- 0005711: [] Health Check Status for disabled health checks should say "DISABLED" (ferg)
- 0005637: [] Double Close on mysql pooled connection datasource (ferg)
- 0005757: [] RPM: missing (ferg)
- 0005382: [] web-tier / app-tier url encoding / decoding fidelity (ferg)
- 0005597: [] deploy / timeout issue (ferg)
- 0005598: [] deployment of a bigger file times out (ferg)
- 0005619: [] Restart to recover from corrupt session/log database (ferg)
- 0005682: [] unknown protocol value '-all +tlsv1.1' (ferg)
- 0005642: [] GET: Parameter Parsing /?foo=foo-value -> /index.jsp?foo=foo-value (ferg)
- 0005565: [] content-type problem:application/json; missing charset value. (ferg)
- 0005572: [] HttpStatusHealthCheck[WARNING:missing HttpStatus port] (ferg)
- 0005779: [] The behavior of AsyncListener.onTimeout doesn't conform to the Servlet 3.0 Spec. (ferg)
- 0005790: [] HTTPS requests with Range header does not work (ferg)
- 0005306: [] thread dump in win32 openssl (ferg)
- 0005632: [] calculate_poll_result() returns uninitialized value (ferg)
- 0005630: [] EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION when running stress test (ferg)
- 0005697: [] Thread leak on Windows with OpenSSL (ferg)
- 0005681: [] NPE on shutdown (ferg)
- 0005633: [] cluster cache get() NPE on shutdown (ferg)
- 0005705: [] HmtpWebSocketWriter's state issue: Exception with restarting resin (ferg)
- 0005717: [] Resin Installation fails on OSX with "illegal option --T" (ferg)
- 0005731: [] NullPointerException in NPE (ferg)
- 0005793: [] ${} not specified when server not specified on start (ferg)
- 0005795: [] win: log_data.db IllegalStateException: block at 0x84c2c000 is invalid f (ferg)
- 0005733: [] win32 32-bit file limitation issues with session store (ferg)
- 0005737: [] init() must not throw a checked exception (ferg)
- 0005755: [] NPE: env.deploy.ExpandDeployGenerator.generateController (ferg)
- 0005784: [] WINDOWS ONLY: FileServlet: improve download speed (ferg)
- 0005749: [] NPE: getSession() from a 500.jsp error handler (ferg)
- 0005778: [] Exception thrown in servlet init method renders other servlets inaccessible (ferg)
- 0005787: [] load balancer is truncating urls that contain percent-encoding (ferg)
- 0005789: [] access-log rollover-count (ferg)
- 0005764: [] need to log which health check failed (ferg)
- 0005762: [] cluster-default.xml needs to import app-default.xml from conf, not classpath (ferg)
- 0005775: [] resin-doc has a broken link (ferg)
- 0005683: [] el: ${cookie.*} processed incorrectly (alex)

Resin - 4.0.40
- 0005662: [] resin_4.0.38-amd64.deb will not run on Debian (ferg)
- 0005718: [] missing from RPM package (ferg)
- 0005554: [] Startup always reports unclean shutdown (ferg)
- 0005559: [] Debian repository missing (ferg)
- 0005706: [] Servlet 3.0: Loading resource from META-INF/resources (ferg)
- 0005587: [] Expose Hibernate Validation ValidatorFactory in JNDI as java:comp/ValidatorFactory (ferg)
- 0005592: [] ExtensionManager is drive letter case sensitive (ferg)
- 0005652: [] Remote deployment leads to frequent "future timeout" (ferg)
- 0005647: [] ConnectionPool can cause memory leaks (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.39
- 0005644: [] cache reaper may overload the system (nam)
- 0005715: [] code gen: inner classes as exception fail ( (alex)
- 0005639: [] session replication goes unsync with session-save mode set to before-headers. (ferg)
- 0005656: [] review disable-soft command, check timeout error (alex)
- 0005658: [] -disable-soft does not work on dynamic servers (alex)
- 0005660: [] <shutdown-wait-max>does not propagate to ShutdownSystem._shutdownWaitMax (alex)
- 0005659: [] ContextListener defined in tld should be called before the Filiter's init() (alex)
- 0005590: [] JSTL bug: empty values handled incorrectly in fmt:formatNumber tag (alex)

Resin - 4.0.38
- 0005578: [] win32 file time check issues on time zone update (ferg)
- 0005596: [] NPE when un-deploying web-app (ferg)
- 0005602: [] Session Data Issue. Wrong data / session association (ferg)
- 0005591: [] JspCompiler option to compile other file extensions (nam)
- 0005541: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to execute an operation on a closed EntityManager. (ferg)
- 0005525: [] ear dependency (ferg)
- 0005539: [] rpm: install new config files as file.rpmnew (ferg)
- 0005562: [] Transaction check error: file /usr/bin from resin-pro-4.0.30-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package filesystem-2.. (ferg)
- 0005558: [] Set memory size per ClusterCache (ferg)
- 0005561: [] Dynamic servers fall out of the cluster when triad server is restarted (ferg)
- 0005358: [] Health: ThreadDump log vs. stats db (ferg)
- 0005500: [] Protect against OOM in watchdog (ferg)
- 0005535: [] JMS double message on restart (ferg)
- 0005540: [] Hessian: NPE deserializing an instance of (ferg)
- 0005537: [] java.lang.NullPointerException During Resin Shutdown (ferg)
- 0005536: [] webapp deploy will delete files in symbolic links with expand-preserve-fileset enable (ferg)
- 0005515: [] AttributeNotFoundException for jmx attribute OpenFileDescriptorCount (ferg)
- 0005521: [] cookie-config and tracking-mode not supported by Resin (ferg)
- 0005522: [] Generic producer method doesn't work with CanDI/Resin (ferg)
- 0005531: [] @Observes is not called for Interfaces with generic (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.14
- 0005870: [] mod_caucho: configure script needs to add -m64 to LD_SHLIB on solaris (ferg)
- 0005465: [] Classloader deadlock (ferg)
- 0005369: [] japanese charset: utf-writer breaks on buffer flush (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.37
- 0005498: [] utf-8 encoding issues (ferg)
- 0005518: [] Blocked EJB timer thread continues to run execute subsequent iterations (ferg)
- 0005510: [] NPE in startup from NetworkClusterSystem with dynamic servers (ferg)
- 0005499: [] NPE with ocpsoft.rewrite library (ferg)
- 0005493: [] ClassTransformer vs. CDI Scanning: Transfomer should be registered first.
- 0005412: [] elastic-server: watchdog-port specified in multi-server isn't applied. (ferg)
- 0005428: [] array index issue with Zing VM (ferg)
- 0005479: [] BAM queue threading - BAM queue is full size=16383 (ferg)
- 0005429: [] make install doesn't re-link /usr/local/share/resin (ferg)
- 0005365: [] anomaly enhancement (ferg)
- 0005384: [] cli: generate-password should ask to verify (ferg)
- 0005393: [] Long headers truncated in access-log when <access-log> is a child of <host-default> (ferg)
- 0005494: [] Session db corruption (ferg)
- 0005477: [] Async with LoadBalancer: 503 response (ferg)
- 0005476: [] Async requests via Resin LoadBalancer (ferg)
- 0005478: [] Ajax request chain async -> not-async -> async ... (ferg)
- 0005460: [] JSP compiler issue (ferg)
- 0005485: [] <!DOCTYPE html> omitted from output using templates, mojarra 2.1.15 (ferg)
- 0005456: [] Cookie Expires with negative value removed by Resin load-balancer (ferg)
- 0005457: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in BlockStore after Database corruption (ferg)
- 0005463: [] shutdown exceptions (ferg)
- 0005481: [] multiple web-app starts (ferg)
- 0005466: [] resin failed to startup with jdk1.7/groovy-indy: '15' is an unknown constant pool type (ferg)
- 0005488: [] Set table-name on <persistent-store type="jdbc"> (ferg)
- 0005474: [] java.web.headlesslib=true (ferg)
- 0005464: [] servlet: ServletResponse.reset() does not reset cookies (alex)
- 0005455: [] Resin.IIS.Handler: load-balance-connect-timeout issue (alex)
- 0005454: [] cli: --raw isn't recognized as an option (alex)
- 0005368: [] jsp-gen error: UTF8 representation for string "?&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171 (ferg)
- 0005392: [] com.caucho.vfs.ClientDisconnectException: SocketStream[null] Connection reset by peer: socket write er (ferg)
- 0005435: [] CVE-2012-4929 (SSL/TLS CRIME): provide configuration option disabling ssl compression (ferg)
- 0005408: [] JSP recompilation on every request causing performance problems (ferg)
- 0005425: [] async and outputstream.close() (ferg)
- 0005268: [] NPE using Asynch Servlet over Hmux (ferg)
- 0005420: [] AsyncContext completed by original synchronous worker thread? (ferg)
- 0005426: [] HTTP socket-timeout does not work without JNI modules (ferg)
- 0005447: [] Resin EL cannot invoke public setter on anonymous inner class (ferg)
- 0005406: [] Double initialization of webapp (ferg)
- 0005444: [] @Observes events don't get raised for Servlets registered with @WebServlet (ferg)
- 0005442: [] resin status should accept --watchdog-port option (ferg)
- 0005399: [] IPv6: request.getServerName() (ferg)
- 0005405: [] update documentation for <character-encoding> default value (ferg)
- 0005427: [] While completing the Caucho Resin Bookstore Tutorial part one was unable to run on Resin Server (ferg)
- 0005416: [] JSF NoClassDefFoundError while loading com.caucho.server.webbeans.ConversationJsfViewHandler (ferg)
- 0005433: [] @Schedule(d) should stop when application stops (ferg)
- 0005434: [] @Schedule(d) with source update (ferg)
- 0005415: [] web-app-deploy: --version option is treated as version command (ferg)
- 0005436: [] JSP buffer ArrayOutOfBoundsException (ferg)
- 0005437: [] JSP buffer: broken characters at (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.36
- 0005523: [] I get a error when i send a request with JSESSIONID (ferg)
- 0005423: [] LB should not send requests to an-after-503 node for a configurable period of time. (ferg)
- 0005422: [] LB should mark node as unavailable on 503 for a configurable period of time. (ferg)
- 0005441: [] Resin session db corruption (ferg)
- 0005394: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException in WebSocketOutputStream.fillHeader (ferg)
- 0005389: [] Implement quercus_disable (cowan)
- 0005378: [] access-log length (ferg)
- 0005376: [] /resin-admin: NullPointerException (ferg)
- 0004708: [] sticky session (alex)
- 0005364: [] cli: disable, disable-soft, enable for IIS / Apache (alex)
- 0005241: [] apache 2.4 support (alex)
- 0005350: [] Add setServerId to ResinEmbed (ferg)
- 0005357: [] IBM JDK: NotCompliantMBeanException: java.nio:type=BufferPool, (ferg)
- 0005383: [] resin-doc: session-sticky-disable (ferg)
- 0005375: [] BAD-METHOD:public com.caucho.server.distcache.MnodeUpdate (ferg)
- 0005370: [] cannot compile Resin 4.x with JDK7 (ferg)
- 0005374: [] sessions: geographically separated data-centeres use case. (ferg)
- 0005068: [] JCache API delegation (ferg)
- 0005343: [] JCache needs to have values instead of references option for 4.0.35 (ferg)
- 0005266: [] mod_caucho does not failover (alex)
- 0005360: [] isapi_srun.dll: 503 (alex)

Resin - 4.0.35
- 0005373: [] Index Exception caused in jvm-default log file (ferg)
- 0005315: [] access-log@resin:type (ferg)
- 0005352: [] Cookie set via response.addHeader is not registered as a cookie (ferg)
- 0005353: [] access-log %{Set-Cookie}o should print all cookies (ferg)
- 0005351: [] mod_status stopped working (link on summary page of admin tool) (ferg)
- 0005355: [] UnsupportedEncodingException ISO8859_10 when using Estonian lanaguage (ferg)
- 0005341: [] DirectoryServlet should not be serving files from DS_Store. (ferg)
- 0005342: [] Duplicate JVM args (ferg)
- 0005345: [] sever-multi@port vs server-multi/cluster-port (ferg)
- 0005344: [] health: disabled health system and "HealthSystem is not started check" (ferg)
- 0005346: [] CloudPod.findServer( java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2 (ferg)
- 0005347: [] PdfReport: stack trace formatting breaks at stack items with source:line information. (ferg)
- 0005348: [] PdfReport: ThreadDump stack traces depth (ferg)

Resin - 7.0.0
- 0005524: [] JsonSerializerFactory StackOverFlowError when arg is a list (nam)
- 0005467: [] Resin 7 Journal issue (ferg)
- 0005468: [] Resin 7 adding @Inject MakaiStore store causes NPE, removing it makes it go away... (ferg)
- 0005469: [] Resin 7 Writing and then trying to read what you wrote (ferg)
- 0005459: [] Resin 7 websocket API issue (ferg)
- 0005480: [] Resin 7: Issue with @Journal (this may be a usage issue) (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.34
- 0005367: [] C [resin.dll+0x110d]: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
- 0005338: [] java.lang.NullPointerException: at com.caucho.db.block.BlockManager.getMaxMemory (ferg)
- 0005299: [] InstanceNotFoundException: java.lang:type=Runtime on start using IBM J9 7.0 (ferg)
- 0005316: [] cannot compile Resin from downloaded source zip (ferg)
- 0005271: [] Charset specified in Content-Type for images. (ferg)
- 0005294: [] system-property tag works fine in the foreground while fail in the background (ferg)
- 0005273: [] NPE from PageContextImpl.initialize with custom ServletResponse object (ferg)
- 0005300: [] add parametrised host-alias / host-aslias-regexp tag to host default (ferg)
- 0005275: [] host-alias and host-alias-regexp ignored with host regexp (ferg)
- 0005317: [] getRequestURI returns /%20/ for cluster node and 'space' if requested via load balancer. (ferg)
- 0005332: [] Alternative session cookie support in load-balancer (ferg)
- 0005336: [] Startup delay with multiple clusters: cannot open heartbeat connection to TriadServer: future timeout: 120000ms (ferg)
- 0005323: [] japanese charset: utf-writer breaks on buffer flush (ferg)
- 0005320: [] : error: UTF8 representation for string "?&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;&#171483;?..." (ferg)
- 0005322: [] Fails to install on FreeBSD 9.1 (ferg)
- 0005331: [] Do not pass -server on Raspberry Pi (ferg)
- 0005277: [] IllegalArgumentException during loadClass (ferg)
- 0005330: [] SIGSEGV: C [] unsigned char+0x36 # (ferg)
- 0005253: [] websocket timeout is too short (ferg)
- 0005302: [] Web Application 'warning' Logging: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't find log key (ferg)
- 0005274: [] NPE using fmt.sprintf (ferg)
- 0005243: [] TLD not loaded when compiling jsp in case of using custom class loader. (ferg)
- 0005282: [] OpenSSL: add support for server specified cipher selection order (ferg)
- 0005220: [] Downtime report not accurate for a quick restart
- 0005326: [] gzip filter content length (ferg)
- 0005283: [] HttpStatusHealthCheck with Predicates does not match (cowan)
- 0005321: [] LoadBalancing: Resin LoadBalancer should not send requests to a backend server until its webapplications are ready (ferg)
- 0005314: [] Registration.addMapping (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.33
- 0005310: [] AccessLog: %u for basic authentication without sessions (ferg)
- 0005227: [] jmx-list -operations NPE (ferg)
- 0005085: [] RPM broken for CentOS6.2 and later versions of Fedora (ferg)
- 0005295: [] Deadlock when writing accesslog (ferg)
- 0005298: [] PDF report format errors with local that uses comma decimal
- 0005244: [] --with-resin-init.d fails if init.d directory does not exist
- 0005262: [] HttpProxyServlet: several problems (alex)
- 0005265: [] FileServlet 32bit limitation (ferg)
- 0005226: [] cli -server is not honored on thread-dump, heap-dump (ferg)
- 0005232: [] JSP 2.2 jsp-property-group default-content-type not supported (ferg)
- 0005230: [] Convert Strings to enum values for javax.el.BeanELResolver.setValue() (ferg)
- 0005186: [] classLoader cause rmi network traffic (ferg)
- 0005212: [] jmx registration error (ferg)
- 0005234: [] Initial build won't start (ferg)
- 0005255: [] thread pool full issue firing health event (ferg)
- 0005254: [] Failed to fire HealthEvent caucho.thread.pool.full: HealthSystem is not started (ferg)
- 0005250: [] %u fails to populate user principal in access log (ferg)
- 0005237: [] -verbose does not produce stack trace (ferg)
- 0005228: [] CDI issue with Jersey (ferg)
- 0005252: [] NPE during getSession() (ferg)
- 0005240: [] NPE in TypeFactory.createType on IBM J9 (ferg)
- 0005239: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at com.caucho.hessian.util.IdentityIntMap.put (ferg)
- 0005231: [] EL serialization issue (ferg)

Resin - 5.0
- 0005555: [] "bin/ console" needs to pick up resin/lib jars into the classpath (ferg)
- 0005550: [] resin fails to start if internal git objects are corrupted (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.32
- 0005286: [] Threads can become 'stuck' forever (ferg)
- 0005258: [] periodic HTTP 503 error occured in Apache+Resin (ferg)
- 0005222: [] custom ContextClassloader fails to build classpath for jsp compile (ferg)
- 0005168: [] deploy enhancements (ferg)
- 0005215: [] host-deploy with resinctl --host (ferg)
- 0005218: [] PDF report does not generate when JMX is missing.
- 0005217: [] jsp-config/jsp-property-group shouldn't override <jsp recycle-tags='false'/> (alex)

Resin - 4.0.31
- 0005177: [] EC2 Elastic Join: "unable to join cluster app: No triad servers" dynamic/elastic join not working using Elastic IPs under EC2. (ferg)
- 0005210: [] Files with wrong ownership hangs (ferg)
- 0005208: [] servlet-class CDI conflict with parent child (ferg)
- 0005206: [] import with optional="true" fails with HTTP import (ferg)
- 0005179: [] Setting cookies with maxAge(0) fails. (ferg)
- 0005170: [] Sessions do not time out correctly (ferg)
- 0005207: [] ./configure; make; make install fails on solaris (alex)
- 0005198: [] isap_srun.dll sends emtpy hmux requests (alex)
- 0005203: [] make wrong socket timeout in linux (ferg)
- 0005202: [] sendfile file permision error return 0 byte. (ferg)
- 0005196: [] dist cache (ferg)
- 0004768: [] Implicit/inline EL syntax not evaluated (ferg)
- 0005200: [] when there is web-fragment.xml, jsp with jstl is not compiled correctly (ferg)
- 0005201: [] Blank page for jsp with a buffer size > 8 kb (ferg)
- 0004643: [] jdbc-store with oracle (ferg)
- 0005194: [] web-app-deploy@expand-cleanup-fileset does not work (alex)
- 0005193: [] web-app-deploy@expand-preserve-fileset (alex)
- 0005184: [] lib/resin.jar start -server app-0 bogus message with elastic-server set to true (ferg)
- 0005152: [] add support for jdbc based session store (ferg)
- 0005183: [] /resin-admin should report specific message when (alex)
- 0005178: [] memory leak of resinctl status (ferg)
- 0005176: [] Unclear error message using <management> with missing license (ferg)
- 0005182: [] java.lang.VerifyError: (class: A__ResinScopeProxy, method: test signature: (C)V) Register 1 contains wrong type (ferg)
- 0004982: [] jasper.JspSerlvet integration (alex)

Resin - 4.0.30
- 0005247: [] session database starts rapidly grow in size after exception (ferg)
- 0005180: [] access-log@auto-flush='true' fails to flush to access.log for each request (ferg)
- 0005142: [] provide a lean package for websocket client (ferg)
- 0005166: [] init-script does not conform to lsb (ferg)
- 0004836: [] Eclipse-plugin, deployment, When Resin starts, if a re-deployment is required, do the deployment right away before running the a (alex)
- 0004864: [] eclipse plugin: multiple servers conflict (alex)
- 0005070: [] Eclipse Plugin, when you modify resin.xml or server shuts down and does not autostart (alex)
- 0005066: [] update docs with information on Resin internal files (ferg)
- 0005012: [] documentation: <home-cluster>, resin:ElasticCloudService tags (ferg)
- 0005105: [] configure --with-setuid-user --with-setuid-group (ferg)
- 0005164: [] PdfReport pushes Resin's health checks over the edge (ferg)
- 0005116: [] Client thinks mod_cacuho may have some distribution issue (ferg)
- 0005165: [] com.caucho.ejb.cfg.EjbJar$MethodPermission.init(): 'SequenceGenerator' is an unknown bean (ferg)
- 0005163: [] provide a snapshot of 4.0.30 (ferg)
- 0005162: [] provide svn access to download resin source (ferg)
- 0005108: [] Compile flags for 32 vs 64 bit Apache (ferg)
- 0005089: [] Can not compile mod_caucho on Solaris 10 64-bit resin-pro-4.0.27 (ferg)
- 0005150: [] TransactionIsolationLevel for ManagedConnectionImpl (ferg)
- 0004865: [] cannot fill a 403 NotModified from the cache (ferg)
- 0005159: [] async dispatch writing to response and keepalive (ferg)
- 0005156: [] ResinEmbed restarts due to modified (ferg)
- 0005140: [] dpkg -update (ferg)
- 0005137: [] Upgrade bundled JSF implementation to 2.1.10+ (alex)
- 0005153: [] JavaCompiler (compiling a jsp page) livelock when ThreadPool is full (ferg)
- 0005145: [] NPE with Disqus plug-in (ferg)
- 0005139: [] Remote deploy expanded web-app (ferg)
- 0004994: [] AsyncQueue can become stuck (ferg)
- 0004954: [] Encoding with multipart mime (ferg)
- 0004812: [] deploy-stop, deploy-start, deploy-restart (ferg)
- 0004825: [] IPV6 localhost host not bound using native server socket with address="*" (ferg)
- 0005149: [] access-log timestamp offset issue (ferg)
- 0005147: [] use IPv6 when address="*" (ferg)
- 0005144: [] load-balance cookie parsingBug (ferg)
- 0005143: [] Remove SessionsAsJsonString (ferg)
- 0005131: [] Convert Strings to enum values in EL (ferg)
- 0005132: [] ResinEmbed creates resin-data in working directory (ferg)
- 0005129: [] Compile warnings (ferg)
- 0005128: [] dependency checking in background thread (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.29
- 0005126: [] app.http and memcached.http with watchdog setuid (ferg)
- 0005123: [] misconfigured memcached: better message needed (ferg)
- 0004992: [] PojoBean can cause bug when extending AbstractAuthenticator (ferg)
- 0005072: [] Add JMX method to convert session-id to cluster servers (ferg)
- 0005117: [] Apache install on Ubuntu 12 apxs (ferg)
- 0005024: [] EC2 CONFIG DEPLOY: Problems using MySQL @Inject DataSource with config-deploy (ferg)
- 0005099: [] WatchdogClient running in different RESIN_HOME/ RESIN_ROOT (ferg)
- 0005041: [] When I deploy an web project to Resin4 always throw RepositoryException (ferg)
- 0004946: [] load balance timeout updates (ferg)
- 0005111: [] quercus-json: com.caucho.quercus.QuercusException: /home/tofyg/resin/doc/admin/pdf-gen.php:145: error (ferg)
- 0005019: [] adding an HttpStatusHealthCheck to an app results in exception during startup (ferg)
- 0005103: [] Resin 4.0.2x seems to have an issue firing CDI container events in order. ProcessAnnotatedType event before a BeforeBeanDiscover (ferg)
- 0005120: [] timeout with multipart forms (ferg)
- 0005095: [] Watchdog fails to start with OutOfMemoryError - Ubuntu Java7 (ferg)
- 0005121: [] server-default socket-timeout is ignored (ferg)
- 0005022: [] EC2 CONFIG: /etc/init.d/resin script start-all does not allow SERVER variable to work so you can't specify a server id (ferg)
- 0005096: [] cluster socket-timeout is not configurable (ferg)
- 0004909: [] Facing error SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry:s3_pkt.c:826: (ferg)
- 0004975: [] native JniStream socket timeout (ferg)
- 0004969: [] ServletContextListener.contextDestroyed() not called when resin is told to shutdown (ferg)
- 0004953: [] CGIServlet error handling (ferg)
- 0005031: [] curl https://xxx:8443/ (ferg)
- 0004985: [] Free memory on out-of-memory condition (ferg)
- 0005016: [] EC2 Config: test cases and release notes for ~.resin (ferg)
- 0004947: [] Not recognizing settings in ~/.resin (ferg)
- 0004930: [] bad error message in case of absent license at presence of resin:ElasticCloudService tag. (ferg)
- 0004789: [] /resin-admin (ferg)
- 0004960: [] tld lookup issue (ferg)
- 0004915: [] CGiServlet: env variables (ferg)
- 0004988: [] mod_caucho timeout on hung server (ferg)
- 0005005: [] Resin fails to start on Windows with empty server id (ferg)
- 0005028: [] FAILED_KA with closed fd (ferg)
- 0005088: [] update session store documentation for jdbc store type (ferg)
- 0004935: [] PDF report name disambiguation (ferg)
- 0004902: [] Add DNS lookup retries to HttpProxyServlet and resin:LoadBalance (ferg)
- 0004964: [] ClassCastException from PageContextImpl.popBody() after call to pushBody(Writer) (ferg)
- 0004978: [] watchdog-arg ignored using start-all (ferg)
- 0004822: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException: COMET_SUSPEND_KA TcpSocketLink[id=http://*:8081-17,http://*:8081,COMET_SUSPEND_KA] (ferg)
- 0005091: [] Dynamic join for app server fails for 4.0.28 snapshot (ferg)
- 0005114: [] Problem with 46 MB war file getting replicated to other nodes in cluster (ferg)
- 0004796: [] If we use resin-maven-plugin,"IllegalStateException" would happen. (ferg)
- 0005080: [] Resin JNI support causes error with OpenJDK 1.6.0_22-b22 on CentOS6.2 (ferg)
- 0005004: [] Seems Resin does not pick up xml config deployed to /etc/resin/app-inf/ (ferg)
- 0005015: [] Config EC2: system_key is needed for public ip EC2 exchange, but error message is not very clear on intent or reason. (ferg)
- 0004986: [] allow user-defined max-header size (ferg)
- 0005113: [] FutureTimeout on deploy (ferg)
- 0004896: [] Incomplete form (ferg)
- 0004850: [] Doc error can't add URL with add-apt-repository in Ubuntu 11.10 (ferg)
- 0004901: [] dep-check-interval for .ear files check. (ferg)
- 0004898: [] resinctl console should provide a better message (ferg)
- 0004792: [] Elastic a-b-c-dyn1. Deploy /foo. kill dyn1. undeploy /foo. dyn1 keeps serving /foo (ferg)
- 0004774: [] ResinEmbed with ignore-client-disconnect (ferg)
- 0005007: [] add the web-app classpath to JMX, so it would be possible to debug. (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.28
- 0004950: [] resinctl license-add (alex)
- 0004972: [] Investigation of possible bug non-expiring session properly in Resin-pro-3.1.x. (ferg)
- 0005001: [] Timeout for deploy to Amazon instance (ferg)
- 0004993: [] Session timeout issue when using CauchoRequestWrapper instead of HttpServletRequestWrapper (ferg)
- 0005014: [] CONFIG EC2: need ability to connect to Resin using public IP only. (ferg)
- 0005013: [] CONFIG EC2: ElasticCloudService needs to be turned on with (ferg)
- 0005036: [] Feature Request for Health System Session tracker (alex)
- 0004800: [] undeploy: dyn1 retaining applications (ferg)
- 0005010: [] BaseTypeFactory may cause classloader leaks (ferg)
- 0004680: [] daily log rollover fails to rollover files (ferg)
- 0003533: [] admin monitor session database (alex)
- 0004844: [] resin-pro-4.0.xx-src (alex)
- 0004855: [] Problem installing new license (ferg)
- 0004821: [] daily rollover task blocked some times (ferg)
- 0005045: [] ./configure; make; make install not working on CentOS (ferg)
- 0004858: [] Check Resin versions: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Expected binary at: 5 (ferg)
- 0004961: [] log4j interaction issue (ferg)
- 0004977: [] rvar substitution ignored using start-all (ferg)
- 0005075: [] Artifacts not released to Maven repo (ferg)
- 0005100: [] Resin throws BadRequestException: URL or HTTP headers are too long (ferg)
- 0005083: [] DOC: If you have a license file for Resin, save it in /usr/local/resin/licenses (rickHigh)
- 0005090: [] --disable-ssl does not disable SSL
- 0005094: [] --disable-jni causes make to fail
- 0005058: [] exceptions in request processing (ferg)
- 0004918: [] Makefile make install
- 0005043: [] LoadBalance setTargetCluster is invalid here with Resin OS (ferg)
- 0004920: [] [12-01-17 11:48:09.907] {resin-53} java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 9622 at com.caucho.db.block.BlockStore.getAllocatio (ferg)
- 0004921: [] [12-01-17 11:56:51.583] {resin-52} Table[data:6]: inode block 1d951 has 0 block (ferg)
- 0004956: [] Block index issue (ferg)
- 0005032: [] Config EC2: config-deploy is failing for jar file deploy (ferg)
- 0005053: [] Resin fails to start with -J-Xms (ferg)
- 0005063: [] Update Mojarra version (ferg)
- 0005071: [] Logger.exiting does not work with Resin for formmating parameters (ferg)
- 0005092: [] x-forwarded-host (ferg)
- 0004807: [] cross-pod deployment (ferg)
- 0004856: [] (index Validation) com.caucho.db.table.Table java.lang.IllegalStateException: (ferg)
- 0004990: [] ProxyCacheFilterChain calls getHeader but wrapped HttpServletResponse missing getHeader method (ferg)
- 0004995: [] NPE on page view (ferg)
- 0005006: [] sort the tree-loader jars before adding them to the classpath. (ferg)
- 0005042: [] ever growing session file (ferg)
- 0005087: [] Resin EL problems with Primefaces and JSF 2.1 (ferg)
- 0005011: [] Update Unified Expression Language (javax.el) to 2.2 (ferg)
- 0004999: [] keepalive & com.caucho.server.dispatch.BadRequestException: URL or HTTP headers (ferg)
- 0005061: [] com.caucho.el.Expr.coerceToType() cannot handle targetType = java.lang.Class (ferg)
- 0005039: [] javax.el.BeanELResolver.getType() requires setter (ferg)
- 0005023: [] windows file names can't have ':' dynamic server (alex)
- 0005026: [] windows file names can't have ':' (alex)
- 0005079: [] incorrect dynamic server directory in resin-data (alex)
- 0005059: [] retaining reference to jar file after closing of application context (alex)
- 0005044: [] web-app xsd check needed (alex)
- 0005034: [] com.caucho.el.ELParser does not support negating method parameters (alex)
- 0005035: [] javax.el.ResourceBundleELResolver should handle java.util.MissingResourceException (alex)
- 0005018: [] Part.getHeader method not case insensitive (alex)
- 0005020: [] provide correct implementation for HttpServlet.doOptions() method. (alex)
- 0004965: [] access-log at web-tier does not write Set-Cookie response headers (alex)
- 0005008: [] Use license-add to add a license to an un-licensed instance (alex)
- 0004955: [] mac-osx: http://localhost:8080/test.JSP (alex)
- 0004980: [] mac-osx: http://localhost:8080/test.PHP (alex)
- 0005002: [] Resin-OS: ProxyServlet: no backend servers available to process (alex)
- 0005000: [] deb: add conf/ to resin.conffiles (alex)
- 0004996: [] InjectionProvider implementation 'com.caucho.jsf.integration.Mojarra12InjectionProv ider' cannot be loade
- 0004997: [] cleanup manifest to remove compilation warnings. (alex)

Resin - 4.0.27
- 0004914: [] REST Graphs support (alex)
- 0004797: [] Japanese characters in /resin-admin (cowan)
- 0004802: [] /resin-admin internationalization (cowan)
- 0004877: [] alarm (ferg)
- 0004933: [] Uninstall and then reinstall on Ubuntu did not work (alex)
- 0004937: [] Ubuntu/debian install fails to run resin (resin is an unknown user) (alex)
- 0004976: [] authenticator called too many times (ferg)
- 0004906: [] IIS Plugin Logger does not check log level correctly. (alex)

Resin - 3.1.13
- 0005261: [] XADataSource: rolling back failed distributed transaction (alex)
- 0004959: [] Table 'log_web_a' already exists. CREATE can not override an existing table. (ferg)
- 0005055: [] Slow response with save-mode=after-request (cowan)
- 0005054: [] Load-balancer failover on single read timeout (cowan)
- 0005069: [] 60 second delay serving requests after startup (cowan)
- 0005056: [] Handle multiple domain names for cookie-domain (cowan)
- 0004926: [] Database commit/rollback on max-active-time timeout (alex)
- 0005021: [] provide correct implementation for HttpServlet.doOptions() method. (alex)
- 0004927: [] Transaction timeout message should report _timeout + EXTRATIMEOUT (ferg)
- 0004957: [] Backport 2967 to Resin 3.1.x (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.26
- 0004962: [] Resin eclipse plugin update site is unavailable (ferg)
- 0004949: [] Resin did not recognize configuration deployed with config-deploy (ferg)
- 0004952: [] Can't deploy mysql jar file to /etc/resin/resin-inf (ferg)
- 0004942: [] nonexistent user produces confusing error message (ferg)
- 0004903: [] Resin must be restarted to pickup DNS change (ferg)
- 0004889: [] Static calls to Alarm create Threads (ferg)
- 0004936: [] Multiple <health:MeterGraphPage> causes failed graphs
- 0004941: [] com.caucho.config.ConfigException: 'XXX.XX.XX.XX' is not a valid cluster IP (ferg)
- 0004928: [] Resin's java process working directory should be set to RESIN_ROOT (ferg)
- 0004945: [] consider sending an IP instead of a hostname to avoid DNS issues at @@@ (ferg)
- 0004938: [] resinctl password-generate says it takes --user but it does not.. it only takes -user (one dash not two) (ferg)
- 0004939: [] deploy not working like it did in 4.0.24, failing with com.caucho.bam.TimeoutException (ferg)
- 0004943: [] 4.0.25 fails to deploy large war files using "resinctl deploy" (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.25
- 0004948: [] We need config-undeploy - undeploys a configuration directory or jar file (ferg)
- 0004871: [] Feature Request: beef up resinctl to perform common tasks (ferg)
- 0004880: [] WebSocket decoding does not work correctly (ferg)
- 0004910: [] resin-pro with 32-bit .rpm mnode.db length (ferg)
- 0004919: [] recovery from session database corruption (ferg)
- 0004924: [] pdf-report: line overflow on log messages
- 0004923: [] pdf-report: line overflow on ThreadDumps
- 0004912: [] is resin vulernable to hash attacks? (ferg)
- 0004916: [] conftest hangs on Solaris: (alex)
- 0004917: [] solaris make install issue. (alex)
- 0004907: [] async/comet response close (ferg)
- 0004900: [] 4.0.24 (ferg)
- 0004895: [] Add configurable timeout JspPrecompileListener
- 0004888: [] NPE bin/ status (ferg)
- 0004824: [] password encryption with jsse-ssl (ferg)
- 0004787: [] class-loader configuration (ferg)
- 0004885: [] usability: command line commands not self speaking (ferg)
- 0004884: [] resin should issue a redirect if a context is accessed without a trailing slash (ferg)
- 0004810: [] <database//password> encryption (ferg)
- 0004892: [] bad error message from bin/ start (alex)
- 0004894: [] help start is missing -stage but it still works. (alex)
- 0004882: [] resin:import <cluster> merge failure: The first server must be static (ferg)
- 0004886: [] Socket.setKeepAlive (ferg)
- 0004883: [] Resin generates uncompilable code for interceptors which contain enum array elements (ferg)
- 0004848: [] LogDatabase size administration (ferg)
- 0004861: [] caucho.thread.pool.throttle notification (ferg)
- 0004854: [] ERROR: IllegalStateExceptionblock at 0x1b732000 is invalid for file /<path-to-resin-home>/resindata/<serverid>/distcache/data.db (ferg)
- 0004782: [] Blank pages/tabs in resin-admin without license (cowan)
- 0004879: [] rvar shoudl evaluate as EL variable (ferg)
- 0004870: [] Might have found another bug wrt to auth key error even when authkeys match (ferg)
- 0004869: [] Cloud Deploy local box not recognizing the -address command line. (with workaround) (ferg)
- 0004868: [] Remote deploy not working for tunneling over port 8080 (ferg)
- 0004866: [] Basic Roo app causes SAX exception, jspx problem (ferg)
- 0004874: [] javax.servlet.error.exception_type invalidly cast to Throwable in PageContextImpl (ferg)
- 0004859: [] host-alias-regexp and anchors (ferg)
- 0004862: [] NullPointerException in AbstractCauchoRequest.getUserPrincipal() (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.24
- 0004987: [] Problem doing Resin Eclipse plugin upgrade (alex)
- 0004951: [] eclipse-plugin does not copy cluster-default.xml (alex)
- 0004770: [] deployment repository update notification (ferg)
- 0004828: [] Issues building Resin 4.0.23 on Suse (with workarounds) (ferg)
- 0004816: [] debian isntall issue (ferg)
- 0004851: [] $ sudo apt-get install resin-pro fails on Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit (Multiple) (ferg)
- 0004775: [] Wrong session id in JSP template (alex)
- 0004843: [] transport-guarantee confidential with BasicLogin (alex)
- 0004842: [] AccessLog %D precision (ferg)
- 0004829: [] Resin does not work with IBM Java SDK 1.6 when not using OpenSSL (ferg)
- 0004835: [] Custom constraint can not be added to SecurityConstraint (cowan)
- 0004826: [] Feature Request for Resin.IIS.Handler.dll & Windows Authentication (alex)
- 0004803: [] Compile issues on CentOS 5.4 (ferg)
- 0004823: [] Resin does not compile easily on Amazon Linux AMI (ferg)
- 0004827: [] Build problems with Red Hat 6 (with workarounds) (ferg)
- 0004777: [] Forward with Multipart File Upload (alex)
- 0004799: [] rollback / forget requires a fix retrofitted from 4.0. (ferg)
- 0004801: [] bin/ -server dyn1 restart kills web-a (ferg)
- 0004820: [] CompositeELResolver and invoke (ferg)
- 0004818: [] WebSocket character encoding problem (ferg)
- 0004819: [] contentLength int vs long (ferg)
- 0004804: [] Resin Throws 500 HTTP header incorrectly on caught exception (ferg)
- 0004791: [] solaris compile issues (ferg)
- 0004781: [] ThreaDump on shutdown from AbstractThreadLauncher.updateThrottle (ferg)
- 0004724: [] anomaly thread detection (ferg)
- 0004664: [] Add minium database connection pool size to handle bursts for bursty applications (ferg)
- 0004784: [] EL/log-handler bug not fixed in 4.0.23 (ferg)
- 0004765: [] ThreadPool full, same as 0004683 (ferg)
- 0004761: [] NullPointerException in WebApp.getRealPath (ferg)
- 0004663: [] Oracle rollback connection pool issue (ferg)
- 0004746: [] Reopening 0004676: javax.servlet.ServletException: Illegal attempt to set ViewHandler after a response has been rendered. (ferg)
- 0004778: [] Wrong content type when delivering images (ferg)
- 0004750: [] RequestWriteBytesTotal reports incorrect value. (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.23
- 0004834: [] add "Run From Eclipse Workspace" option to Eclipse plugin
- 0004841: [] Eclipse: Resin Run Configruation should add (not override) -Djava.library.path (alex)
- 0004764: [] GlobalCacheHeartbeat (ferg)
- 0004741: [] Generating a Snapshot PDF report with profile, admin appears to hang (cowan)
- 0004785: [] resin db size limit issue, Resin 3.0.19 (ferg)
- 0004740: [] Snapshot PDF CPU profile, show Active and All; Show active first (ferg)
- 0004771: [] Wrong test for tokens in Connection header using websockets (ferg)
- 0004766: [] PDF snapshot does not stop profiler (cowan)
- 0004763: [] setup.exe & resin.exe don't support -java-home (alex)
- 0004762: [] jdk 1.7 ./configure bug (alex)
- 0004749: [] Arquillian test NPE with Resin Embed (cowan)
- 0004758: [] Problem loading resin.dll on win64 Win2008 SP2 (ferg)
- 0004760: [] PdfReport failed: /usr/local/resin/doc/admin/pdf-gen.php (ferg)
- 0004753: [] EL variables do not work in <log-handler> path attribute values (alex)
- 0004732: [] -kill with no -server fails in cluster (ferg)
- 0004748: [] XADataSource: rolling back failed distributed transaction (ferg)
- 0004660: [] Fix JMX not reporting correct request time and request count (alex)
- 0004739: [] Bean auto-discovery fails when path contains + characters (ferg)
- 0004738: [] change /etc/init.d/resin to autodetect JAVA_HOME like does (ferg)
- 0004744: [] Range header handling
- 0004730: [] Spurious Slow Alarm warnings in the log (ferg)
- 0004737: [] Add cookie-http-only to <session-config> (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.22
- 0004743: [] .war deploy issue with non-triad server (ferg)
- 0004725: [] slow post limits (ferg)
- 0004720: [] match web-app for /*/appname (ferg)
- 0004727: [] Proxy code generated for @Asynchronous doesn't compile (ferg)
- 0003721: [] SNMP with snmpwalk (alex)
- 0004707: [] Resin restarts from MODIFIED while running in IntelliJ IDEA (ferg)
- 0004721: [] InitialContext.lookup() throws NamingException (ferg)
- 0004726: [] getAvailable() issue (ferg)
- 0004714: [] --disable-64bit creates 64-bit libraries (ferg)
- 0004710: [] Caller Security Principal not propagated with an asynchronous method invocation (ferg)
- 0004719: [] QueryString parameters are in reverse order on <jsp:include and <jsp:forward (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.21
- 0004661: [] JMX counters not as accurate on SPARC/Solaris (ferg)
- 0004659: [] Feature Request: report more detail on why Resin is sending a connection:close (ferg)
- 0004723: [] async state machine issues (ferg)
- 0004715: [] Build fails on Solaris 8 (ferg)
- 0004722: [] eclipseline binding issue (ferg)
- 0004712: [] When using ResinBeanContainer the persistence provider can't find the DataSource definied in META-INF/beans.xml (ferg)
- 0004709: [] OpenSSL debugging info (ferg)
- 0004658: [] /resin-admin graph panning (cowan)
- 0004693: [] Resin 4.0.20 crashed when run with project and apache (alex)
- 0004706: [] NPE using health:Or with health:OnStp (cowan)
- 0004705: [] add rewrite:NotFound (ferg)
- 0004689: [] unknown argument should fail resin start (alex)
- 0004701: [] issue starting corrupted resin-data (ferg)
- 0004604: [] Sync config files across cluster (4.0.21) (ferg)
- 0004700: [] utf8 encoding overflow with surrogate pairs (ferg)
- 0004678: [] Build Problem in Sparc Solaries (ferg)
- 0004695: [] IBM JDK : Empty watchdog-manager.log (ferg)
- 0004697: [] async onComplete is calling GET (ferg)
- 0004699: [] XSS vulnerability in redirect (ferg)
- 0004692: [] Broken HttpSession.maxInactiveInterval behavior (ferg)
- 0004698: [] JNI threading issue with crc64/readdir
- 0004690: [] @Inject into a tag handler breaks jsp compilation (ferg)
- 0004681: [] Custom Scope Not Registered (ferg)
- 0004548: [] distribution: content of debian packages (ferg)
- 0004497: [] Add CSRF filter (ferg)
- 0004488: [] @DataSourceDefinition does not work with JPA (timing issue) (ferg)
- 0004650: [] Sessions from previous Resin instance silently being reused on very first request to new instance (alex)
- 0004583: [] add support for IDNA domains (ferg)
- 0004049: [] activate @SessionScope programmatically (ferg)
- 0004683: [] ThreadPool full (ferg)
- 0004685: [] jsp:include corrupt params (ferg)
- 0004630: [] decorator with stateless (ferg)
- 0004572: [] Unable to compile on OSX 10.6.6 due to ./configure not finding java (ferg)
- 0003350: [] com.caucho.vfs.BufferedReaderAdapter ignores mark() and reset() (ferg)
- 0004082: [] DynamicClassLoader getResourceAsStream optimizations (ferg)
- 0004441: [] Can't enlist transaction ActiveMQ Exception (ferg)
- 0004682: [] <log-handler> with missing name attribute fails silently (ferg)
- 0004679: [] health:PdfReport incorrect path to pdf-gen.php (ferg)
- 0004676: [] Reopening 0004573: Unable to use JSF libraries from WEB-INF/lib - ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.faces.spi.DiscoverableInjectio (ferg)
- 0004668: [] ScheduledTask (ferg)
- 0004133: [] disabling a poisoned IP address (ferg)
- 0004579: [] More scripts for standard install (ferg)
- 0002969: [] load-balancing for lazy-applications (ferg)
- 0004673: [] server/mod_caucho backup (ferg)
- 0004675: [] Build resin for 32 bit on 64 bit machine (ferg)
- 0003365: [] Allow load balancer to only serve old messages (ferg)
- 0004547: [] distribution: missing class org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.ServerPlatformBase (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.20
- 0004696: [] cannot fill a 403 NotModified from the cache for com.caucho.server.cache.ProxyCacheEntry@6a5c775d (ferg)
- 0004687: [] Eclipse plugin: "Error reading signed content" during install (alex)
- 0004470: [] Add Eclipse Plugin to Downloadable Server Adapters Dialog (alex)
- 0003055: [] clustered config file restart enhancements (ferg)
- 0003710: [] Resin / mod_caucho not compiling on Solaris 8 / Resin Pro 3.1.9 / Apache 1.41 (ferg)
- 0004665: [] Reopening 0004578: Reopening 0003779: resin's EJBException serialVersionUID differs from jboss and sun (ferg)
- 0004669: [] comet request state transition failure (ferg)
- 0004657: [] heartbeat/cache sync issues (ferg)
- 0004601: [] Heartbeat not getting updated in admin tool for dynamic server. (ferg)
- 0004613: [] keepalives returning "close"
- 0004473: [] Session not invalidated (ferg)
- 0004591: [] Issue with a jpa web application which uses a non-jta-datasource (ferg)
- 0004639: [] CLOSE_WAIT (ferg)
- 0004580: [] Resin does not shut down properly (ferg)
- 0004560: [] ScheduledTask pushes nextTime out for a week. (ferg)
- 0004075: [] config to not restart on OOM (ferg)
- 0004126: [] accounting information for comet (ferg)
- 0004564: [] NPE in EntityManagerJtaProxy.getCurrent (ferg)
- 0004648: [] web.xml: add support for mutlipart-config (ferg)
- 0004637: [] web-app-deploy creates duplicate webapps (ferg)
- 0004636: [] CDI Alternatives don't work when injecting into EJBs (ferg)
- 0004654: [] usability: missleading compile hint (ferg)
- 0004649: [] Using InjectionPoint effects bean resolution for Producers (ferg)
- 0004651: [] Empty scriptlet causes NPE when trimDirectiveWhitespaces=true (ferg)
- 0004577: [] Admin tool graphs improvment (ferg)
- 0004596: [] WP with "The Developer" template results in NPE (ferg)
- 0004616: [] command-line thread-dump w/o RemoteAdminServices (ferg)
- 0004646: [] resin-data and watchdog-data directories: support custom locations (ferg)
- 0004633: [] SocketLinkState cannot switch to init (ferg)
- 0004635: [] networking state transition exceptions (ferg)
- 0004624: [] Block allocation overflow (ferg)
- 0004582: [] SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry:../../../../common/openssl/ssl/s3_pkt.c:730: (ferg)
- 0004644: [] ORA-24756: Transaction does not exist (ferg)
- 0004638: [] multipart-mime with length limit (ferg)
- 0004617: [] PHP PDF support not positioning correctly. (ferg)
- 0004640: [] configure &#8722;&#8722;with-resin-log does not set console.log location (ferg)
- 0004603: [] Command line user mgmt (4.0.21) (alex)
- 0004605: [] CLI: options on the command should be global (alex)
- 0004573: [] Unable to use JSF libraries from WEB-INF/lib - ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.faces.spi.DiscoverableInjectionProvider (ferg)
- 0004540: [] Access log rollover stops after a period of time (ferg)
- 0004627: [] <transaction-isolation>..</transaction-isolation> should accept / pass through numeric values (ferg)
- 0004628: [] classloader leak for JPA (ferg)
- 0004618: [] MovedPermanently in cluster (ferg)
- 0004623: [] StackOverflowError in com.caucho.server.util.ScheduledThreadPool (ferg)
- 0004621: [] Can't assign user roles with JaasAuthenticator (ferg)
- 0004595: [] Log in admin tool does not state restart reason from watchdog start (ferg)
- 0004599: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException: store Table[stat_data_sahqa:0] is closing. (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.19
- 0004480: [] thread dump on high thread pool count (ferg)
- 0004581: [] tried to write 97461 bytes with content-length 89385 (At char=-1). (ferg)
- 0004553: [] Candi not following interceptor order (ferg)
- 0004294: [] 4.0.x migration issues (ferg)
- 0004634: [] NPE in HttpServletRequestImpl (ferg)
- 0004435: [] Resin 4.0.15 missing from (ferg)
- 0004600: [] Latest snapshot *.19 complains about missing Open SSL header when running ./configure (ferg)
- 0004566: [] close of keepalive socket (ferg)
- 0004594: [] resin-system-auth-key does not match during remote deploy (ferg)
- 0004602: [] Remote deploy failing with latest snapshot (ferg)
- 0004606: [] .war deploy fails with .git validation failure (ferg)
- 0004587: [] log-level command does not change log-level (ferg)
- 0004593: [] Command line deploy not working with user name and password (ferg)
- 0004597: [] Formlogin not working anylonger (ferg)
- 0004592: [] add expand-preserve-fileset to web-app-deploy (ferg)
- 0004590: [] EJB Code Generation Error with Generics (ferg)
- 0004499: [] bam/heartbeat synchronization (ferg)
- 0004588: [] bam/hmtp timeout issues (ferg)
- 0004589: [] resin eclipse plugin, wizard early finish bug (alex)
- 0004314: [] Resin APT (Debian) repository - only stores current release (ferg)
- 0004574: [] /var/log/resin is not created when resin_root exists (ferg)
- 0004569: [] Create streaming cache updates between clusters (ferg)
- 0004575: [] Resin ./configure, make, make install does not install validation lib correctly needed for JSF (ferg)
- 0004586: [] SaxException, The element type "resin-c:set" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</resin-c:set>" (ferg)
- 0004584: [] Exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8192 (ferg)
- 0004578: [] Reopening 0003779: resin's EJBException serialVersionUID differs from jboss and sun (ferg)
- 0004570: [] call to context.dispatch() is lost every 40 000 requests (ferg)
- 0004585: [] kill -3 for thread dump disabled with -Xrs (ferg)
- 0004527: [] Upgrade /resin-admin graphs so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color (cowan)
- 0004526: [] Add text equivalent for all non-text elements in /resin-doc and /resin-admin (cowan)
- 0004528: [] Update /resin-admin data tables to clearly indicate row and column headers (cowan)
- 0003756: [] automated deployment - load balancer integration (alex)
- 0004534: [] comet/async toComplete issue (ferg)
- 0004551: [] ejb: invalid proxy code generation with generics (ferg)
- 0004545: [] NPE under load test in error handling of HttpRequest.handleRequest (ferg)
- 0004533: [] Make access-log rolloverCheckTime configurable (ferg)
- 0004555: [] ejb: invalid stateless proxy code generation (ferg)
- 0004552: [] ejb: static methods (ferg)
- 0004550: [] documentation: ConnectionPoolDataSource init-param (ferg)
- 0004407: [] config.guess and config.sub extremely out of date (ferg)
- 0004562: [] IllegalStateException "store Table[stat_data_hmip1:0] is closing" during "Shutdown Resin reason: MODIFIED" (ferg)
- 0004529: [] mod_caucho threading issue (ferg)
- 0004559: [] asyncContext double dispatch (ferg)
- 0004524: [] Applet - Servlet Communication (post stream issues) (ferg)
- 0004506: [] random page output (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.18
- 0004507: [] MemoryTenuredHealthCheck reports negative free memory (ferg)
- 0004532: [] Extraneous Build Error Message (ferg)
- 0004536: [] LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 vs LD_LIBRARY_PATH (ferg)
- 0004257: [] watchdog/restart enhancements (cowan)
- 0004530: [] scheduled task request.getParameter NPE (ferg)
- 0004531: [] Impossible to set the root / webapp to a dir different than ROOT (ferg)
- 0003929: [] table-name is unknown property of PersistentStoreConfig (ferg)
- 0004523: [] appear to have circular dependency. Consider using <absolute-ordering> in web.xml (ferg)
- 0004406: [] Decorator from Weld Sample App does not work in CANDI (ferg)
- 0004491: [] Roo app not running in Resin (JPA w/o jta-data-source) (ferg)
- 0004515: [] Resin generates EL expression error for knappsack archetype (ferg)
- 0004513: [] Knappsack example does not run in Resin (EJB @Produces) (ferg)
- 0004487: [] Java EE 6 standard <data-source> XML element not supported. (ferg)
- 0004511: [] java.beans.IntrospectionException: type mismatch between read and write methods (ferg)
- 0004484: [] web-fragment.xml parsing not working correctly (ferg)
- 0004501: [] Specifying @Alternatives in beans.xml overrides do not work (ferg)
- 0004502: [] Loading JPA fails in JUnit due to data source JNDI registry ordring issues (ferg)
- 0004504: [] HttpSessionListener sessionDestroyed() (ferg)
- 0004509: [] compatibility with spring's MockHttpServletRequest (ferg)
- 0004492: [] Basic Roo app causes SAX exception (ferg)
- 0004512: [] IllegalStateException for stateless session bean implementing generic interface (ferg)
- 0004514: [] Resin proxy generations breaks for generics (ferg)
- 0004500: [] special case classloader to have priority (ferg)
- 0004508: [] Resin exit reporting incorrect for kill (ferg)
- 0004489: [] serialize-collection-type (ferg)
- 0004496: [] <resin:message> doesn't work (ferg)
- 0004503: [] entity beans in ejb-jar.xml (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.17
- 0004493: [] UnsatisfiedResolutionException inside CDI extensions (ferg)
- 0004495: [] transport-guarantee CONFIDENTIAL permits http (ferg)
- 0004490: [] Duplicated request parameters with <rewrite-dispatch><forward> (ferg)
- 0004455: [] Admin - Deploy : if $isSecure == false, add a link to the secure version of the page (ferg)
- 0004486: [] update /resin-admin login prompt (ferg)
- 0004471: [] Can't store session: java.lang.IllegalStateException (ferg)
- 0004431: [] Including a query string in resin:Forward's target results in duplicated request parameters (ferg)
- 0004468: [] make install error (ferg)
- 0004476: [] SSL3_WRITE_PENDING (ferg)
- 0004440: [] NullPointerException in ResinActor.sendWarning when started from Resin.main (ferg)
- 0004472: [] proxy filter chain with include (ferg)
- 0004463: [] JSP scriptlet codegen (ferg)
- 0004481: [] resin:jspc Maven pugin is broken (ferg)
- 0004462: [] Unable to access public getter from JSP when a method with the same name and a single int parameter exists. (ferg)
- 0004454: [] admin: rest.php?q=mod_status not working (ferg)
- 0004482: [] EL floating point comparison to integer throws NumberFormatExcption (ferg)
- 0004451: [] '0' is an unknown constant pool type (ferg)
- 0004437: [] NullPointerException with ProxyCacheFilterChain (ferg)
- 0004427: [] Path.lookup normalization for HTTP normalizes query string (ferg)
- 0004434: [] ResinBeanContainer fails with a null pointer exception when running standalone (ferg)
- 0004458: [] <log> tag "format" is undocumented (ferg)
- 0004459: [] <log> format ${thread} (ferg)
- 0004465: [] resin:MovedPermanently is undocumented (ferg)
- 0004439: [] validateEmptyText in XmlConfigContext triggers failed compilation (ferg)
- 0004444: [] web-app in resin.xml combining with ROOT.war (ferg)
- 0004474: [] multiple webapp instances (not versioned) in 4.0.16 (ferg)
- 0004460: [] BamTriadSender messageFirstTriadRemote sends to self (ferg)
- 0004450: [] GIT publisher NPE (ferg)
- 0004475: [] Java deserialization classloader (ferg)
- 0004443: [] health.xml not copied during "make install" (ferg)
- 0004445: [] resin-doc distribution mismatch (ferg)
- 0004469: [] .war remains locked after deployment (alex)
- 0004461: [] hessian logging exception causing EPIPE (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.16
- 0004432: [] Rewrite for SSL (ferg)
- 0004418: [] Eclipse plug-in won't install (alex)
- 0004417: [] Debugging does not work with 4.0.15 version of the Eclipse plugin (alex)
- 0003936: [] Fighting to make the Netbeans plugin work (alex)
- 0004436: [] JVM Repeated Crashes - [] memcpy+0x15b (ferg)
- 0004433: [] HTTP 404 error page does not show server-id (ferg)
- 0004428: [] 'invocation-cache-size' is an unknown property of 'com.caucho.server.cluster.ServletContainerConfig' (ferg)
- 0004429: [] cluster pipe errors (possible timeouts) (ferg)
- 0004425: [] session timeout on failover server in 4.0.x (ferg)
- 0004419: [] Session not invalidated (ferg)
- 0004413: [] problem for cache (ferg)
- 0004405: [] @Inject fails for not serializable objects (needs investigation) (ferg)
- 0004385: [] #text' is an unknown attribute of 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' (ferg)
- 0004402: [] watchdog stop issue (ferg)
- 0004365: [] hmux?s access_thread leak (ferg)
- 0004259: [] mod_caucho && isapi_dll don't time out connections to resin (ferg)
- 0004411: [] Wildcarded ServletContext Resource Issues with Spring (ferg)
- 0004238: [] mod_caucho.dll not included for apache 2.0 (ferg)
- 0004422: [] access-log enhancement (ferg)
- 0004362: [] JSPs are Compiled in the ROOT Work Directory with Liferay (ferg)
- 0004420: [] slower startup time for Spring/Hibernate initialization (ferg)
- 0004414: [] INSERT query SQL parse exception (ferg)
- 0004400: [] java -jar lib/resin.jar console: killing watchdog jvm leaves resin server running (ferg)
- 0004410: [] NPE in AbstractHttpResponse.fillCookies (ferg)
- 0004384: [] JMX problems (cowan)
- 0004408: [] cp: /usr/local/resin-4.0.15/resin-doc not found During make install
- 0004386: [] hibernate-validator/slf4j (ferg)
- 0004398: [] Caching issue with static files (ferg)
- 0004404: [] @Inject fails on primitives (ferg)
- 0004395: [] stdout-log config (ferg)
- 0004280: [] Resin Pro with openssl does not timeout connections (ferg)
- 0004285: [] Resin always clash at startup with "<certificate-chain-file> at resin.conf" and "-J-d64 on JVM start parameter" (ferg)
- 0004004: [] solaris 10 jni build issue (ferg)
- 0004086: [] ./configure & make install problems with 4.0.7 on Solaris 10 (ferg)
- 0003428: [] SSL on Solaris x86 64bit (3.0.x) (ferg)
- 0003347: [] make on sol10 misses -fPIC (gcc) or -kpic (solaris cc) (ferg)
- 0003045: [] solaris/opteron (ferg)
- 0004327: [] Can't enlist transaction ActiveMQ Exception (ferg)
- 0004115: [] check JCA/connection pre-enlist/auto-enlist works with TransactionManager (ferg)
- 0003432: [] support SSHA digest for LDAP (ferg)
- 0003427: [] mbean annotation (ferg)
- 0003415: [] metro not working (ferg)
- 0003835: [] git deploy plugins - delete exploded apps on tag delete (ferg)
- 0004388: [] UrlRewriteWrappedResponse cannot be cast to com.caucho.server.http.CauchoResponse (ferg)
- 0004393: [] ScheduledTaskConfig.init(): javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException (ferg)
- 0004044: [] support for chained auth with client_cert and form auth (ferg)
- 0004383: [] make fails to build some modules (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.15
- 0004409: [] NPE with wrapped request in JSP/PageContext (ferg)
- 0004382: [] resin.exe FileNotFoundException when path contains spaces - Windows (ferg)
- 0003933: [] 64 bit detection; -fPIC setting (ferg)
- 0004355: [] cache timeout issues (ferg)
- 0004381: [] Resin crashes and must be complete started fresh (ferg)
- 0004373: [] JMX Beans exceptions in JVM 1.6.0_23 (cowan)
- 0004379: [] eclipse plugin should allow pro or open source (alex)
- 0004290: [] Writer/OutputStream mixup (ferg)
- 0004372: [] specifiying <ssl-session-cookie shouldn't set ;secure flag (ferg)
- 0004353: [] Memory health checks fail with CMS or G1 gc (cowan)
- 0004371: [] /resin-admin deploy with bigger war file (alex)
- 0004359: [] resinstatus doesn't show correct user (ferg)
- 0004360: [] comet/async flushing/header behavior (ferg)
- 0004358: [] url-length-max for large URLs (ferg)
- 0003703: [] DatabaseManager free DataSource (ferg)
- 0003726: [] HashMapImpl bug (ferg)
- 0004351: [] remote deploy via resin-admin fails (ferg)
- 0004350: [] resin-admin root-directory wrong (ferg)
- 0004352: [] ssl doesn't actually make automatically (ferg)
- 0003706: [] Resin Administration (php) shows increasing uptime for already stopped web-apps (ferg)
- 0004122: [] Remoting docs are out of date (ferg)
- 0003731: [] Stat Probe callback (ferg)
- 0004150: [] getReadBytesTotal() and getWriteBytesTotal() are always 0 for resin:type=Port (ferg)
- 0004128: [] git repository traffic (ferg)
- 0004341: [] Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
- 0004083: [] CanDI serialization/deserialization (ferg)
- 0003983: [] gzip filter ?>jsp->jsp->include->errorpage results in a broken content (ferg)
- 0004124: [] MacOS-X Launchd (ferg)
- 0003891: [] add "watchdog" argument to watchdog (ferg)
- 0003942: [] lost sessions (ferg)
- 0004154: [] sporadic closed connection pools with JPA (ferg)
- 0003970: [] jsse cipher exclusion (ferg)
- 0004007: [] request.getParameter returns null for i18nzed charset (ferg)
- 0004052: [] Optional JSSE verify-client setting not implemented (ferg)
- 0004348: [] Setting Context Root to / Does Not Work (ferg)
- 0004143: [] authenticator injection conflicts (ferg)
- 0004211: [] hessian/hibernate deserialization (ferg)
- 0004202: [] Watchdog / Server Performance Spike (ferg)
- 0004129: [] bind-ports-after-start for apache (ferg)
- 0004094: [] com.caucho.util.QDate.setMonth() sets wrong month (ferg)
- 0004088: [] JMX property for JNI (ferg)
- 0003897: [] resin doesn't parse cookie value that is space delimited (ferg)
- 0004177: [] add warning for multiple same-machine servers as triad (ferg)
- 0004201: [] deployment with ant issues (ferg)
- 0004132: [] Documentation for messaging is broken (ferg)
- 0004235: [] resin-jspc ant task is broken (ferg)
- 0004207: [] web-app deployment from a non-existent path fails silently (level finest) (ferg)
- 0004222: [] jdbc round-robin driver reporting (ferg)
- 0004223: [] /etc/init.d/resin output logging (ferg)
- 0004180: [] mac's default MacRoman charset is not accepted by firefox (ferg)
- 0004183: [] Issue Parsing Querystring when it contains the url endcoded string '%A3' (ferg)
- 0004230: [] ${resin.root} with console command (ferg)
- 0004249: [] slow asynccontext timeout (ferg)
- 0004135: [] "Resin started" log message is logged as SEVERE (ferg)
- 0004231: [] database pool can not recover (ferg)
- 0004234: [] access log not rolling properly (ferg)
- 0004293: [] IllegalStateException forward() after commit (ferg)
- 0004197: [] java -jar resin/lib/resin.jar -root-directory resin start -> fails from resin's parent directory (ferg)
- 0004301: [] Hudson main page served as application/octet-stream directory listing (ferg)
- 0004308: [] Resin Instance Restarts Several Times During OS Reboot (ferg)
- 0004270: [] IllegalStateException content-length exception (ferg)
- 0004342: [] webApp must be initialized: state INITIALIZING (ferg)
- 0004340: [] Session Cache Duplication (ferg)
- 0004321: [] Access.log is not rolling correctly (ferg)
- 0004317: [] content-length in access log (ferg)
- 0004239: [] server returning 304 messages (ferg)
- 0004323: [] Resin Crash immeditely after start (ferg)
- 0004333: [] Fail if the watchdog file can't be created (ferg)
- 0004315: [] cluster connection timeout error messages (ferg)
- 0004298: [] Intermittent Errors in Proxy Cache (ferg)
- 0004334: [] Proxy cache fails to serve PDF files (ferg)
- 0004329: [] dropped session on 4.0.x (ferg)
- 0004332: [] asyncContext with ResinEmbed (ferg)
- 0004304: [] <resin:LoadBalance> in <web-app> does not Forward Web Application Context (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.14
- 0004357: [] Hibernate Lazy Initialization Issue with Hessian-based sessions (ferg)
- 0004380: [] thread-max, thread-idle-min, thread-idle-max not being set correctly (ferg)
- 0003986: [] Attach handler null pointer exception when stopping Resin 4.0.6 (ferg)
- 0003815: [] user-name and group-name ignored (CentOS) (ferg)
- 0003950: [] watchdog with password change (ferg)
- 0003694: [] Major garbage collection (GC) causes thread spike (ferg)
- 0003977: [] Display of web.xml upon auto-restart (ferg)
- 0003728: [] connection pool ping (ferg)
- 0003744: [] large number of threads (880) in addNative (ferg)
- 0003763: [] Automate ISAPI Filter install on Vista (ferg)
- 0003982: [] Resin 4.0.5 stops accepting connections (ferg)
- 0003992: [] proxy cache issues (ferg)
- 0003993: [] /resin-admin profiling page errors out with no JNI compiled (ferg)
- 0004013: [] export graph configuration when not using clustering (ferg)
- 0004054: [] password encryption with <mypkg:Password> (ferg)
- 0004076: [] Resin unexpectedly dies (ferg)
- 0004085: [] JTA distributed XA (ferg)
- 0004105: [] Missing Debian packages on the Download page (ferg)
- 0004221: [] timing: comet close and dispatch (ferg)
- 0004138: [] WebApps tab (start, stop, restart) not using selected server in Server Dropdown menu in Resin-Admin (ferg)
- 0004123: [] watchdog issues with windows (ferg)
- 0004170: [] rollover task scheduling blocks for system.out.println() in a servlet (ferg)
- 0004095: [] apache & resin & keepalive-select-enable (ferg)
- 0004146: [] distributed deploy to a separate directory (ferg)
- 0004147: [] distributed deploy to virtual hosts (ferg)
- 0004279: [] Several jar files are missing from the deb package (ferg)
- 0004031: [] upload resin and sources to maven repository (ferg)
- 0004196: [] --root-directory in resin.exe on windows (ferg)
- 0004276: [] NamedDispatcherImpl does not respect resin's custom (ferg)
- 0004309: [] Instance Restart Does Not Work (ferg)
- 0004250: [] AsyncListener.onComplete called at end of service(), not after AsyncContext.complete (ferg)
- 0004316: [] command line web-app start/stop/restart (alex)
- 0004209: [] weird welcome-file-list/authentication interaction in resin-admin (ferg)
- 0004299: [] Resin Admin Login Intermittent Error (ferg)
- 0004300: [] Wachdog does not stop (ferg)
- 0004204: [] resin-admin/threads/config/thread-max, threadpool mbean's thread-max shows incorrect value (ferg)
- 0004190: [] Mixed '#' and '$ (ferg)
- 0004198: [] rewrite at host level mutes access logging (ferg)
- 0004271: [] log4j fails to load custom logger (ferg)
- 0004210: [] setHeader content-length with non-integer value (ferg)
- 0004289: [] Error in XSLTFilter after migration from 3.x (emil)
- 0004252: [] connectionpool overflow (ferg)
- 0004193: [] HessianServlet extend HttpServlet instead of GenericServlet (ferg)
- 0003757: [] filters run twice with rewrite-dispatch (ferg)
- 0004217: [] request for implementation changes on <cookie-http-only> (ferg)
- 0004291: [] watchdog slow alarm (ferg)
- 0004228: [] ThreadPool idleMin=1 issues with watchdog (ferg)
- 0004265: [] Parameterized type not allowed as a type of producer method (ferg)
- 0004067: [] @Qualifier dispatch (ferg)
- 0004284: [] forwarded to external context request fails to find .tlds (ferg)
- 0004266: [] Bean class local view session beans not working (ferg)
- 0004248: [] wrong classloader in forwarded webapp (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.13
- 0004281: [] mod_caucho not compiling in centos 5.5 64bit (ferg)
- 0004152: [] make install fails when /etc/init.d not writable (ferg)
- 0004181: [] <proxy-cache> requires Resin Pro erroneous message (ferg)
- 0004214: [] Conflict between jersey and resin (and again, with example war) (ferg)
- 0004215: [] Conflict between jersey and resin (and again, with example war) (ferg)
- 0004186: [] Life-cycle call-back methods should be transactional (ferg)
- 0004283: [] url-pattern="" (ferg)
- 0004212: [] use 301 on directory redirects (ferg)
- 0004220: [] www-data on MacOS-X (ferg)
- 0004263: [] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unimplemented in (ferg)
- 0004218: [] HTTP OPTIONS request to non-existent file or directory caused 501 (and alert in /resin-admin) (ferg)
- 0004251: [] <thread-max> not picked up from configuration (ferg)
- 0004272: [] moved-permanently (ferg)
- 0004258: [] JSP Compiler error when using 3 or more nested custom tags (ferg)
- 0004267: [] rewrite-dispatch recursion issue (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.12
- 0004241: [] Nubmer format exception when reading repository (ferg)
- 0004254: [] session/hessian classloader issue 4.0.9 (ferg)
- 0004236: [] java.lang.StackOverflowError (ferg)
- 0004237: [] java.lang.StackOverflowError (ferg)
- 0004216: [] Windows: log rotation error in zip format error (alex)

Resin - 4.0.11
- 0004187: [] resin-admin server dropdown is empty (ferg)
- 0004206: [] CauchoResponseWrapper shouldn't assume wrapping CauchoResponse (alex)
- 0004189: [] welcome-file-list is processed before rewrite rules (ferg)
- 0004194: [] Class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource should return a URL to jar file (ferg)
- 0004195: [] don't overwrite /etc/init.d/resin by default with make install

Resin - 4.0.10
- 0004176: [] XA Transaction Manager Bug with Two Oracle connections in the same transaction with the same URL.
- 0004168: [] HessianServlet with @TransactionAttribute (ferg)
- 0004134: [] cxf support for remoting (ferg)
- 0004175: [] duplicate @HessianService/@Singleton (ferg)
- 0004160: [] connection and transaction in ResinBeanContainer (ferg)
- 0004173: [] proxy-cache warning (ferg)
- 0004172: [] old-style management with non-pro (ferg)
- 0004169: [] Very Slow Startup With Resin 4.0.7 and 4.0.9 on Solaris (ferg)
- 0004145: [] /resin-admin close/open problems (alex)
- 0004167: [] UserTransaction not interacting with JPA (ferg)
- 0004166: [] Alarm freeze issues (ferg)
- 0003928: [] Neither resin.exe nor setup.exe run on 64-bit Windows Server 2003 (alex)
- 0004159: [] Windows - looks for 64-bit DLLs in resin\win32\ (alex)
- 0004117: [] cross-context include does not return proper context (alex)
- 0003943: [] Resin 4.x doesn't respond properly to Windows Service "stop" command. (alex)
- 0004153: [] servlet 3.0 @MultipartConfig (alex)
- 0004102: [] post data not available for multipart/form-data POST request after calls to getParameter* (ferg)
- 0004149: [] FileServlet range handling with firefox (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.9
- 0004130: [] remote-client authentication (ferg)
- 0004131: [] CDI config timing issue: ee:Named and EL in config file (ferg)
- 0004109: [] CDI session removal must be at end (ferg)
- 0004050: [] JDBC Session Store creates an extra record for this client's expired session when a new session is created
- 0004096: [] com.caucho.db.jdbc.PreparedStatementImpl.execute( with LogService
- 0004113: [] watchdog security (ferg)
- 0004091: [] CDI Extension: ProcessAnnotatedType throws StackOverflowError (ferg)
- 0004093: [] Very Slow Startup With Resin 4.0.7 on Solaris (ferg)
- 0004089: [] Performance and Stability Issues on Resin 4.0.7 Pro (ferg)
- 0004092: [] com.caucho.sql.UserConnection.createSQLXML throws UnsupportedOperationException (ferg)
- 0004104: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8192 at com.caucho.vfs.i18n.UTF8Writer.write( [resin.jar:4.0.8] (ferg)
- 0004106: [] utf-8 writer (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.8
- 0004090: [] 404 on rewritten URL results in FileNotFoundException (ferg)
- 0004073: [] compatibility with spring's MockHttpServletRequest (alex)
- 0004048: [] ./configure & make & make install failed to generate libtool (alex)
- 0003963: [] resin startup script not being copied to /etc/init.d/ (alex)
- 0003892: [] Starting Resin with JNI as root on Solaris fails on new ServerSocket(0, 5, InetAddress.getByname("127.1")).accept() (alex)
- 0004021: [] Remote Desktop warning because Resin creates a C:\Program directory (alex)
- 0004055: [] /resin-admin create new password with non-writable admin-users.xml.generated throws bad exception
- 0004051: [] Servlet 3.0 Upload API throws NPE

Resin - 4.0.7
- 0004087: [] Resin Server downs frequently by SIGSEGV or SIGBUS at (ferg)
- 0003890: [] isapi_srun does not serve webapps defined with web-app tag in resin.xml (alex)
- 0003871: [] isapi_srun changes encoding to chunked (alex)
- 0003846: [] isapi_srun.dll 64 bit (alex)
- 0002694: [] Aberrant behaviour of servlets within IIS7 (alex)
- 0003841: [] Resin init script does not implement status command (ferg)
- 0003932: [] init.d resin, lsb test should account for lsb version (ferg)
- 0004012: [] init-functions test does not guarantee functions will be present (ferg)
- 0004042: [] Rewrite: Missing two Features in 4.0 (ferg)
- 0004017: [] client deploy issues (ferg)
- 0003957: [] proxy cache: interruptedIOexception (ferg)
- 0003985: [] Remote IP address no longer complete in the access.log (ferg)
- 0003864: [] EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in Resin 3.1.9 Pro (ferg)
- 0003875: [] ByteCodeClassScanner fails on icu4j version 2.2 (ferg)
- 0003991: [] Resin does not use more than 1 CPU (ferg)
- 0004023: [] Rewrite: Tag for moved-permanently (ferg)
- 0004030: [] JsseSocketShutdown exception (ferg)
- 0004038: [] TraversableResolver with UnsupportedOperationExceptoin (ferg)
- 0004025: [] sendRedirect fails (ferg)
- 0004029: [] ClientDisconnectException due to 'client timeout' (ferg)
- 0004001: [] runaway watchdog process (ferg)
- 0003893: [] solaris 10 64 bit compile (reproduced on x64 open solaris) (emil)
- 0003947: [] eclipse plugin dlls not found (emil)
- 0004022: [] solaris java -d64 detection (emil)
- 0004039: [] --disable-jni & --disable-ssl in configure (emil)
- 0004028: [] file upload request.getParts() returns null (alex)
- 0003178: [] IIS connector for 64bit does not return more than 20kb of content (alex)
- 0003889: [] isapi_srun does not serve static content with IIS 7 (alex)
- 0003951: [] IIS with resin <host><host-alias>name:port does not serve requests (alex)

Resin - 4.0.6
- 0003740: [] Open SSL seg fault (ferg)
- 0003976: [] jsp:param behavior change in 4.0.5 (ferg)
- 0003781: [] check default error page with sendError text (ferg)
- 0003832: [] websocket does not work with <POLICY-FILE-REQUEST/> (ferg)
- 0003773: [] class-loader for patches/hotfixes seems to have no effect (ferg)
- 0003865: [] add cookie-domain-regexp (alex)
- 0003940: [] multiple jvm arguments in a single tag (ferg)
- 0003965: [] cluster imported as server with resin:import (ferg)
- 0003687: [] access log reports IP belonging to a different client (ferg)
- 0003725: [] logging configured per web-app breaks with a shared third party rar (ferg)
- 0003229: [] log file formatting (ferg)
- 0003814: [] endless cycle in log rotation (ferg)
- 0003853: [] timestamp in logging seem to jump between local and UTC (ferg)
- 0003948: [] Missing Documentation (emil)
- 0003954: [] CDI circular initialization (ferg)
- 0003945: [] BeanManager getBeans(MyBean.class) should return beans in predetermined order (ferg)
- 0003952: [] verify jdk 1.6 on startup (ferg)
- 0003848: [] resin in a deadlock on com.caucho.loader.EnvironmentClassLoader (ferg)
- 0003935: [] %D - Time of request in microseconds is reporting wrong values (ferg)
- 0003896: [] Solaris hangs sockets after client disconnects (ferg)
- 0003922: [] jsp forward with buffer=10kb (ferg)
- 0003912: [] deadlock with EnvironmentLocal (ferg)
- 0003953: [] jsp tag ancestors (ferg)
- 0003904: [] resin4 documentation: broken links. (emil)
- 0003941: [] SO_RCVTIMEO blocking (ferg)
- 0003968: [] 64-bit configure CFLAGS (ferg)
- 0003967: [] ProcessInjectionTarget.getAnnotatedType() returns null (ferg)
- 0003964: [] 3.1 to 4.0 EJB JNDI Lookup compatibility (ferg)
- 0003752: [] jstl xml forEach varStatus does not report right status (ferg)
- 0003903: [] IPv6 /resin-admin checks (ferg)
- 0003924: [] Not able to bind IPv6 HTTP request to resin (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.11
- 0004521: [] Apache crashes on windows with mod_caucho when using ResinConfigServer (ferg)
- 0004518: [] Apache 2.0 Build Missing (ferg)
- 0004667: [] Backport 3848 to Resin 3.x (ferg)
- 0004641: [] insert of key '?' fails index uniqueness (ferg)
- 0004535: [] Calling Amazon EC2 Cloud API produces IllegalArgumentException (ferg)
- 0004571: [] java.lang.ClassCastException: tag file with script + custom tag (ferg)
- 0004645: [] call to XAResource.forget must only happen if same TM (ferg)
- 0004608: [] Backport 4176 to Resin 3.1 (ferg)
- 0004557: [] NPE in (ferg)
- 0004203: [] isapi_srun failsafter windows tick reset at 50 days. (ferg)
- 0004401: [] error: redefinition of 'ssl_init_locks' (ferg)
- 0004349: [] Apache can't recover sending 503 status after Resin's exception in JniSelectManager (ferg)
- 0004009: [] openssl: double free or corruption error (ferg)
- 0004287: [] JVM crashing in JNI com.caucho.vfs.JniSocketImpl.readNative (ferg)
- 0004305: [] RequestWrapper throws NPE (ferg)
- 0004256: [] *** glibc detected *** /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_17/bin/java: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x000000004b06a5b0 *** (ferg)
- 0004288: [] protocol.cpp ALL_RAW headers buffer too short (ferg)
- 0003915: [] build issues: missing apache 2.0 build. wrong *.exe placing. wrong name for http.exe (ferg)
- 0003715: [] Session id reuse (alex)

Resin - 4.0.5
- 0003956: [] resin incorrectly builds JSP tag classes
- 0003938: [] NullPointerException at HttpServletRequestImpl.isSecure (ferg)
- 0003937: [] jsp taglib (ferg)
- 0003927: [] configure script doesn't detect 64-bit IBM JVM (nam)
- 0003851: [] IllegalStateException on session load (ferg)
- 0003895: [] DBTree error (ferg)
- 0003850: [] MnodeStore removeExpiredData fails (ferg)
- 0003911: [] Hessian: writeReplace can return self (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.4
- 0003877: [] Uneven distribution of requests across a cluster with dead nodes (ferg)
- 0003736: [] broken ScheduledTask (ferg)
- 0003888: [] jni make install on solaris (emil)
- 0003873: [] resin 4.0.3 reports strange error web-app's root-directory 'null' must be outside of the 'Host[default]' root-directory (ferg)
- 0003887: [] deploying web-app into '/' context from a .war file does not expand (ferg)
- 0003852: [] xml config breaks injection (ferg)
- 0003847: [] Using external compiler to compile jsps is slow and takes a heavy toll from the Resin server (ferg)
- 0003872: [] session data is replicated between cluster instances in resin-data dir when persistent sessions are disabled (ferg)
- 0003760: [] multipe persistence units in persistence.xml (ferg)
- 0003886: [] CanDI circular injection references (ferg)
- 0003863: [] @Singleton injection (ferg)
- 0003885: [] Unexpected shutdown cache in Resin 4.0.3 Pro. (ferg)
- 0003883: [] isSecure() not properly cleared on request for hmux/http (ferg)
- 0003882: [] EnvironmentLogger getHandlers must not return null (ferg)
- 0003862: [] configure: test jdk for 1.6 or better and error if condition is not met (ferg)
- 0003716: [] Servlet 3.0 Async support (ferg)
- 0003741: [] CanDI in unit tests
- 0003838: [] JUnit for EJB (ferg)
- 0003708: [] @PersistenceUnit(unitName) (ferg)
- 0003839: [] class reloads with git deploy (ferg)
- 0003768: [] Resin instance pids / Watchdog pid (bug id ref: 0002855) (ferg)
- 0003759: [] Place user jvm-args first in command line (ferg)
- 0003719: [] apply file.encoding to javac encoding setting (ferg)
- 0003779: [] resin's EJBException serialVersionUID differs from jboss and sun (ferg)
- 0003797: [] resin-spring missing from build (emil)
- 0003842: [] ${cluster} missing ing 4.0.3 (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.3
- 0003679: [] Resin doesn't respect ApplicationException(rollback=false) (ferg)
- 0003732: [] session serialization (ferg)
- 0003723: [] @Named("name") doesn't put bean in scope collection (ferg)
- 0003766: [] file servlet throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with negative range (ferg)
- 0003812: [] hmux timeout exception (ferg)
- 0003807: [] illegal (ferg)
- 0003805: [] resin-admin cluster page (alex)
- 0003782: [] /resin-admin jmx page exception Mac OSX 10.6.2 (alex)
- 0003806: [] resin-admin summary page (alex)
- 0003739: [] managed EJB session pool size (ferg)
- 0003798: [] @PostConstruct on a @Stateless bean is not being called (ferg)
- 0003784: [] win32 -install issue (alex)
- 0003793: [] hmux: forward() not allowed after buffer has committed. (ferg)
- 0003790: [] mod_caucho post problem with file upload (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.2
- 0003462: [] Resin Windows service restart stops Resin but doesn't start it (ferg)
- 0003786: [] Resin proccess not dying stopping resin server (ferg)
- 0003709: [] Window paths with spaces (ferg)
- 0003834: [] Resin Logover sometimes create empty archive file. (ferg)
- 0003465: [] Resin does not use more than 1 CPU (ferg)
- 0003762: [] java -jar lib/resin.jar stop times out when Resin JNI is used (alex)
- 0003720: [] Ubuntu script warning
- 0003738: [] exception on startup loading a table (ferg)
- 0003436: [] findAncestorWithClass() does not return parent classic tag instance within classic tag embedded in a tag file
- 0003730: [] /resin-admin Apache mod_caucho REST page (ferg)
- 0003699: [] Faulty code generated for JSP pages under some circumstances
- 0003686: [] hmux chunking issues with 4.0.1 (ferg)
- 0003294: [] comet timeout issues (ferg)
- 0003695: [] use file.encoding as default (ferg)
- 0003727: [] getValue() fails when Method.accessible is reset to false elsewhere in the code
- 0003685: [] MacOS-X 64-bit detection (ferg)
- 0003566: [] watchdog log config enhancements (ferg)
- 0003630: [] ClientDisconnect with Comet servlet (ferg)
- 0002826: [] BAM reliability and XA (ferg)
- 0002829: [] BAM persistent topics (ferg)
- 0003468: [] class-loader issues - candi binding (ferg)
- 0003595: [] Resin Relax NG schemas contain multiple definitions of the same lements e.g. "r_url" (ferg)
- 0003534: [] SSI support is very poor (ferg)
- 0003335: [] ManyToOne mapping impossible if primary key defined in super class entity (ferg)
- 0003574: [] persistence.xml can't be found if war path contains spaces (Windows) (ferg)
- 0003416: [] Resin 4.0 and artifactory (ferg)
- 0003651: [] XML Stream (ferg)
- 0003673: [] duplicate class definition (environment classloader) (ferg)
- 0003677: [] Many serialization errors (ferg)
- 0003228: [] Recursive tag files with JspFragment attributes fails (ferg)
- 0003650: [] log rollover (ferg)
- 0003675: [] CanDI custom scope and /tmp/caucho/qa/temp.class (ferg)
- 0003052: [] database connection pooling issue (ferg)
- 0003665: [] Comet servlet dispatch in 3.1.6 (ferg)
- 0003397: [] resin-admin jdbc connection enhancements (ferg)
- 0003664: [] admin: Add URI to ConnectionPoolMXBean (ferg)
- 0003000: [] Admin profiler not implemented on Mac OS X (ferg)
- 0003657: [] JSP CodeSource for security manager (ferg)
- 0002862: [] Apache + Resin and 503 HTTP Error (ferg)
- 0003068: [] Resin as load balancer (ferg)
- 0003345: [] deployment manager - test server (ferg)
- 0003603: [] in an EJB Interceptor, the @Resource tag fails when getting the EJBContext (ferg)
- 0003648: [] Java serialization for persistent store (ferg)
- 0003605: [] ping needs to be server independent (ferg)
- 0003467: [] ClusterSingleSignon (ferg)
- 0003572: [] EJB TimerService does not get injected at @Resource (ferg)
- 0003583: [] MDB deployment from EAR fails (ferg)
- 0003601: [] Automatic classpath scanning for EJB's fails under certain conditions (ferg)
- 0003542: [] load balance issues - array out of bound in ReadStream (ferg)
- 0003530: [] Resin embed enhancements - logging (ferg)
- 0003537: [] EntityManager.getDelegate() returns null until transaction is started (ferg)
- 0003486: [] maven-plugin JNDI initialization (ferg)
- 0003577: [] MavenJspc -> JspCompiler should omit validation of resource-refs
- 0003429: [] @Service, JPA/Hibernate, and inserting (ferg)
- 0003622: [] JPA/hibernate issues with 4.0.1 (ferg)
- 0003512: [] AbstractHttpRequest.getDateHeader() sometimes returns dates that are off by 24 hours (ferg)
- 0003424: [] Amber query limits (ferg)
- 0003535: [] Minor mistake in <web-app> definition deletes resin home dir (ferg)
- 0003501: [] Login/Authenticator (and Principal) Roles Ingored (ferg)
- 0003118: [] segment fault with JDK6 + -agentlib:resin (ferg)
- 0003475: [] Resin cannot be installed to a directory that has whitespaces in the directory name in Windows (ferg)
- 0003628: [] "java -jar lib/resin.jar -root-directory c:\appservers\resin-pro-4.0.1 start" fails with FileNotFoundException error: (ferg)
- 0003589: [] eclispe plugin spaces in path
- 0003573: [] resin.exe fails when resin path contains spaces (Windows) (ferg)
- 0003548: [] Cron jobs run twice 50% of the time (ferg)
- 0003443: [] triad server cache synchronization (ferg)
- 0003592: [] configure option for long GC before Resin restart (ferg)
- 0003642: [] load-balance-connect-timeout apache plugin (ferg)
- 0003571: [] resin http transaction blocked (ferg)
- 0003521: [] JNI not found with <user-name> (ferg)
- 0003567: [] Resin embed port.getPort() (ferg)
- 0002989: [] XMLStreamReader parse issue when XML is invalid (ferg)
- 0003044: [] md5 filter with gzip (ferg)
- 0003645: [] syn_recv between mod_caucho and Resin (ferg)
- 0003524: [] JSTL and sessionScope (ferg)
- 0003456: [] Custom tag parameters are not exposed for usage in JSP scriptlets (ferg)
- 0003097: [] /resin-admin issues (ferg)
- 0003598: [] javax.el.ELException: java.lang.IllegalAccessException (ferg)
- 0003514: [] staged remote deploy (ferg)
- 0003464: [] distributed locking (ferg)
- 0003502: [] Eclipse plugin doesn't respect port
- 0003503: [] Eclipse plugin hot deploy
- 0003515: [] Eclipse plugin: deploy from temporary directory
- 0003484: [] breakpoints in eclipse plugin
- 0003563: [] breakpoints skipped in Eclipse
- 0003633: [] Missing jar files for building Resin from source (ferg)
- 0003641: [] environmentclassloader locking (ferg)
- 0002766: [] JMS single consumer across cluster
- 0003111: [] RequestWrapper throws NPE (ferg)
- 0003557: [] possible page mixup between requests (ferg)
- 0003059: [] javax.servlet.foward.* request attributes not set if the request is wrapped (ferg)
- 0002789: [] session accounting issues with LRU and deploy reload (ferg)
- 0003431: [] reopen?: 0002360: jsse cipher-suites (ferg)
- 0003619: [] Chunked encoding with programmatically specified Content-Length produces IllegalStateException (ferg)
- 0003620: [] _attrGetMap instance variable in IntrospectionMBean class should be synchronized (ferg)
- 0003593: [] JSSE ciphers restriction not work? (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.1
- 0003671: [] add EL server variable for ${server.address} (ferg)
- 0003678: [] The "kill" option for the resin.jar server does not work, it just restarts the server (ferg)
- 0003518: [] JSF sample app Navigation broken (ferg)
- 0003349: [] JSTL XML taglib (ferg)
- 0003412: [] programmatic login (alex)
- 0003262: [] Errors running Apache's Continuum (ferg)
- 0003569: [] deadlock display (ferg)
- 0003556: [] resin.exe/setup.exe fails on windows (alex)
- 0003460: [] cluster session inconsistency (ferg)
- 0003481: [] session replication issue (ferg)
- 0003584: [] JSP slow compilation (ferg)
- 0002963: [] Memory leak in LRU Cache related to URI and comet implementation (ferg)
- 0003599: [] gzip filter with zero length content (ferg)
- 0003578: [] JSP 2.0-style tag definitions cause calling page to recompile every access (ferg)
- 0003517: [] ViewExpiredException with a sample app
- 0003554: [] duplicate database with web-app-config (ferg)
- 0003564: [] CanDI wrapping issue with scope (ferg)
- 0003559: [] callBeforeCompletion registration (ferg)
- 0003544: [] resin-maven-plugin-4.0.0.jar is broken (ferg)
- 0003379: [] jsp include cache issues (ferg)
- 0003561: [] FileNotFound and 500 forwarding
- 0003510: [] rewrite with multiple load-balance rules (ferg)
- 0003527: [] Resin fails to restart in a timely fashion (perhaps because of active requests?) (ferg)
- 0003418: [] Watchdog startup synchronization issue (ferg)
- 0003528: [] watchdog/httpd issues (ferg)
- 0003321: [] Issue using jsp:useBean with generic type (ferg)
- 0003543: [] Hessian @ApplicationScoped Servelet-Mapping Class created multiple times. (ferg)
- 0003545: [] session issues with 4.0.0 (ferg)
- 0003546: [] Webbeans configured in resin-web.xml duplicate scanned beans (ferg)
- 0003480: [] stack overflow on resin-web.xml (ferg)
- 0003506: [] EJB3 SessionContext Not Injectable (ferg)
- 0003539: [] Remoting documentation is out of date (ferg)
- 0003507: [] Login ambiguity (ferg)
- 0003498: [] ResinEmbed requires <cluster id=""> && <server id=""> (ferg)
- 0003489: [] NullPointerException in AbstractHttpRequest with custom Login objects (ferg)
- 0003490: [] Can't build resin dist without pro source (ferg)
- 0003448: [] Hessian JavaFieldSerializer deep serialization (ferg)
- 0003442: [] JNI: file not found/accessible (ferg)
- 0003455: [] JSP parsing error (ferg)
- 0003477: [] remote deploy (ferg)
- 0003499: [] missing (ferg)
- 0003525: [] UTF8Reader bom (ferg)
- 0003423: [] ClassEntry/SystemClassLoader deadlock (ferg)
- 0003318: [] Database connection pooling with Oracle RAC (ferg)
- 0003482: [] web-app versioning with ROOT (ferg)
- 0003466: [] Resin 3.2.1 web-app versioning doesn't work with ROOT war file (ferg)
- 0003434: [] i18n toByte array overrun (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.10
- 0003749: [] load-balance-timeout ignored in ServerPool (ferg)
- 0003696: [] ${resin.hostname} unknown despite being listed in docs (ferg)
- 0003837: [] DBPool does not wait for connections according to logic specified by <connection-wait-time> (ferg)
- 0003660: [] No matching PoolItem found (ferg)
- 0003617: [] Session cache state filture (ferg)
- 0003508: [] JSP include with include-prelude (ferg)
- 0003295: [] getRequestURI and rewrite-dispatch (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.28
- 0003454: [] ThreadPool state testing (ferg)
- 0003337: [] Resin 3.0.27 and IIS restart (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.9
- 0003867: [] lt;thread-idle-max> (10) must be greater than &lt;thread-idle-min> (25) (ferg)
- 0003680: [] scheduled tasks not working for sundays (ferg)
- 0003386: [] trimDirectiveWhitespaces is broken in tag files (ferg)
- 0003382: [] windows logs opened in read-only (ferg)
- 0003328: [] Snapshot 3.1.s090206: status.php uses wrong resin:type for lookup of Logging Messages (ferg)
- 0003342: [] Snapshot 3.1.s090206: NullPointerException in ServletConfigImpl (ferg)
- 0002987: [] Backport of 2767 into 3.1 branch (ferg)

Resin - 4.0.0
- 0003010: [] RESIN 3.1.6 crashes when installed as NT Service in Windows XP SP2 (same as 0002470) (ferg)
- 0003509: [] deadlock when writing access log (ferg)
- 0003190: [] osgi conflict (ferg)
- 0002503: [] httpd.exe silently fails when installed as a service (ferg)
- 0003440: [] Corrupted zipped file on all version (ferg)
- 0003251: [] Resin dependencies are broken for version 3.2.1 at the Caucho Maven 2 repository
- 0003426: [] resin-maven-plugin-3.1.8.jar is broken
- 0003066: [] displaytag (ferg)
- 0003257: [] PingMailer not checking url (ferg)
- 0003122: [] cluster sessions not expiring (ferg)
- 0003422: [] More detail on what cause container or the app restart (ferg)
- 0003116: [] session timeouts (ferg)
- 0003067: [] rewrite-dispatch (for 3.1.8) (ferg)
- 0003405: [] /resin-admin webapp page show sort_webapp() error (ferg)
- 0003062: [] UTF-8 jsp files return 'contentType xxx conflicts with previous value of contentType yyy' (ferg)
- 0003065: [] proxy caching and apache authentication (ferg)
- 0003051: [] UTF-8 / ISO-8859-1 urlencoding issues. (ferg)
- 0003039: [] BurlapProxyFactory hangs on create(a, u) (ferg)
- 0003008: [] errorManager with bad request (ferg)
- 0002967: [] JSP error message display (ferg)
- 0003301: [] persistent shutdown performance issues
- 0002867: [] dynamic server with load balancing (ferg)
- 0002831: [] Green load balancing (ferg)
- 0003194: [] associate connections (URL) with thread in thread dump (ferg)
- 0003255: [] logging request url (ferg)
- 0003019: [] eclipse plugin - Cannot create a "Dynamic Web Project" (ferg)
- 0003161: [] cluster sessions need to send deltas for access_time (ferg)
- 0003287: [] JMS exception (ferg)
- 0003096: [] dynamic rewrite-dispatch (ferg)
- 0003204: [] port 80 error message (ferg)
- 0003112: [] I cannot login to forums at with one-time login (ferg)
- 0003354: [] request-secure affecting logging (ferg)
- 0003381: [] Header set (ferg)
- 0003333: [] Snapshot 3.1.s090206: <secure/> cause ignoring of login-config and security-constraint (ferg)
- 0003188: [] Allow cron syntax in servlet run-at configuration (ferg)
- 0003330: [] Resin running in root (0) group although configured otherwise (WARNING: potential privilege escalation bug!) (ferg)
- 0003348: [] java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Tenured Gen (ferg)
- 0003363: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in quercus
- 0003193: [] Can't compile JNI support with Resin 3.2.1 (ferg)
- 0003374: [] problems building resin-pro-4.0.s090304 (ferg)
- 0003331: [] "javaw -server" option not supported on Windows JREs (ferg)
- 0003334: [] Snapshot 3.1.s090206: NullPointerException in Logging (ferg)
- 0003340: [] Make Clean leaves .o/.so files (ferg)
- 0003339: [] JavaRebel & Resin integration hurdles (ferg)
- 0003352: [] Print Quercus personal license message (emil)
- 0003226: [] There are two "synchronized lock"s in the frequence operation,this cause slow (ferg)
- 0002995: [] Request Size = -1 when using HTTPS with mod_caucho (ferg)
- 0003267: [] Patch: Fail to build Fedora-10 package on direct use of ld in makefile (ferg)
- 0003236: [] Patch: Get rid of some unnecessary NPEs (ferg)
- 0003101: [] Eclipse plugin - deploy target pointing Resin to source files
- 0003102: [] f:view not bound when running sample: HelloVisualJSF
- 0003013: [] no resin-status and no /tmp/localhost_6800
- 0003049: [] authentication cookie needs to be optional (ferg)
- 0003043: [] gzip vary header issue (ferg)
- 0003005: [] getRequestURL reconstructs bogus URL (ferg)
- 0003078: [] server EL variable conflicting with TeamCity (ferg)
- 0003087: [] admin-dummy-root (ferg)
- 0003023: [] JSTL and empty cookies fails (ferg)
- 0003074: [] java.lang.NullPointerException at com.caucho.server.session.SessionManager.create( (ferg)
- 0003174: [] Can't start Resin in background (ferg)
- 0003081: [] @ManyToOne@JoinColumn SQL column name generation BUG (ferg)
- 0003080: [] Resin use new Integer(1) to initialize @Version property with java.sql.Timestamp (ferg)
- 0003035: [] webApp.url && UnknownHostException (ferg)
- 0003076: [] Unreadable optional import file (ferg)
- 0003054: [] cache memory size (ferg)
- 0003071: [] EJB 3.0 may not have public constructor (ferg)
- 0003084: [] log-service overlogging (ferg)
- 0003056: [] resource bundle is not used by JSF (alex)
- 0003058: [] Using an actionlistener with UI Command causes exception (alex)
- 0003125: [] debian package user for resin (ferg)
- 0003124: [] debian package user for resin (ferg)
- 0003057: [] invalid input is not redisplayed in JSF UI Input
- 0003089: [] 304 content-length (ferg)
- 0003079: [] cluster store with triplicate="true" but 1 server (ferg)
- 0003070: [] NullPointerException at com.caucho.jca.ConnectionPool.destroy (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.8
- 0003359: [] stack trace not wanted (ferg)
- 0003346: [] Error InterruptedIOException (ferg)
- 0003060: [] java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: nativeTruncate in 3.1.7a (ferg)
- 0002993: [] rollover issues with 3.1.7 (ferg)
- 0003024: [] Log rotation problem (ferg)
- 0003022: [] inode block/fragment mixup (ferg)
- 0003009: [] NullPointerException when Resin-3.1.7a is killed using ./ kill (ferg)
- 0003025: [] Session lost due to some inode block/fragment mixup (ferg)
- 0003031: [] memory leak for security context (ferg)
- 0002974: [] Reopen og bug 2420, unable to serve requests with certain versions of apache and mod_caucho (ferg)
- 0002970: [] comet missing Connection:close (ferg)
- 0002962: [] Unexplained TCP error messages in the jvm log (ferg)
- 0002904: [] jsp tag file issue (ferg)
- 0002936: [] Taglib usage fails in JSP tag file when prefixes vary (ferg)

Resin - 3.2.1
- 0003001: [] expand-cleanup-fileset (ferg)
- 0002988: [] OpenSSL timeout (ferg)
- 0002871: [] mod_caucho with SSL (ferg)
- 0002937: [] JCA ActiveMQ issue (ferg)
- 0002992: [] Solaris 10 x86 build failure (ferg)
- 0002891: [] http.exe / resin.jar fails on spaces in paths (ferg)
- 0002961: [] When the underlying connection is closed the CometController.isClosed() does not return true. (ferg)
- 0002965: [] XSS issue with UTF-7 (ferg)
- 0002953: [] add "Header" cofiguration option (ferg)
- 0002924: [] comet issues (ferg)
- 0002952: [] META-INF/MANIFEST.MF should have correct Implementation-Version (ferg)
- 0002897: [] database connection-max and thread dump (ferg)
- 0002838: [] Values of <jsp:param> not URL encoded (ferg)
- 0002855: [] Resin instance pids (ferg)
- 0002894: [] scheduled-task issue (ferg)
- 0002900: [] Repeated headers not passed in response (ferg)
- 0002949: [] access log for virtual host (ferg)
- 0002908: [] Ice Faces Sample Apps throw exception with Resin's JSF Impl
- 0002898: [] configure --prefix and make install, missing php/* and conf/resin.conf (ferg)
- 0002870: [] comet w/o skip (ferg)
- 0002885: [] 3.2.0 Pro Creates .git Directory (ferg)
- 0002903: [] add server id to error page (ferg)
- 0002888: [] Another time waster documentaion error! (ferg)
- 0002866: [] StAX compatibility problem with WSS4J
- 0002859: [] Example in minimal.xml is incorrect (ferg)
- 0002842: [] XML Streaming issue with XFire and Resin 3.1.6 (emil)
- 0002847: [] cluster and file-store (ferg)
- 0002822: [] extend mail config for authenticator (ferg)
- 0002839: [] memory check issues with Tenured (ferg)
- 0002825: [] mod_caucho discards query parameter if url contains jsessionid (ferg)
- 0002802: [] http in resin:if in server (ferg)
- 0002821: [] amber: clean query caching sql (ferg)
- 0002834: [] Easiest Bug Evar! (ferg)
- 0002813: [] host/regexp priority with host-alias (ferg)
- 0002807: [] Error with a tag file attribute called 'name' (ferg)
- 0002808: [] tag directive parse error (ferg)
- 0002798: [] add port-default (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.27
- 0002764: [] Windows Service Shutdown Fails (ferg)
- 0002863: [] Update Javamail to Version 1.4.1 (ferg)
- 0002843: [] JNI clientdisconnect should cause close (ferg)
- 0002814: [] isapi_srun taking extra CPU on long-running process (ferg)
- 0002706: [] webapp deployment steps do not follow order specified in servlet spec (ferg)

Resin - 3.2.0
- 0003150: [] classloader issue finding resources in WEB-INF/lib .jar file (ferg)
- 0002786: [] RemoteMBeanServer (ferg)
- 0002792: [] jsse ssl protocols (ferg)
- 0002711: [] Unable to compile 64bit jnilibs on Mac OS X 10.5.3 with 64bit Java 6 (ferg)
- 0002448: [] I can't find a way compile for 64bit Apache 2.x on Mac OS X 10.5 (ferg)
- 0002799: [] port/thread illegal state exception (ferg)
- 0002793: [] Snapshot 3.1.s080710: resin-admin 'WebApp' tab (ferg)
- 0002777: [] Amber setMaxResults issue (ferg)
- 0002783: [] environment variables in resin.conf (ferg)
- 0002780: [] hessian proxy from remote-client not properly registered with jndi (ferg)
- 0002781: [] xml error line reporting (ferg)
- 0002773: [] amber NPE for postgis (ferg)
- 0002775: [] amber should not be enabled by default (ferg)
- 0002774: [] rewrite-dispatch and authenticator (ferg)
- 0002716: [] netbeans plugin not included with Resin (ferg)
- 0002710: [] eclipse plugin (ferg)
- 0002759: [] reduce jsp synchronization lock (ferg)
- 0002767: [] MultiThreaded JspPrecompileListener (ferg)
- 0002760: [] watchdog doesn't restart resin while the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space exception happen (ferg)
- 0002288: [] improve deadlock detection and monitoring (ferg)
- 0002749: [] Amber @Basic Set (ferg)
- 0002644: [] AjaxAnywhere does not work in 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 versions
- 0002476: [] remote JNDI for JMS (ferg)
- 0002751: [] -verbose not putting the classpath in the log (ferg)
- 0002415: [] add redundancy to resin cluster jms implementation (ferg)
- 0002433: [] JMS - add priority support (ferg)
- 0002744: [] access-log rotation time (ferg)
- 0002750: [] admin display of classpath (ferg)
- 0002746: [] Amber setMaxResults (ferg)
- 0002748: [] pageContext.forward not stopping output (ferg)
- 0002333: [] AJAX implementations for session updates (ferg)
- 0002723: [] Tapestry 5.0.11 PropertyDisplayBlocks.tml doesn't render in Resin (ferg)
- 0002325: [] LDAP authentication (ferg)
- 0001167: [] Admin: Deployment (ferg)
- 0002701: [] Resin task gets terminated after a signed in administrator logs out (ferg)
- 0002626: [] dynamic session replication (ferg)
- 0002422: [] PortMXBean statistics (ferg)
- 0001882: [] Restart applications with /resin-admin (ferg)
- 0002732: [] equivalent of HostnameLookup On for access logging (ferg)
- 0002681: [] rewrite-dispatch with forward (ferg)
- 0002675: [] rewrite-dispatch at different dispatch (ferg)
- 0002737: [] resin.conf opens as text file - rename to resin.xml (like log4j.xml) so that it opens w/ xml syntax (ferg)
- 0002674: [] terracotta classloader naming (sam)
- 0002347: [] JSP Compilation - code too large for try statement (ferg)
- 0002733: [] Custom access logger needs information about whether or not the response was served from the cache (ferg)
- 0002730: [] The library-loader on windows can't used for obfuscated jar. (ferg)
- 0002719: [] Resin stops working after this error (ferg)
- 0002627: [] ActiveMQ transation (ferg)
- 0002714: [] Updating jar in lib displays web.xml (ferg)
- 0002702: [] jsp class file length mismatch -> ClassNotFoundException (ferg)
- 0002634: [] overloaded setters in custom JSP tag (ferg)
- 0002509: [] resin restart due to dst changes (ferg)
- 0002137: [] session unbound (ferg)
- 0002368: [] Whenever heapdump is taken, resin cluster breaks down (ferg)
- 0002481: [] RequestDispatcher forward (ferg)
- 0002584: [] hessian Lucene serialization (ferg)
- 0002683: [] ports available in servlet init (ferg)
- 0002712: [] evaluation server with OpenSSL (ferg)
- 0002314: [] Modify cluster configuration at runtime (ferg)
- 0002656: [] jvm-default.log totation (ferg)
- 0002685: [] boot/log directory enhancements (ferg)
- 0002682: [] admin permissions problems (ferg)
- 0002686: [] authenticator needs to be stored in servletcontext caucho.authenticator (ferg)
- 0002647: [] contrib/ does fails due to unquoted commands (ferg)
- 0002669: [] Add message to logfile if jar files can't be read (e.g. due to wrong file system permissions) (ferg)
- 0002660: [] HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.7
- 0002984: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException (ferg)
- 0002941: [] nativeTruncate link error (ferg)
- 0002939: [] database-based JMS in clustered environment (ferg)
- 0002921: [] amber 32-field issue (ferg)
- 0002804: [] c:forEach deletes the request scoped variable
- 0002849: [] IIS chunked vs chunked-length (ferg)
- 0002848: [] JMX registration CPU issue (ferg)
- 0002856: [] JMS length issue (ferg)
- 0002841: [] -D parameters passed in on the command line are not accepted. (ferg)
- 0002840: [] watchdog startup synchronization issue (ferg)
- 0002772: [] resin restart with no error (ferg)
- 0002763: [] Issue #0001095 reappear i 3.1.6 (ferg)
- 0002715: [] Apache 2.2.x + Resin 3.1.x: frequent 503 status error messages (Service Temporarily Unavailable) (ferg)
- 0002745: [] redeploy-check-interval in web-app-deploy is not recognized as a tag (ferg)
- 0002708: [] databases, sqlexceptions, and xa (ferg)
- 0002738: [] problem error message for lpt9.jsp request only present when license is installed (ferg)
- 0002727: [] resin-pro-statistics (ferg)
- 0002659: [] classloader resource issues with spring (ferg)
- 0002692: [] CMP 2.0 (ferg)
- 0002718: [] IoC subclass issue in security constraints (ferg)
- 0002728: [] Running latest snapshot -- cache stops working after InterruptedIOException (ferg)
- 0002725: [] boot path normalization issues on win32 (ferg)
- 0002610: [] index page blanks (ferg)
- 0002672: [] taglib parsing issue (ferg)
- 0002704: [] interrupted exception stops cache (ferg)
- 0002705: [] saaj.jar not included in dist (ferg)
- 0002700: [] Unable to set driverType for DB2 connection pool (ferg)
- 0002691: [] minimal.conf file missing </cluster> closing tag (alex)
- 0002668: [] web-app versioning for ROOT (ferg)
- 0002655: [] unable to complie mod_caucho (ferg)
- 0002639: [] Allow host rewriting to be disabled in HttpProxyServlet (ferg)
- 0002638: [] HttpProxyServlet does not add X-Forwarded-For header (ferg)
- 0002637: [] HttpProxyServlet doesn't pass headers correctly (ferg)
- 0002640: [] Change log level of response log in PingThread (ferg)
- 0002642: [] Amber / Webbeans problem (initialization order) (ferg)
- 0002651: [] strange null pointer (ferg)
- 0002652: [] watchdog startup issue (ferg)
- 0002648: [] hibernate/webbeans init order (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.6
- 0002810: [] frequently exception trace were observered with resin cluster (ferg)
- 0002736: [] IIS timeout values not working (ferg)
- 0002670: [] xml parse error (ferg)
- 0002427: [] Random 503 error codes from mod_caucho (ferg)
- 0002635: [] Resin cannot see many jsp files unless it has write permissions to them (ferg)
- 0002633: [] Startup-Logging contains confusing Java Version since JDK 6u4 (ferg)
- 0002578: [] multipart/form-data error for multiple upload files (ferg)
- 0002625: [] WebAppMXBean stats (ferg)
- 0002615: [] JspPrecompileListener ignores <fileset> tag (ferg)
- 0002566: [] Logging Off XP users both Javaw's crash and only httpd.exe is running (ferg)
- 0002564: [] watchdog with multiple resin.conf (ferg)
- 0002621: [] java.lang.NullPointerException (ferg)
- 0002602: [] need better errors for invalid <ca-certificate-file> (ferg)
- 0002617: [] jvm-arg inside resin:if (ferg)
- 0002618: [] ActiveMQ timeout (ferg)
- 0002619: [] BlockingQueue for 3rd-party jms (ferg)
- 0002611: [] url-regexp and mod_caucho 404 (ferg)
- 0002612: [] JVMDI/JVMTI not used on MacOS X (ferg)
- 0002600: [] EJB not recompiled on class changes (ferg)
- 0002613: [] Webbeans+Amber causes AmberRuntimeException, illegal instance class (ferg)
- 0002608: [] GZip filter messes up http headers (ferg)
- 0002397: [] During make wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 (ferg)
- 0002599: [] Amber not persisting child enties properly (ferg)
- 0002581: [] wrong character encoding from include file in conjunction with tags (ferg)
- 0002580: [] Setting explicit character encoding causes incorrect encoding (ferg)
- 0002571: [] CXF's HTTP binding does not close final tag
- 0002199: [] JSF Apache Trinidad (alex)
- 0002565: [] Snapshot s080331: NullPointerException in WebApp.stop() when "versioning" is active (ferg)
- 0002570: [] MDB with JdbcQueue (ferg)
- 0002328: [] rewrite-dispatch - test for existence (ferg)
- 0002588: [] Servlet loads class before amber (ferg)
- 0002582: [] host-alias-regexp causes error on startup (ferg)
- 0002586: [] Amber: multiple @OneToMany (ferg)
- 0002579: [] NPE when using Amber with recommended MySQL driver (ferg)
- 0002568: [] log_ CREATE error on startup (ferg)
- 0002567: [] jconsole not showing Resin beans (ferg)
- 0002529: [] EJB XA bean issue (ferg)
- 0002470: [] RESIN 3.1.5 crashes when installed as NT Service in Windows XP SP2 (ferg)
- 0002562: [] Amber not cascading persistence (ferg)
- 0002559: [] EJB/setRollbackOnly (ferg)
- 0002555: [] Load balancers report keepalive connection max error (ferg)
- 0002556: [] jmx invocation with classloader (ferg)
- 0002418: [] excessive CPU usage should cause server restart (ferg)
- 0002428: [] Generate thread dump when CPU usage is high. (ferg)
- 0001787: [] Netbeans and Resin (ferg)
- 0002505: [] add cacheable ratio statistic for the management (ferg)
- 0002465: [] OpenSSL/Windows bad write retry error (ferg)
- 0002472: [] An EAR file get's deployed, but contained web module not started (ferg)
- 0002548: [] jsp pages sometimes "stuck" in proxy cache (ferg)
- 0002528: [] amber initialization order (ferg)
- 0002419: [] JPA duplicate column name does not produce error message (ferg)
- 0002521: [] timeout fd=xx errno=11 again (ferg)
- 0002519: [] webapp-versioning feature in Resin-3.1.5 (ferg)
- 0002372: [] MediaWiki make sure caching headers are getting through (ferg)
- 0002533: [] Backup to resin.conf (ferg)
- 0002431: [] url-length-max is not configurable (ferg)
- 0002517: [] add watchdog-address (ferg)
- 0002474: [] caching of blank page during startup (ferg)
- 0002515: [] Amber/Hessian serialization (ferg)
- 0002535: [] hessian 2 bytes (ferg)
- 0002477: [] ClusterObject IllegalStateException (ferg)
- 0002447: [] session synchronization issue with 3.1.4 (ferg)
- 0002486: [] Jsp dependency on path-mapping file does not correctly cause a recompile (ferg)
- 0002464: [] rewrite-dispatch duplicates query parameters (ferg)
- 0002499: [] JSP problem with session scope attribute named 'application' (ferg)
- 0002538: [] <redeploy-mode> and <redeploy-check-interval> not recognized in <host-default> and <resin:if> (ferg)
- 0002480: [] profiling error with MacOSX (ferg)
- 0002501: [] Resin doesn't start on 64-bit Windows (ferg)
- 0001716: [] Amber native query " select * " does not work (ferg)
- 0002423: [] amber eager fetch (ferg)
- 0002498: [] @In with third-party EntityManagerFactory (ferg)
- 0002360: [] jsse cipher-suites (ferg)
- 0002451: [] In EL lib getType(...) must not be getValue(...).getClass() (ferg)
- 0002473: [] configure --prefix and make install do not copy "php", "plugins" and "ext-webapp-lib" folder (ferg)
- 0002466: [] hessian (ferg)
- 0002426: [] add chroot (ferg)
- 0002467: [] check for unnecessary FD_SETSIZE limitation (ferg)
- 0002458: [] Documentation problems on hessian service example (ferg)
- 0002492: [] shutdown-wait-max causes error (ferg)
- 0002479: [] EJB creation (ferg)
- 0002490: [] IoC injection in jars timing (ferg)
- 0002484: [] watchdog validation issues (ferg)
- 0002364: [] Bean classes must be have a zero-argument with (alex)
- 0002311: [] Review CronResource, e.g. with blockingQueue (ferg)
- 0002475: [] Respirce Cron NPE (ferg)
- 0002454: [] error thrown in TransactionImpl.callBeforeCompletion results in leaking connections (ferg)
- 0002483: [] IoC/interceptor with exceptions (ferg)
- 0002468: [] EJB/JPA EntityManager with commit (ferg)
- 0002435: [] Hibernate with EJB (ferg)
- 0002482: [] @PersistenceContext with EJB (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.26
- 0002583: [] NPE from AbstractHttpResponse.writeHeaders() when calling NamedDispatcherImp.include() (ferg)
- 0002485: [] 3.0.24 jdbc sessions primary is not updating timeout value (ferg)
- 0002264: [] isapi_srun timeout and 503 issues (ferg)
- 0002234: [] secure="true" for srun port in 3.0 (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.5
- 0001845: [] EJB method level security (ferg)
- 0002376: [] load-balancer: check timeout on client disconnect (ferg)
- 0002324: [] Hessian Calendar issue (ferg)
- 0002478: [] Hessian array serialization (ferg)
- 0002444: [] Snapshot s080215: <rewrite-real-path> with ${webApp.root} in target does not work on Windows (ferg)
- 0002446: [] Bug not fixed in new snapshot - 0002421: Perl issue with make (ferg)
- 0002443: [] Snapshot s080215: <resin:log> causes "Can't convert to 'com.caucho.log.LogConfig' ..." (ferg)
- 0002439: [] com.caucho.sql.UserStatement.clearWarnings throwing NPE (ferg)
- 0002437: [] watchdog log files are being output in current working directory, not based off the root directory (ferg)
- 0002441: [] Snapshot s080215: Admin - cluster.php:293: unknown lexeme:\ (ferg)
- 0002445: [] Snapshot s080215: NullPointerException while Logon in /resin-admin without username/password (ferg)
- 0002421: [] Perl issue with make (ferg)
- 0002332: [] struts2 objectfactory with scopes (ferg)
- 0002266: [] Resin returns status 400 The request contains an illegal URL. without logging (ferg)
- 0002395: [] rewrite-dispatch rules at <server> level do not get logged (ferg)
- 0002327: [] java.util.logging level override issue (ferg)
- 0002358: [] <driver> round robin start at different <driver> for each server (ferg)
- 0002379: [] using JSTL core redirect tag causes malformed URIs when context attribute is set to "/" (ferg)
- 0002391: [] Ability to specify a config parameter that will ignore unknown servlets in web.xml (ferg)
- 0002387: [] burlap fails to convert resulting HashMap response objects to configured target class when invoked from spawned thread (ferg)
- 0002313: [] Any SQLExcep[tion should disallow conenction resuse (ferg)
- 0002354: [] JMX: serverconnector not showing own server (ferg)
- 0002331: [] 64-bit and Windows Server 2003 - JNI dlls not loading (ferg)
- 0002330: [] win64 binaries (ferg)
- 0002410: [] watchdog issues (ferg)
- 0002411: [] watchdog - add hard-kill (ferg)
- 0002405: [] <access-log> path not properly read by DeployController in <host-default> config (ferg)
- 0002389: [] GzipFilter reset() (ferg)
- 0002390: [] unregister MBean has no effect (ferg)
- 0002373: [] destroy() not called on cusotm AccessLog (ferg)
- 0002329: [] javax.mail configuration support (ferg)
- 0002342: [] access-log mxbean operation to flush logs (ferg)
- 0002380: [] Thrid-party MBeans missing when using 3.1.4 (ferg)
- 0002384: [] web.xml parser doesn't strip line-breaks in param-values (ferg)
- 0002365: [] WebAppVersioningController barfs on app dirs with dots in them (ferg)
- 0002320: [] Hudson not able to authenticate (ferg)
- 0002351: [] Third party JSF 1.1 Support (ferg)
- 0002402: [] EL expressions not working (ferg)
- 0002401: [] EL not working for <watchdog-port> (ferg)
- 0002374: [] resin:import regression failures (ferg)
- 0002382: [] enhancermanager / index out of bounds (ferg)
- 0002386: [] Initialization order of filters and servlets does not follow the Servlet spec 2.5 (ferg)
- 0002378: [] Java files generated from JSP contains eval code in _jspService method (ferg)
- 0002337: [] jms/db ArrayIndexException (ferg)
- 0002363: [] JSP recompiles because /com/caucho/jstl/fmt.tld digest is modified (ferg)
- 0002396: [] File permissions issue with make (ferg)
- 0002310: [] @In BlockingQueue (ferg)
- 0002392: [] Resin embedding issue with eclipse (ferg)
- 0002385: [] Allow extension of SSI with custom commands (sam)
- 0002349: [] Hessian Flex Comet Feature Request (rewrite in acction script w/o Flex MXML classes imported)
- 0002369: [] load balancing timing/timeout issues (ferg)
- 0002346: [] com.caucho.jca.ConnectorResource calls non-existent method ManagedConnectionFactory.setResourceAdapter() (ferg)
- 0002344: [] WebBeans @Interceptor integration (ferg)
- 0002334: [] Make fails on Solaris 10 (ferg)
- 0002308: [] Message driven bean always in transaction (ferg)
- 0002361: [] config evaluation of system property ${} (ferg)
- 0002343: [] JAVA_HOME not honored in bin/ (ferg)
- 0002315: [] Make /resin-admin very simple to enable (ferg)
- 0002316: [] add <password> at <resin> level (ferg)
- 0002317: [] Make on Solaris 10 (ferg)
- 0000097: [] Ant task for JspCompiler (ferg)
- 0002231: [] maven support for JSP precompilation (ferg)
- 0002300: [] caching enhancements (ferg)
- 0001668: [] Content-MD5 headers for dynamic content (ferg)
- 0002304: [] Authenticator needs to be webbeans-aware (ferg)
- 0002171: [] rewrite-dispatch proxy needs target attribute (ferg)
- 0002298: [] burlap Locale deserialisation (ferg)
- 0002295: [] Compiling resin on solaris 10 (ferg)
- 0002294: [] Cannot compile (ferg)
- 0002050: [] mod_caucho doesn't work for Apache2.2 on Solaris 10 (sparc) (ferg)
- 0002284: [] Compatiblity with RedHat 5 (ferg)
- 0002291: [] flash policy file protocol (ferg)
- 0002157: [] access-log configuration to exclude entries (ferg)
- 0002200: [] Problem with JSR-88 (ferg)
- 0002153: [] win32 openssl: Resin 3.1.3 Production Crashes (ferg)
- 0002188: [] EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on Windows OpenSSL 0.9.8d (ferg)
- 0002189: [] Can't build with Java 6 (ferg)
- 0002227: [] PoolItem not releasing resources after XAResource.prepare returns XA_RDONLY (ferg)
- 0002287: [] JSF .tld issues (ferg)
- 0002286: [] NullPointerException in DomBuilder class (ferg)
- 0002244: [] missing resin_admin_insecure causes strange error message if there is no https port (ferg)
- 0002261: [] Running JetBrains TeamCity 3 failed due to JavaCompileException (ferg)
- 0002285: [] Watchdog nullpointer (ferg)
- 0002263: [] resin-admin --- there should be a notice for when login has failed (ferg)
- 0002241: [] warmup should advance before request ends (ferg)
- 0002281: [] Security Manager does not appear to be working (ferg)
- 0002279: [] load-balance-recover-time (ferg)
- 0002282: [] compliance.bean.ComplianceEntityManager.em: 'compliance' is an unknown @PersistenceContext (ferg)
- 0001970: [] Terracotta fails with Resin System classloader (ferg)
- 0002265: [] A Signature requires the method signature. (ferg)
- 0002228: [] Persistent problem in directory browsing servlet since 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 Windows XP SP-2 (ferg)
- 0002204: [] specify startup sequence for web-apps (ferg)
- 0002273: [] StackTraceElementDeserializer is not correct in Hessian2Input (ferg)
- 0002260: [] Web service libraries should be updated in RESIN_HOME/lib directory (ferg)
- 0002225: [] HessianProxyFactory setChunkedPost could default to true (ferg)
- 0002270: [] I use cxf 2.0.3 webservice work fine in resin 3.0.xx and tomcat,but when I upgrade resin to resin3.1.2/3.1.3/3.14, It not works. (ferg)
- 0002161: [] Resin Pro startup very slow (ferg)
- 0002249: [] Apache memory leack with mod_caucho enabled (ferg)
- 0002268: [] mod_caucho not using consistent secondary server (ferg)
- 0002187: [] java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1 (ferg)
- 0002235: [] Misleading error messages if is not available: (ferg)
- 0002262: [] force keepalives at Port for load balancer (ferg)
- 0002239: [] timeout fd=26 errno=11 on backend servers (ferg)
- 0002229: [] "lt;thread-idle-max> (10) must be greater than &lt;thread-idle-min> (25)" (ferg)
- 0002240: [] state still reported as 'warmup' when load-balance-warmup-time=0 (ferg)
- 0002236: [] load balancer is failing over when there is a ClientDisconnectException (ferg)
- 0002174: [] XmlDocumentBuilderFactory does not override setSchema method of DocumentBuilderFactory (ferg)
- 0002209: [] JCA: for ActiveMQ (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.4
- 0002143: [] resource-ref validation (ferg)
- 0002323: [] java.sql.SQLException: transaction timed out waiting for lock 226858 (ferg)
- 0002276: [] -Xrs not having an effect (ferg)
- 0002230: [] Windows dlls missing from 3.1.4 pro distribution (ferg)
- 0002221: [] Exception if session id has less than 3 chars (ferg)
- 0002150: [] isapi with keepalive: slow response thru some web-proxies (ferg)
- 0002212: [] multiple resin.conf for the watchdog (ferg)
- 0002201: [] Security issue with starting up multiple resin instances in cluster mode (ferg)
- 0002180: [] i18n response.getCharacterEncoding (ferg)
- 0002203: [] Update Flash Hessian implementation to match new 2.0 changes
- 0002131: [] Confluence HTTP response issues (ferg)
- 0002178: [] backup="true" not accepted in <server> configuration (ferg)
- 0002173: [] database configuration for Sybase in 3.1.3 causes NullPointerException (ferg)
- 0002165: [] Bug in Hessian 2.0 Spec (ferg)
- 0002112: [] Jetspeed 2.1.2 - com.caucho.jsp.JspLineParseException: (ferg)
- 0002049: [] JMS MXBean (ferg)
- 0002155: [] [Patch] Make it easier to extend HessianProxy (ferg)
- 0002149: [] Add (ferg)
- 0002037: [] amber embedded compound pk with many-to-one generates wrong sql (ferg)
- 0002053: [] amber @NamedQuery does not work with inheritance (ferg)
- 0002145: [] Snapshot resin-pro-3.1.s071106: Default resin.conf contains "resin_admin_non_ssl" instead of "resin_admin_external" (ferg)
- 0002054: [] amber inheritance example returns incorrect column value (ferg)
- 0002041: [] JPA with other providers (ferg)
- 0002142: [] hessian draft comments (ferg)
- 0001997: [] rewrite-dispatch and query string (ferg)
- 0001932: [] DataSource casting (ferg)
- 0002140: [] French Character Processing (ferg)
- 0002138: [] Use Integer.valueOf(int) instead of new Integer(int) (ferg)
- 0001967: [] http.exe GUI - "Stop" radio button stops Resin but no stop messages to stdout (ferg)
- 0001989: [] Unparsable WSDLs
- 0002043: [] ResinStatusServlet and resin-admin are missing web-app start/restart timestamp and App-Dir path (ferg)
- 0002118: [] hessian serialization issue: ArrayList declared as Collection (ferg)
- 0002132: [] Compatibility Issue with Metro JAX-WS 2.1.2
- 0002115: [] clearCacheByPattern is unimplemented (ferg)
- 0001946: [] WSDL and caching (ferg)
- 0002113: [] caching issue (ferg)
- 0002046: [] OpenSSL crypto-device (ferg)
- 0001292: [] Eclipse IDE integration
- 0001846: [] JCA RAR files with native libraries (ferg)
- 0002020: [] ssl validation issue (ferg)
- 0001996: [] sendRedirect() and ssl (ferg)
- 0002114: [] configure does not support ppc64 (ferg)
- 0002011: [] client certificate causes session serialization to fail (ferg)
- 0002018: [] Hessian throws Illegal Argument Exception for char and char[] arguments. (ferg)
- 0002051: [] Minor build issues (ferg)
- 0002088: [] build.xml tweak for better Eclipse support (ferg)
- 0002007: [] add resin_admin_requiressl (ferg)
- 0002106: [] [Hessian] all calendar value is set to currrent date (ferg)
- 0002117: [] FileNotFoundException caused by spaces in path (ferg)
- 0002130: [] LruCache sync issue (ferg)
- 0002047: [] JMS ListenerResource needs listener-max configuration (ferg)
- 0002098: [] load-balance failing over from app-tier->0 to app-tier->0 (ferg)
- 0002104: [] secure="true" for srun port (ferg)
- 0002110: [] socket-timeout has no effect (ferg)
- 0002111: [] attribute-extension is unknow property (ferg)
- 0002100: [] Load balancing: unable to define strategy 'round-robin' / documentation incomplete (ferg)
- 0002085: [] Inconsistence between resin.conf and resin-admin/cluster.php about <remote-enable> (ferg)
- 0002086: [] Win32 class path translation (ferg)
- 0002065: [] 'proxy-cache' already exists after server restart (ferg)
- 0002099: [] resin-admin (php) might show negative uptime for one server in the cluster (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.25
- 0002950: [] mod_caucho open proxy and DOS (ferg)
- 0002129: [] isapi timing issues (ferg)
- 0002226: [] Access log grows without limit (ferg)
- 0002248: [] access to SessionManager#timeout is not synchronized (ferg)
- 0002170: [] JSP i18n with Japanese Characters (ferg)
- 0002154: [] Session data is being loaded from jdbc store for static content (ferg)
- 0002082: [] 0001806: Linking errors with Ubuntu 7.0.4 [Same as 1806] (ferg)
- 0002040: [] iis closing sending 503 (ferg)
- 0001879: [] isapi_srun.dll corrupted? (ferg)
- 0002039: [] iis read timeout for 3.0 (ferg)
- 0001992: [] files "stuck" in proxy cache (ferg)
- 0001988: [] When a List of objects is transfered via hessian the list gets mangled (ferg)
- 0001915: [] OutputStream issue with encoding (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.3
- 0002127: [] resin-status not showing cluster information (ferg)
- 0002031: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't call getEntrySet() when session is no longer valid. (ferg)
- 0002055: [] ArrayStoreException after Server restart (ferg)
- 0002000: [] Set response-content-type for SSIServlet (ferg)
- 0001999: [] SSIServlet returns 500 instead of 404 (ferg)
- 0002024: [] Hessian/Flash Error Handling
- 0002030: [] Date mismatch(actionScript/java)
- 0002032: [] JAXB 2.1 (ferg)
- 0002016: [] <javac compiler="eclipse" args="-source 1.6"/> doesn't work (ferg)
- 0002033: [] Amber One2Many and Many2Many relations doesn't work (westrupp)
- 0002015: [] Hessian illegal argument exception (ferg)
- 0002028: [] Hessian: Unsupported operation exception (ferg)
- 0002022: [] JAX-WS: SOAP Requests from Resin to a Web Service Provider uses wrong Content-Type Header
- 0002009: [] Snapshot resin-3.1.s070910: file:C:\Downloads\resin-3.1.s070910\lib\resin.jar (ferg)
- 0002013: [] JSF EL issue with MyFaces, Facelets (ferg)
- 0002010: [] JSF configuration validation issue (ferg)
- 0001945: [] Comet style asynchronous requests (ferg)
- 0002008: [] Snapshot resin-3.1.s070910: conf/resin.conf:212: The following text is not allowed in this context. (ferg)
- 0001058: [] backup-takes-ownership (ferg)
- 0001941: [] SOA/JAX-WS: Different behaviour than what is specified in the documentation.
- 0001862: [] make isapi timeout configurable (ferg)
- 0001993: [] JAX-WS: javax.servlet.ServletException: Unexpected end of stream
- 0001947: [] access log with rollover of 1D produces multiple files for each day (with hours/mins timestamp) (ferg)
- 0001891: [] JDBC pooling issues with new FIFO model (ferg)
- 0001939: [] load balancer timeouts (ferg)
- 0001764: [] jdbc store corruption (ferg)
- 0001880: [] The python version available from the web site is non-functional against a hessian-3* server; (ferg)
- 0001166: [] Admin: Cluster management (ferg)
- 0001828: [] EJB/CMP compile error in 3.1 (ferg)
- 0001523: [] IPV6 and ip-constraint (ferg)
- 0001158: [] HttpProxyServlet enhancements (ferg)
- 0001604: [] database backup (ferg)
- 0001990: [] getSpecificationVersion() of JspEngineInfo returns "2.0" instead of "2.1" (ferg)
- 0001830: [] keepalive-time-max (ferg)
- 0001897: [] session timeout issue (ferg)
- 0001982: [] EnvironmentClassLoader.getResource() from a network share returns wrong filename (ferg)
- 0001951: [] Session invalidation not occurring (ferg)
- 0001544: [] distributed session invalidation and recovery (ferg)
- 0001852: [] Web Service schema generation neglects to add namespace to nested types
- 0001985: [] 'rollover-count' is an unknown property of 'com.caucho.server.log.AccessLog' (ferg)
- 0001986: [] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError while compiling Resin on a 64 bit machine (ferg)
- 0001944: [] <x:parse> varSax attribute (ferg)
- 0001912: [] sessions and data segmenting (ferg)
- 0001954: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException: forward() not allowed after buffer has committed. (ferg)
- 0001934: [] Security Manager does not start 3.1.2 (ferg)
- 0001976: [] resin admin accessible from outside localhost (ferg)
- 0001926: [] SQLServer NPE with null columns (ferg)
- 0001893: [] JSP fragments may not contain scripting elements (ferg)
- 0001911: [] cluster sessions: block 0 is reserved (ferg)
- 0001549: [] init.d script update for both ubuntu and fedora (ferg)
- 0001806: [] Linking errors with Ubuntu 6.10 (ferg)
- 0001924: [] Resin JNI doesn't build cleanly on Ubuntu (Debian) Linux (ferg)
- 0001971: [] NPE in AbstractHttpResponse.writeHeaders (ferg)
- 0001908: [] jstl for-each tag don't work with jsf in tag files on resin 3.1.2 (ferg)
- 0001804: [] Resin running as a service on Windows 2003 and Windows XP Pro (ferg)
- 0001913: [] Cannot get my Resin installation to run as a Windows Service (ferg)
- 0001161: [] More control over windows service installation (ferg)
- 0001853: [] Resin WSDL generation includes all public methods, not just those marked with @WebMethod
- 0001918: [] JSF can't get the session's value? (ferg)
- 0001910: [] Tuning guide has outdated parameters (ferg)
- 0001858: [] jstl/xml issue with non-Resin xml parser (ferg)
- 0001820: [] valueBound isn't called on load from persistent store anymore but valueUnbound still is called on save (ferg)
- 0001925: [] asynchronous startup-mode (ferg)
- 0001948: [] Hessian final arg can be InputStream (ferg)
- 0001943: [] XPath x:foreach fails in 3.1.2 (ferg)
- 0001909: [] Tags, based on javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag don't works on resin 3.1.2 (ferg)
- 0001863: [] chkconfig changes for (ferg)
- 0001904: [] build.xml broken (ferg)
- 0001917: [] jsp validation with xml version (ferg)
- 0001916: [] Resin NodeList implementation of item(0) fails for empty NodeLists (ferg)
- 0001931: [] JspExpressionFactoryImpl evaluates the EL string "true" as false. (ferg)
- 0001929: [] make install to new location does not copy libexec64 files (ferg)
- 0001928: [] Problem setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH with resin 3.1.2 (ferg)
- 0001833: [] rewrite-dispatch match on full url (ferg)
- 0001848: [] in specific cases request.getRequestURL() returns not correct URL (ferg)
- 0001892: [] JSP import syntax changes (ferg)
- 0001842: [] Environment variables no longer work in resin.conf (ferg)
- 0001874: [] ServletRequest.getInputStream() throws (ferg)
- 0001823: [] createXMLStreamReader throws NullPointerException on charsetName (ferg)
- 0001877: [] JspCompiler option to specify javac compiler (ferg)
- 0001870: [] JspCompiler should default to compiling all JSP in -app-dir (ferg)
- 0001878: [] EjbCompiler EjbTransactionManager javax.naming.NoInitialContextException (ferg)
- 0001817: [] Hessian BigDecimal (ferg)
- 0001825: [] cookie-length is off by 3 (ferg)
- 0001834: [] rewrite-dispatch include file restarts (ferg)
- 0001840: [] prelude and code do not work (ferg)
- 0001869: [] resin.root (ferg)
- 0001883: [] Using developemt.conf to start resin throws an exception and refuses to start resin (ferg)
- 0001894: [] Hessian float type (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.2
- 0001676: [] Need something in 3.1 for equivalent functionality of bind-ports-after-start (ferg)
- 0001933: [] When archiving the access log, Resin stops response (ferg)
- 0001824: [] Question: Is #1657 also fixed for Singletons and SingletonLists? (ferg)
- 0001836: [] persistence database illegal state exception (ferg)
- 0001813: [] Character Encoding (UTF - 8) Problem in 2.1.16 Version (ferg)
- 0001865: [] resin.root system variable is not being set (ferg)
- 0001855: [] Setting of socket timeouts fails on Solaris (ferg)
- 0001854: [] Cluster persistent store fails to deserialize sessions after server restart (ferg)
- 0001868: [] jdbc store hessian bug (ferg)
- 0001838: [] Resin generates invalid WSDL for SOAP web services (emil)
- 0001814: [] java:comp/TransactionManager (ferg)
- 0001829: [] Add response method to signal end of keepalive (ferg)
- 0001831: [] multipart/mime file uploads (ferg)
- 0001815: [] security-provider as property of ResinConfig (westrupp)
- 0001816: [] Amber nullpointer (ferg)
- 0001810: [] QDate.getWeek() returns wrong week in the year (ferg)
- 0001325: [] Wrong error-page handling (ferg)
- 0001165: [] Admin: unified cluster view (ferg)
- 0001766: [] Load-Balancer detection of frozen server (ferg)
- 0001621: [] hessian calls wrong methods (ferg)
- 0001805: [] Need Content-Type set for sendRedirect (ferg)
- 0001718: [] jpa: tries to create sequence that already exists (ferg)
- 0001760: [] SSI filter, not servlet (ferg)
- 0001768: [] SSI improvements (ferg)
- 0001294: [] cluster group size or cluster partition (ferg)
- 0001352: [] JSPCompiler multithreaded (ferg)
- 0001556: [] JSF 1.2 and facelets (ferg)
- 0001793: [] Hessian security (ferg)
- 0001794: [] OFFSET not work in EJB-QL of resin 3.1.1 (ferg)
- 0001672: [] jdbc pool enhancements (ferg)
- 0001799: [] One Resin backend not receiving any traffic (ferg)
- 0001802: [] isapi_srun.dll Connection: close is always sent (ferg)
- 0001629: [] IIS - bad UTF-8 encoding from multibyte-encoded URLs (ferg)
- 0001554: [] spaces in resin directory name causes httpd.exe to fail (ferg)
- 0001785: [] code, generated by is not correct (ferg)
- 0001796: [] Hessian and (ferg)
- 0001795: [] Hessian: HessianProxyFactory,create(api, name, classloader) ignores the given classloader (ferg)
- 0001792: [] Specify secure="true" for a port (ferg)
- 0001781: [] Watchdog with different resin.conf (ferg)
- 0001762: [] Limit threads used for background tasks (ferg)
- 0001789: [] LoadBalance servlet timeout (ferg)
- 0001788: [] JSP precompiled and functions (ferg)
- 0001784: [] jsf not works on resin 3.1.1 (ferg)
- 0001778: [] log issues with watchdog (ferg)
- 0001757: [] xfire (ferg)
- 0001786: [] JSTL 1.0 core not working. (ferg)
- 0001742: [] Hessian and Java ME (ferg)
- 0001782: [] Watchdog uses too much memory (ferg)
- 0001775: [] Session not available in requestDestroyed (ferg)
- 0001661: [] Problems with % character in URI (ferg)
- 0001783: [] NullPointerException when ServletName is unavailable (ferg)
- 0001370: [] configure doesn't find JNI path with IBM sdk (ferg)
- 0001640: [] Solaris 3.1 JNI issues (ferg)
- 0001117: [] configure script does not detect 64-bit jrockit (ferg)
- 0001611: [] cannot login to Administration screen for Resin on Microsoft Vista (ferg)
- 0001636: [] Auth pb with resin-admin behind Apache (ferg)
- 0001736: [] openssl with null password (ferg)
- 0001779: [] Hessian init (ferg)
- 0001690: [] BTree insert of mismatched value (ferg)
- 0001496: [] ssl for mod_caucho<-->resin (ferg)
- 0001646: [] JSTL x: namespace attribute prevents page to render correctly (ferg)
- 0001740: [] Include file causes IllegalStateException if included in second file (ferg)
- 0001626: [] Hessianf or alrge input streams (ferg)
- 0001657: [] Hessian 3.0.20 can't handle Singleton(Map)s (ferg)
- 0001623: [] ProfilerServlet (ferg)
- 0001577: [] crossContext (ferg)
- 0001735: [] remote address filter (ferg)
- 0001743: [] Hessian: Error deserializing Calendar instances as part of custom objects (ferg)
- 0001614: [] Java Hessian deserializer crashes when trying to unmarshal interface array (ferg)
- 0001758: [] JNI loading in multiple classloaders for Watchdog (ferg)
- 0001488: [] merge path dependency checking (ferg)
- 0001761: [] GzipFilter always compresses (ferg)
- 0001739: [] Using jndi-link instead of direct using Properties is not working when connecting to Glassfish. (ferg)
- 0001458: [] hessian/spring compatibility (ferg)
- 0001759: [] solaris -d64 not getting propagated (ferg)
- 0001769: [] --java-exe argument needed (ferg)
- 0001584: [] Problem with Hessian and Spring (ferg)
- 0001603: [] JNDI lookup with spring (ferg)
- 0001580: [] ClassCast with custom getSession object set by application filter (ferg)
- 0001557: [] opensso (ferg)
- 0001518: [] add epoll (ferg)
- 0001539: [] JSP page directive only allows buffer size to be 16kb or none (ferg)
- 0001507: [] JPA implementation is limited to amber (ferg)
- 0001445: [] proxy servlet enhancements (ferg)
- 0001438: [] Does not allow schema qualification or override with schema attribute (ferg)
- 0001423: [] Configure stick sessions for mod_caucho (ferg)
- 0001419: [] multiple http-method security-constraints (ferg)
- 0001377: [] Path resolution problem for files in directories whose names include a mapped extension (ferg)
- 0001296: [] Webapp restarts twice when deployed (ferg)
- 0001596: [] utf-8 in query parameter (ferg)
- 0001627: [] Hessian: make methods public (ferg)
- 0001593: [] Add a config option for session-id prefix in jdbc-store sessions (ferg)
- 0001302: [] Hessian applet .jar (ferg)
- 0001067: [] IllegalStateException content-length exception (ferg)
- 0001259: [] disable selected ports for Resin (ferg)
- 0001674: [] No forwarding URI for form authentication (ferg)
- 0001632: [] Resources specified by dependency tag in resin.conf are NOT reloaded (ferg)
- 0001589: [] jstl sql validation (ferg)
- 0001701: [] Proxy cache and Authorization header (ferg)
- 0001741: [] <jvm-args> not working in Windows (ferg)
- 0001733: [] LD_LIBRARY_PATH (ferg)
- 0001750: [] Too much logging if session store fails because server is unavailable (ferg)
- 0001708: [] initial character encoding of JSP documents (.jspx) should be UTF-8 (ferg)
- 0001348: [] x:transform do not work with standart web.xml (ferg)
- 0001540: [] EJB null pointer in configureAmber (ferg)
- 0001689: [] full Windows path in host regexp root-directory causes regexp to fail (ferg)
- 0001704: [] Resin XML parser does not like empty name spaces (ferg)
- 0001710: [] invalidate session throws exception with no details (ferg)
- 0001737: [] NPE in AbstractHttpRequest.isIgnoreClientDisconnect (ferg)
- 0001724: [] startup fails with thread-idle-min set, reports wrong value of thread-max (ferg)
- 0001730: [] EL functions in tag files stopped working (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.24
- 0001856: [] HttpProxyServlet SocketException: Connection reset (ferg)
- 0001851: [] isapi_srun timeout (ferg)
- 0001801: [] secure="true" for port in 3.0 (ferg)
- 0001605: [] xml version issues (ferg)
- 0001286: [] CMP 2.1 Relation do not close and return connection to pool. (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.1
- 0001583: [] HTTP request headers displaying on page forwards (ferg)
- 0001245: [] Problem in resulting html (xhtml) with facelets (ferg)
- 0001316: [] <error-page> directive does not work in all cases. (ferg)
- 0001505: [] SSI fitler (ferg)
- 0001722: [] EntityManager binding error (westrupp)
- 0001525: [] Resin JNI library is not found on startup (sparc-sun-solaris2.10) (ferg)
- 0000980: [] XmlSAXParser.isValidating() returns true, but does not validate (ferg)
- 0001330: [] mod_caucho problems with Apache 2.2 on Solaris 8 for Resin versions above 3.0.14 (ferg)
- 0001559: [] -conf flag not working for command line JspCompiler (ferg)
- 0001592: [] load balancer detection of frozen Resin (ferg)
- 0001698: [] resin 3.1 install jspwiki exception. (ferg)
- 0001723: [] JSP: ResourceBundle caching (ferg)
- 0001692: [] JSF tags don't work on Resin 3.1.0 (ferg)
- 0001684: [] jsp:include causes "IllegalStateException: sendError() forbidden after buffer has been committed" (ferg)
- 0001707: [] Closing dangling connections. All connections must have a close() in a finally block. (ferg)
- 0001581: [] Gzip filter breaks IE caching (ferg)
- 0001702: [] @GeneratedValue with MS SQLServer is not working (westrupp)
- 0001687: [] Amber NP using createNativeQuery without SqlResultSetMapping (westrupp)
- 0001691: [] Amber NP's using createNativeQuery (westrupp)
- 0001663: [] same contentType conflicts with previous contentType (ferg)
- 0001677: [] Generics in JSP (ferg)
- 0001683: [] host regexp - "should include a <host-name> tag" always printed (ferg)
- 0001678: [] session-max=0 causes freeze on pages using sessions (ferg)
- 0001686: [] Failed to switch content type for HTTP response from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 (ferg)
- 0001576: [] @OneTOMany and Inheritance problem (westrupp)
- 0001680: [] Amber/EJB3 and multiple data sources
- 0001654: [] Webservices Annotations needed in both Interface and Implementation (emil)
- 0001564: [] Mail-Subject is always empty when using PingMailer (ferg)
- 0001609: [] struts-blank.war causes SAXNotRecognizedException (ferg)
- 0001588: [] Hessian SerializerFactory HashMaps involved in 100% CPU infinite loop? (ferg)
- 0001543: [] Deadlock between EnvironmentMBeanServer and MBeanView (ferg)
- 0001545: [] jsp custom tag and jstl (ferg)
- 0001546: [] EJB 3.0 Tutorial doesn't work (ferg)
- 0001645: [] Multiple Virtual Hosts with no default webapps (ferg)
- 0001641: [] ping-query missing (ferg)
- 0001350: [] i18n host name with apache (ferg)
- 0001670: [] Some SSL certificates not usable (ferg)
- 0001643: [] Resin class loader doesn't find resources from jar (ferg)
- 0001250: [] *.dll in 64-bit windows (ferg)
- 0000525: [] profiler for database (ferg)
- 0001634: [] No filter chain for named dispatcher (ferg)
- 0001595: [] jsp taglib with multiple declarations (ferg)
- 0001653: [] Compilation error using three nested tags in another tag file with scriptlet (ferg)
- 0001635: [] Resin does not support description element for servlet listeners (ferg)
- 0001628: [] empty JSP file leads to java.lang.RuntimeException (ferg)
- 0001622: [] Amber fails if entity classes are referred in <resource> tags in dep. descriptor. (ferg)
- 0001612: [] Velocity syntax not parsed (ferg)
- 0001631: [] JSP resin-c binding
- 0001647: [] Xerces for XML causes JSP compilation errors (ferg)
- 0001648: [] Expect: 100-continue with LoadBalanceServlet (ferg)
- 0001594: [] Export web services with XFire 1.2.2 cause UnsupportedOperationException
- 0001351: [] improved DOS support (ferg)
- 0001538: [] Fail to generate for EJB2 CMP (ferg)
- 0001541: [] rewrite-dispatch and headers (sam)
- 0001555: [] resin pro uses 100% CPU in Windows upon startup (ferg)
- 0001607: [] user-name switching in Resin-pr (ferg)
- 0001586: [] Some timeout defaults for ConnectionPool are wrong. (ferg)
- 0001599: [] web.xml with 2.4 namespace parsing errors (ferg)
- 0001582: [] is in the wrong directory (ferg)
- 0001563: [] HTML files always return http header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" (ferg)
- 0001547: [] rewrite-dispatch test for header values (sam)
- 0001361: [] com.caucho.log.MessageFormatter hides important stack information (ferg)
- 0001447: [] EJB3 Spec (ferg)
- 0001402: [] valueBound should not be invoked when session is read from persistent store (ferg)
- 0001537: [] Add a log directory command line switch (ferg)
- 0001490: [] Configurable timeout for mod_caucho poll call on Windows (ferg)
- 0001450: [] getContextPath (ferg)
- 0001491: [] use server-name for error pages (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.23
- 0001375: [] mod_caucho starts returning 404s on all resin handled requests (ferg)
- 0001534: [] Resin logs exception for Hibernate annotations (ferg)
- 0001453: [] EL expressions not evaluated within jsp:forward tags (ferg)
- 0001532: [] CMP java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date cast exception (ferg)
- 0001509: [] getServerPort() returns incorrect number (ferg)
- 0001486: [] EL bugs with ${'\''} and ${"\""} (ferg)
- 0001520: [] MySQL init-params Not Being Applied (ferg)
- 0001521: [], don't quote arguments sufficiently to allow arguments with embedded semicolons (ferg)
- 0001528: [] ISAPI bug introduced in 3.0.19 (ferg)
- 0001508: [] Chunked transfer coding and content length headers (ferg)
- 0001470: [] jdbcstore insert issue (ferg)
- 0001477: [] .tag files don't handle inner classes (ferg)
- 0001479: [] .tag files don't handle inner classes (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.22
- 0001372: [] build issue with AMB (ferg)
- 0001415: [] mod_caucho does nothing with Apache 2.0.59 and Solaris 10 (ferg)
- 0001390: [] Issues with registering Mbeans (ferg)
- 0001315: [] EL version and comparison (ferg)
- 0001431: [] multiple bugs with EL expression output in JSP document template data (ferg)
- 0001433: [] multiple bugs with EL expression output in JSP document template data (ferg)
- 0001417: [] Hessian SQL Timestamp serialization breaks object references (ferg)
- 0001346: [] cookie-append-server-id uses index that is off by 1 (ferg)
- 0001344: [] JNI crash in select manager (ferg)
- 0001334: [] Proxy cache not working at all (ferg)
- 0001356: [] Throttle filter issue (ferg)
- 0001345: [] hot-deploy reloading (ferg)
- 0001340: [] Incorrect date HTTP header with french locales (ferg)
- 0001331: [] admin causing exception from HessianMBeanServerConnection.isRegistered (ferg)
- 0001328: [] resin-admin raises excpetion (ferg)
- 0001322: [] Within Enterprise Bean Context, environment entries not stored for CMP EJB 2 (ferg)
- 0001298: [] Strange behaviour in servlet-mapping (ferg)
- 0001312: [] JSP fails to compile with struts tags (ferg)
- 0001208: [] Oracle connection pool state (ferg)
- 0001313: [] Can't compile JNI support for openssl with IBM JDK 1.5 64-bit (ferg)
- 0001311: [] Configure script does not recognize IBM jdk 1.5 64bit (ferg)
- 0001319: [] problem with custom JSP taglib class (ferg)
- 0001310: [] create CMP ejb failed with "Missing IN or OUT parameter at index::.." when prepare statement cache size is greater than 0 (ferg)
- 0001008: [] Problems running jspwiki - Professional Licence (ferg)
- 0001306: [] Hessian: JavaDeserializer getParamArg (ferg)
- 0001305: [] Hessian and construstor with many arguments (ferg)
- 0001290: [] unable to change log level in resin.conf (ferg)
- 0001279: [] Losing sticky sessions (ferg)
- 0001281: [] void EL functions with String argument produce garbage output (ferg)

Resin - 3.1.0
- 0003284: [] sessions/srun_.db has become very large at one of our customers. (ferg)
- 0001890: [] IIS isapi_plugin.dll does not use resin.conf session-cookie settings (ferg)
- 0001513: [] EJb-3 not up to date (partial solution found) (sam)
- 0001514: [] filters before rewrite-dispatch (ferg)
- 0001516: [] TreeLoader getResources is incomplete (ferg)
- 0001487: [] jstl namespace is incorrect for 1.2 (ferg)
- 0001392: [] rewrite-dispatch causes filters to be ignored (ferg)
- 0001512: [] Invalid length 5 in LocalVariableTable for extended EJB3 entity classes (ferg)
- 0001511: [] MySQL 5.0.x can not be used as JMS storage (ferg)
- 0001457: [] EJB3 Remote EJBs are not working (sam)
- 0001462: [] mediawiki and 3.0.22 (ferg)
- 0001495: [] continuous errors with dangling connections in amber when using cmp relations
- 0001489: [] EJB 2 CMP deploy failed on snapshot version 3.1.s061203 (ferg)
- 0001358: [] enabling 64bit for 3.1 (ferg)
- 0001465: [] ./configure heuristics for intel 64-bit linux (ferg)
- 0001342: [] EAR: JNDI not rebind from web.xml (sam)
- 0001442: [] Exception while starting resin-3.1.0 with openssl support (ferg)
- 0001452: [] expand-directory vs expand-path not being honured (ferg)
- 0001425: [] Cannot get TransactionManager under windows XP sp2 (ferg)
- 0001379: [] null exception when starting resin (ferg)
- 0001454: [] Persistence Inheritance (westrupp)
- 0001409: [] work-dir is not being picked up (ferg)
- 0001456: [] Stateless Bean in webapp with Persistent Bean causes error (ferg)
- 0001440: [] Persistent bean with 99 attributes creates "code too large" compiler error on __ResinExt class (ferg)
- 0001406: [] startup fails if required files are in ${server.root}/lib (ferg)
- 0001412: [] resin.conf can't load app-default.xml (ferg)
- 0001449: [] incorrect newline in access log (ferg)
- 0001474: [] caching a page size > 1 MB returns only the 1 MB portion (ferg)
- 0001460: [] IE6 not responding to http 304 message properly (ferg)
- 0001468: [] web.xml filter-config using the 'id' attribute fails (ferg)
- 0001469: [] Hessian float (ferg)
- 0001303: [] EJB Date issue with connections (ferg)
- 0001301: [] EJB compilation on windows (ferg)
- 0001354: [] log rollover issue in 3.0.21 (ferg)
- 0001410: [] incorrect log for session LRU while in use (ferg)
- 0001428: [] Locking in Jar.create() method blocks application performance (ferg)
- 0001426: [] Hibernate annotations cause IllegalStateException warnings (ferg)
- 0001380: [] NPE in CMP query (westrupp)
- 0001403: [] JSP tag file attributes map to private variables with underscores (ferg)
- 0001394: [] Need to invalidate all db pool connections (ferg)
- 0001376: [] cookie name configuration in httpd.conf (ferg)
- 0001386: [] always-save-session and always-load-session with save-on-shutdown causes session to be overwritten every request (ferg)
- 0001272: [] Apache 2.2 recompilation for win32 (ferg)
- 0001371: [] Automatically register web services that implement MBeans (ferg)
- 0001128: [] resinssl.dll (ferg)
- 0001389: [] JSP tags with scriptlet variables (ferg)
- 0001360: [] keepalive configuration for 3.1 (ferg)
- 0001157: [] class loader enhancement for JPA (ferg)
- 0001265: [] EJB/Amber create/getter/setter issues
- 0001327: [] Invalid handling of nonexistent properties in EL expressions (ferg)
- 0001314: [] clear DBPool (ferg)
- 0001269: [] shutdown/restart issue (ferg)
- 0001063: [] EJB3 QL support incomplete, no support for setting parameters on queries
- 0001218: [] resin.conf element <boot jvm-arg=""/> doesn't seem to work (ferg)
- 0001215: [] Amber: implement the "select new" clause
- 0001214: [] Amber: implement the "join" spec in the "from" clause
- 0001295: [] java.lang.IllegalStateException: attempted to add listener to a closed classloader (ferg)
- 0001134: [] naming exception, user transactions (ferg)
- 0000350: [] Resin doesn't start with -start switch (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.21
- 0001271: [] PageContext.removeAttribute(name,PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE) removes from ALL scopes (ferg)
- 0001280: [] mod_caucho issues with 100-continue and content-type (ferg)
- 0001277: [] jsessionid and redirect (ferg)
- 0001276: [] JNDI/EJB issue (ferg)
- 0001274: [] New isapi_srun.dll corrupted? (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.20
- 0001266: [] redeploy-mode in resin-web.xml (ferg)
- 0001258: [] Precompiled JSP are deleted (ferg)
- 0000960: [] .war redeployment (ferg)
- 0001074: [] shutdown behavior (ferg)
- 0001051: [] allow null password for openssl (ferg)
- 0001047: [] war files containing compiled classes do not work on OSX, .java files work (ferg)
- 0001251: [] rewrite-dispatch (ferg)
- 0001129: [] Map Relation in CMP 2.1 Null Pointer Exception (ferg)
- 0001090: [] EJB3 and inheritance (ferg)
- 0001057: [] shutdown-wait-strategy (ferg)
- 0001185: [] Client certs handled differently in ISAPI vs. OpenSSL (ferg)
- 0001201: [] Resin require jre 1.5 to start? (ferg)
- 0001225: [] EL issues with 1 == 1.0 (ferg)
- 0001219: [] Hessian Bug. Serialized Exceptions do not include extra Exception Properties (ferg)
- 0001136: [] database idle-time and transation timeout (ferg)
- 0001141: [] 503 service temporarily unavailable (ferg)
- 0001190: [] random 503 error codes (ferg)
- 0001220: [] com.caucho.transaction.TransactionManagerImpl.addTransaction NullPointer Exception (ferg)
- 0001087: [] gzip issues with changing status code (ferg)
- 0001221: [] reopen issue 0001188. more details. mysql SELECT * from table1 (ferg)
- 0001213: [] tdsdriver and url (ferg)
- 0001075: [] SSI - error handling and mod_caucho (ferg)
- 0001110: [] can not load interntional properties file (ferg)
- 0001171: [] HTTPProxyServlet dies on POST to IIS (ferg)
- 0001174: [] mod_caucho causes apache failure when srun host is down (ferg)
- 0001149: [] Hessian: proxy and chunked requests (ferg)
- 0001204: [] support trimDirectiveWhitespaces configuration parameter of JSP 2.1 (ferg)
- 0001209: [] enum support for Hessian (ferg)
- 0001065: [] JSP precompile and batching (ferg)
- 0001137: [] connections disappearing (ferg)
- 0001173: [] XA suspend issue (ferg)
- 0001077: [] JMS with oracle and INITIAL extend (ferg)
- 0001060: [] EL with resin:set and resin:import (ferg)
- 0001053: [] servlet lock issue (ferg)
- 0001044: [] compilation issues (ferg)
- 0001184: [] log level in ErrorPageManager (ferg)
- 0001203: [] Hessian shouldn't split surrogate pairs (ferg)
- 0001083: [] Encoding problem in resin jstl implementation (ferg)
- 0001211: [] Support Java 5 command line options in bin/ (ferg)
- 0001183: [] jjava.util.ConcurrentModificationException at com.caucho.jmx.MBeanView.queryMBeans( (ferg)
- 0001202: [] resin.jar and pro.jar is not added to CLASSPATH consistently (ferg)
- 0001138: [] nullpointer in EjbSessionBean.deploy (ferg)
- 0001187: [] java.util.logging with sub-handlers (ferg)
- 0000206: [] Hessian Compact Encoding (ferg)
- 0001073: [] close_wait with iis (ferg)
- 0000936: [] allow full transactional ability for sessions (ferg)
- 0001168: [] Admin: Load balancing enhancement (ferg)
- 0001195: [] Loadbalancer servlet give long delays when a backend server is powered off (ferg)
- 0001085: [] java.util.loggin default value (ferg)
- 0001186: [] java.util.logging (ferg)
- 0001159: [] Byte-code produced for _resin_compat_class_0 (ferg)
- 0001088: [] Unsystematic failure of session clustering when some Resin processes are not active (ferg)
- 0001130: [] Poor performance of 3.0.19 IIS ISAPI plugin (ferg)
- 0001150: [] ISAPI issues (ferg)
- 0001143: [] proxy servlet returning incorrect headers (ferg)
- 0001151: [] transation sync issues (ferg)
- 0001124: [] Incomplete java.util.logging implementation? (ferg)
- 0001142: [] Exception::getMessage not defined (ferg)
- 0001116: [] PHP function GregorianToJD not supported (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.19
- 0001064: [] IBM JDK 1.5 missing jvmdi.h (ferg)
- 0001407: [] log rotation deadlock (ferg)
- 0001321: [] php files for download instead of parsed to mod_php (ferg)
- 0001086: [] com.caucho.config.LineConfigException causes webapp to be reloaded repeatedly even when no files have changed (ferg)
- 0001052: [] Classloader Issue (ferg)
- 0001199: [] ISO-8859-10 (ferg)
- 0001212: [] command-line length overflow in httpd.exe (ferg)
- 0001079: [] Resin should parse resin-web.xml before web.xml (ferg)
- 0001094: [] EnvironmentClassLoader Cannot find resources from jar (ferg)
- 0001095: [] Resin class loader doesn't find resources from jar (ferg)
- 0001080: [] EJB3: EntityManager.find() must return null when entity doesn't exist (ferg)
- 0001070: [] XML parsing issue (ferg)
- 0001071: [] CMR relation in CMP 2.1 class cast (ferg)
- 0001076: [] stack overflow when using spring NestedServletException (ferg)
- 0000674: [] open file descriptors in mod_caucho (ferg)
- 0001054: [] wrong minute in log rotation archive file name format (ferg)
- 0001048: [] Website EJB3 documentation inconsistent & mail lists not searchable (ferg)
- 0000989: [] JSP wrapper issue (ferg)
- 0001050: [] Bug in generated SQL for @Entity(access=Property) (same as @Entity) (ferg)
- 0001035: [] CGIServlet not do well with CJK encoding (ferg)
- 0000965: [] com.caucho.vfs.ClientDisconnectException: connection reset by peer error (ferg)
- 0001045: [] Reopen bug 914 (ferg)
- 0000666: [] Resin should include an LDAPAuthenticator (ferg)
- 0000205: [] SSI support (ferg)
- 0001042: [] Problem with JAR-Files (ferg)
- 0001037: [] Nested, scriptlet, EL tag file parsing issue (ferg)
- 0000982: [] expect 100-continue fails with IIS/Resin (ferg)
- 0000984: [] isapi_srun not returning from recv (ferg)
- 0000911: [] Bring back <error-page exception-type='connection'...> (pretty please) (ferg)
- 0000410: [] XSchema generated from rnc (ferg)
- 0001034: [] JMS with oracle (ferg)
- 0001041: [] JMS durable subscriptions ( topics) do not work with Postgres 8.1.2 (ferg)
- 0000915: [] Socket JNI library is not available (ferg)
- 0000979: [] host on auto-deploy (ferg)
- 0000481: [] eclipse compiler for java 5 (sam)
- 0000957: [] statement wrapping issue (ferg)
- 0000829: [] profiler sort by invocation count (ferg)
- 0000889: [] Resin JSTL /Xalan / Xerces (ferg)
- 0000935: [] openssl ca-revocation-file does not valdate (ferg)
- 0000934: [] close open transactions on shutdown (ferg)
- 0000919: [] JSTL EL: numeric binary expression type promotion order is out-of-spec (ferg)
- 0000916: [] Caucho's XML parser ignores encoding declaration in a DTD (ferg)
- 0000945: [] JDOM XML issues (ferg)
- 0000999: [] File sessions causes exception after restart (ferg)
- 0001038: [] Cannot start multiple Resin Windows services due to fixed httpd.exe socketwait port 2050 / 33660 (ferg)
- 0000539: [] profiler output in xml format (ferg)
- 0001020: [] file store redeploy issues (ferg)
- 0001017: [] host host-name doesn't work as expected (ferg)
- 0001027: [] class-loader not working if defined inside web-app (ferg)
- 0000663: [] compiling class loader for an expanded JAR file (ferg)
- 0000662: [] improved control over rar (ferg)
- 0000416: [] RAR deployment with classloader (ferg)
- 0000314: [] mbean for session statistics (ferg)
- 0000281: [] VFS Merge Path and getRealPath() bug
- 0000242: [] Redeploys after failer even if nothing has changed (ferg)
- 0000997: [] receive exhausted result set errors when loading cmr data in amber (ferg)
- 0000998: [] continuous errors with dangling connections in amber (ferg)
- 0001023: [] hessian IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch JavaDeserializer.readMap (ferg)
- 0001013: [] amber issue (ferg)
- 0001003: [] findByPrimaryKey with cached data (ferg)
- 0001012: [] findByPrimaryKey with cached data (ferg)
- 0000971: [] CMP entity bean set method does not work after bean creation and before any non-Primary Key getter is called (ferg)
- 0000899: [] Setting to control formatting of nulls in JSP pages (ferg)
- 0000988: [] Authentication Exception 401 reporting problem (ferg)
- 0000974: [] SessionManager (ferg)
- 0001032: [] Client access to WEB-INF/ directory should return SC_NOT_FOUND (404) as of Servlet-Spec 2.4 (ferg)
- 0001033: [] CronResource with switch to daylight time causes multiple runs (ferg)
- 0000995: [] Jaas authenticator isUserInRole() not implemented (ferg)
- 0000958: [] stdout.log dosen't rollover (ferg)
- 0000599: [] SSO sessions and logout of one (ferg)
- 0000953: [] access.log rollover bug
- 0001031: [] after the access.log rollover,the old access.log disappear! (ferg)
- 0000930: [] log rotation (ferg)
- 0000923: [] phantom disk space use
- 0000902: [] Resin should log "Server started in xxxx ms" after startup (ferg)
- 0000833: [] rollover-count not implemented (ferg)
- 0000345: [] gzip log files as they are created (ferg)
- 0000987: [] Transaction Manager throws NullPointer Exception when starting a transaction (ferg)
- 0001005: [] config.getServletName() returns null from a JSP. (ferg)
- 0001028: [] JMS Text message example does not work with PostgreSQL Database Server 8.1.2 (ferg)
- 0000463: [] welcome-file from a servlet does not seem to work (ferg)
- 0001026: [] Resin does not conform to HTTP spec for HEAD method (ferg)
- 0000977: [] srun not giving http result code (ferg)
- 0001015: [] burlap deserialization (ferg)
- 0000194: [] Annotation for reloading (ferg)
- 0001002: [] mod_caucho compilation issues with solaris 64 bit (ferg)
- 0001024: [] configure for mod_caucho fails on Mac OS X Server with Apache 2.2 (ferg)
- 0000972: [] Cannot compile mod_caucho on apache2 (ferg)
- 0001004: [] ./configure; make; make install fail on AIX5.3 (ferg)
- 0000986: [] isap_srun.dll returns blank pages (ferg)
- 0001018: [] Large data sets are not returned by servlet (ferg)
- 0001007: [] IIS large data sets (ferg)
- 0001006: [] windows installation issues with Resin as service (ferg)
- 0000085: [] rewrite-dispatch redirect does not support host
- 0001019: [] -install-as with other arguments does not work (ferg)
- 0000869: [] apache 2.2 compilation upgrade (ferg)
- 0000922: [] Cannot compile mod_caucho on CentOS4 apache2
- 0000996: [] configure script assumes apache executable file name. (ferg)
- 0000962: [] XML IGNORE tag not recognized (ferg)
- 0000991: [] Access to static files don't work when deploying in default context with Resin/Apache (ferg)
- 0000952: [] @EJB injection and inheritance (ferg)
- 0000904: [] CMP updates not visible in selects (ferg)
- 0000927: [] access log rollover files contents in wrong file (ferg)
- 0000963: [] EJB3 implementation (ferg)
- 0000993: [] Namespace declaration not resolved correctly (ferg)
- 0000931: [] {0,number,xxxx} in not formatting number for Locale
- 0000944: [] thread pile-up on log
- 0000973: [] select-manager
- 0001010: [] rewrite-dispatch issues
- 0000994: [] JMX method getElementOpenType() on ArrayType is not implemented (ferg)
- 0000976: [] NullPointerException (ferg)
- 0000943: [] Resin does not implement EJB3 EntityManagerFactory interface (ferg)
- 0000985: [] getTextContent (ferg)
- 0000905: [] verify that load spikes are handled properly by ThreadPool (ferg)
- 0000411: [] JDK 1.5 monitoring tools get ClassFormatError (ferg)
- 0000151: [] jinfo issue with JDK 1.5.0 (ferg)
- 0000951: [] XSL uses wrong ClassLoader (-> memory leak) (ferg)
- 0000967: [] Performance issue (ferg)
- 0000955: [] Hessian HttpURLConnection.setChunkedStreamingMode (ferg)
- 0000600: [] OOM (ferg)
- 0000941: [] EL expressions should be enabled if there is no web.xml (ferg)
- 0000455: [] Resin 3.0.15 & java1.4.x : java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: javax/ejb/EntityManager (ferg)
- 0000948: [] httpd.exe argument issues (ferg)
- 0000946: [] timing issues with servlet-regexp (ferg)
- 0000947: [] arg[0] overwritten (ferg)
- 0000959: [] httpd.exe argument issue (ferg)
- 0000221: [] cannot configure pool for ManagedConnectionFactory (ferg)
- 0000224: [] allow ManagedConnectionFactory for database driver type (ferg)

Resin - 3.0.18
- 0000818: [] content-length exceptionsn with .gif files (ferg)
- 0000111: [] CachedRowSet does not work with JDK 1.5 (ferg)
- 0001021: [] Libresin causes java hot spot errors on Solaris 8 (ferg)
- 0000917: [] cookie change stops sticky-sessions for mod_caucho (ferg)
- 0000914: [] ignore-client-disconnect does not affect JNI connections (ferg)
- 0000926: [] localhost_8025 not working with 3.0.17 (ferg)
- 0000432: [] EGREP not defined in libtool on Tiger
- 0000587: [] JspCompiler sometimes halts (ferg)
- 0000924: [] web-app can't have class-loader config (ferg)
- 0000301: [] Persistence 3.0: inheritance with cmr (ferg)
- 0000195: [] server lifecycle listener (ferg)
- 0000214: [] notification when Resin restarts (ferg)
- 0000087: [] Apache variables such as REDIRECT_URL are not being passed (ferg)
- 0000141: [] Windows 2003 Resin service installation. (ferg)
- 0000134: [] Hessian Deserializer and constructors (ferg)
- 0000057: [] Hessian option to ignore setter exceptions (ferg)
- 0000051: [] HttpProxyServlet rewrites redirect url's (ferg)
- 0000119: [] add header matching support for filters (ferg)
- 0000826: [] Content-Type rule for GzipFilter (ferg)
- 0000908: [] Custom taglib tag that implements TryCatchFinally can result in duplicate variable declaration (ferg)
- 0000485: [] Resin on FreeBSD may compile against the wrong threading library (ferg)
- 0000544: [] com.caucho.config.LineConfigException: /WEB-INF/cmp-map.ejb:160 when using bean with compound primary key (ferg)
- 0000462: [] EJBLocalObject.remove() inside a JTA UserTransaction doesn't work in resin3 (ferg)
- 0000118: [] byteCodeClassScanner (ferg)
- 0000860: [] EJB class cast exception (ferg)
- 0000837: [] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when deploying EJB (with patch) (ferg)
- 0000871: [] Wrong datatype used when EJB container creates an instance with a null LONGVARBINARY column (ferg)
- 0000865: [] EJB3.0 bean can't have 'server' property (ferg)
- 0000875: [] Nested servlet forwarding goes to the wrong destination when using HttpServletRequestWrapper (ferg)
- 0000906: [] getResource (in classloader or application) isn't returning valid for /WEB-INF (ferg)
- 0000864: [] Bug with encoding of include inside JSP2.0 (ferg)
- 0000503: [] sendRedirect() causes flush() (ferg)
- 0000497: [] <% response.flushBuffer(); %> followed by exception (ferg)
- 0000821: [] persistent session enhancements (ferg)
- 0000588: [] <resin:include> fails since 3.0.16 (ferg)
- 0000664: [] file/directory expanded deployments (ferg)
- 0000706: [] alternate SESSIONID generation (ferg)
- 0000540: [] profiler report min/max time (ferg)
- 0000488: [] Report operating system details on startup (ferg)
- 0000661: [] use war-deploy instead of web-app-deploy (ferg)
- 0000116: [] Hessian Python implementation does not work (ferg)
- 0000413: [] Hessian python patch (ferg)
- 0000507: [] UTF-8 handling of codepoints above the Basic Multilingual Plane broken (ferg)
- 0000494: [] Filters not initialized on startup (ferg)
- 0000456: [] Error when doing xsl transformation: flush() may not be called in a body (ferg)
- 0000457: [] Session.setMaxInactivityInterval does not change JDBC expire_interval (ferg)
- 0000876: [] JSF issue (ferg)
- 0000898: [] JSF query issue (ferg)
- 0000146: [] NPE in JSF webapp (at startup) (ferg)
- 0000475: [] XmlAuthenticator starts failing if passwords.xml is modified (ferg)
- 0000469: [] Container-Managed security nullpointer (ferg)
- 0000441: [] https file upload (ferg)
- 0000427: [] JMS topics do not work as expected with ListenerResource (ferg)
- 0000279: [] proxy caching for included jsp's doesn't always work (ferg)
- 0000268: [] Tag files with cyclic dependencies fail to compile when using dynamic attributes (ferg)
- 0000225: [] Can't connect to parent process through socket null (ferg)
- 0000243: [] multiple request wrappers then forward to jsp (ferg)
- 0000598: [] httpd.exe on windows in Program Files (ferg)
- 0000495: [] -server-root on Windows (ferg)
- 0000415: [] classloader not picking up property (ferg)
- 0000231: [] resin-status not showing cluster information (ferg)
- 0000389: [] -server-root not working with Windows XP and 3.0.14
- 0000065: [] Spaces in path to RESIN_HOME causes startup to fail (ferg)
- 0000190: [] review and document the purpose of <xa>true</xa> for <database> (ferg)
- 0000061: [] kill enhancement (ferg)
- 0000023: [] JSTL <x:out>: XPath doesn't work with namespaced elements. (ferg)
- 0000886: [] JSTL forEach tag variable affects variables with the same name with a wider scope (ferg)
- 0000707: [] c:forEach uses the requestScope for var attribute (ferg)
- 0000827: [] Resin's XSL explicit configuration (ferg)
- 0000892: [] BundleTag does not find resources in jar files (ferg)
- 0000324: [] stopping resin 3 leaves java <defunct> process (ferg)
- 0000564: [] com.caucho.sql.UserConnection.isClosed() throws IllegalStateException when connection is closed (ferg)
- 0000890: [] Faulty expires filter documentation (ferg)
- 0000850: [] Server not responding (ferg)
- 0000872: [] jspx compilation problems
- 0000896: [] NullPointerException on closing server. (ferg)
- 0000894: [] MySQL XA issues (ferg)
- 0000885: [] Setting ${paramValues.PARAM_NAME} for custom tag's attribute value wont work (ferg)
- 0000558: [3.0.17] use-persistent-store needs error message if professional not available (ferg)
- 0000888: [] log at info level when searching for tld (ferg)
- 0000482: [] error message if user-name or group-name fails (ferg)
- 0000819: [] cache block 0 issue (ferg)
- 0000484: [] issue warning for incorrect use of srun-index (ferg)
- 0000542: [] deprecate srun-index (ferg)
- 0000589: [] download of large file behavior odd (ferg)
- 0000823: [] build.xml should include specific jars in lib/ (ferg)
- 0000848: [] resin db support data over 64M (ferg)
- 0000425: [] Compliling Apache2 module on Solaris 10 (ferg)
- 0000878: [] abrupt shutdown on windows (ferg)
- 0000805: [] Pages are sometimes not served completely (ferg)
- 0000880: [] thread dumps on Apple (ferg)
- 0000820: [] add auto-flush to access-log (ferg)
- 0000877: [] multiple logging (ferg)
- 0000409: [] ServerAlias matches mod_caucho not dispatching
- 0000846: [] Apache2 virtual servers stop working with upgrade from 3.0.14 to 3.0.16/3.0.17 (ferg)
- 0000445: [] no stack trace for NullPointerException in init() (ferg)
- 0000493: [] NPE in getParameter() for request obtained via getRequestDispatcher() and include() (ferg)
- 0000491: [] mod_caucho seems to eat all Apache-requests
- 0000498: [] NoSuchMethodError java.lang.String.contains(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Z (ferg)
- 0000504: [] cannot deploy openSSL on Sun Solaris 10. (ferg)
- 0000523: [] Implement toString() for com.caucho.sql.UserPreparedStatement
- 0000272: [] configure for Debian
- 0000040: [] ./make on RHEL 4.0 (ferg)
- 0000384: [] -pid-dir
- 0000400: [] stderr going into limbo
- 0000437: [] configure does not build JNI or SSL modules
- 0000438: [] log rollover and gzip (ferg)
- 0000701: [] OpenSSL response error (ferg)
- 0000863: [] config overloading issues with sybase (ferg)
- 0000472: [] Resin xml parser should throw exception for missing space between attributes (ferg)
- 0000518: [] mod_caucho compiled in 64-bit mode (ferg)
- 0000403: [] rewrite-dispatch/redirect specify 301 or 302 (ferg)
- 0000822: [] i18n issues with logging (ferg)
- 0000849: [] automatic mode isn't working properly with web-app-deploy (ferg)
- 0000429: [] mod_caucho compile problems Fedora Core 4, 64 bit (ferg)
- 0000704: [] timing issues on JSP parsing (ferg)
- 0000583: [] character-encoding for static files (ferg)
- 0000856: [] EL and BigDecimal (ferg)
- 0000851: [] JVM halt (deadlock ?) at rotation time (ferg)
- 0000003: [] manual dispatching in Apache httpd.conf (ferg)
- 0000665: [] ./configure not adding resinssl to plugins on Solaris 64 (ferg)
- 0000535: [] jdbc store should not require cluster (ferg)
- 0000852: [] jsp:include issue (ferg)
- 0000538: [] pageContext.findAttribute (ferg)
- 0000703: [] IllegalStateException for getAttribute
- 0000824: [] IllegalStateException with CMP 2.1
- 0000596: [] Block allocation issues with session store
- 0000549: [] Typo in Tutorials

Resin - 3.0.17
- 0000940: [] resin can't parse jsp files with stanard JSTL taglibs. (ferg)
- 0000010: [] 3.0.14 startup delays with cluster (ferg)
- 0000070: [] hessian ThrowableSerializer does not serialize fields of subclasses of Throwable (ferg)
- 0000050: [] HttpProxyServlet POST to IIS
- 0000893: [] fast-jstl and fmt:param containing fmt:formatNumber (ferg)
- 0000855: [] header output from forwards (ferg)
- 0000477: [] Installing new license
- 0000024: [] Startup NullPointerException since 3.0.12
- 0000517: [] tag descriptor and setValue (ferg)
- 0000489: [] allow muleiple <host> with no specified root-directory
- 0000500: [] UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/caucho/quercus/servlet/QuercusServlet

Resin - 3.0.14
- 0002461: [] JNI and Solaris writes (ferg)
- 0000317: [] Cannot make: cannot find -lssl (ferg)
- 0000471: [] Specification version 1.5 of package (ferg)
- 0000015: [] com.caucho.amber.AmberRuntimeException: 'example.model.MyDataPO' is an illegal instance class ?
- 0000163: [] UserPoolItem uses JDK 1.5 only code
- 0000161: [] change resin-javadoc deployment
- 0000138: [] EL variable for current path
- 0000131: [] EJB3 with MySQL ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 856
- 0000130: [] EJB3 with postgres and boolean field
- 0000120: [] gzip add deflate
- 0000044: [] NPE in AmberConnectionImpl
- 0000154: [] TaskResource for one time execution
- 0000176: [] session timeout must match the persistent store timeout
- 0000174: [] isapi_srun flushing issue
- 0000170: [] does not set -Dresin.home to RESIN_HOME, but rather SERVER_HOME
- 0000168: [] misleading error message when filter class refers to a class not found
- 0000177: [] with <%@page session='false' %>, ${} causes NPE
- 0000181: [] some pdf's not downloading correctly with recent Acrobat clients
- 0000157: [] <security-constraint> fails when url has query string
- 0000183: [] configure script erroneoulsy looks for -lcrypt instead of -lcrypto
- 0000145: [] resin ISAPI filter corrupting/shortening packets
- 0000150: [] JMS queue browser
- 0000147: [] Named log going to path="stdout:" gets redirected by <stdout-log>
- 0000139: [] enable-range option for <cache>
- 0000212: [] JMS with MySql Error
- 0000209: [] EL does not work in host-name
- 0000199: [] HessianInputStream does not get its SerializerFactory set in HessianServlet
- 0000210: [] ContextImpl.lookupImpl does not throw - javax.naming.NameNotFoundException
- 0000182: [] configure fails to use specified openssl
- 0000185: [] Contract ID 003006 - JSP exception is not shown in the webpage
- 0000203: [] servlet.forward() error http 500
- 0000178: [] Sometimes unable to start on JDK1.4
- 0000188: [] Again problems with KOI8-R
- 0000189: [] problem with <rewrite-dispatch>
- 0000202: [] NullPointerException in JSPResourceManager.resolvePath, when running JspCompiler
- 0000127: [] EJBCompiler issue
- 0000126: [] EJB null pointer in configureAmber
- 0000207: [] exceptions for JSP pages
- 0000200: [] mod_caucho losing configuration information
- 0000211: [] signal 11 in com.caucho.vfs.JniStream.writeNative()
- 0000213: [] unloaded system has occaisional hiccups and failed incoming connections
- 0000215: [] document shutdown-wait-max
- 0000216: [] DoubleType causes UnsupportedOperationException
- 0000218: [] make install fails on Solaris 9
- 0000222: [] session timeout issue
- 0000232: [] An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine
- 0000235: [] download of PDF documents with errors
- 0000240: [] Typo in 3.0.13 release notes
- 0000193: [] mod_caucho restart issue
- 0000179: [] session cookie generation must allow for strict index
- 0000175: [] x-anonymous does not cache private
- 0000197: [] jar reload issue
- 0000245: [] exception on null pointer in apache header val.
- 0000282: [] resin-pro-3.0.13+ & java 1.4.2: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: javax/ejb/EntityManager (Unsupported
- 0000267: [] Server Exception when pushing out new war via config server
- 0000266: [] [PATCH] Typo in run.cpp
- 0000265: [] Compile error building Resin on Solaris
- 0000262: [] digest calculation result changes for unchanged files
- 0000256: [] [PATCH] Reference to resin_home missing in run.cpp
- 0000250: [] stdout.log becomes jvm.log in latest snapshot
- 0000115: [] ClassDependency issues with fields.length
- 0000236: [] QDocument
- 0000107: [] Log write interleaving
- 0000228: [] expand-cleanup-fileset
- 0000311: [] PDF Problems
- 0000288: [] jdk-1_5_0_04 contains incompatible javax.managment
- 0000285: [] Resin unable to run with the latest jdk
- 0000237: [] laszlo and relax
- 0000164: [] Problems with access-log rollover
- 0000088: [] HotSwap not working on Windows XP with -b64
- 0000367: [] keepalive count issue
- 0000363: [] Resin 3.0.13 does not work with JDK1.5.0.4
- 0000113: [] cluster-store taking up too much space
- 0000230: [] jira email not working to receiver outside
- 0000162: [] resin-javadoc needs to include pro classes
- 0000159: [] update/automate javadoc generation
- 0000093: [] ejb3 persist() call should be allowed on managed beans
- 0000155: [] JspCompiler causes NullPointerException from Jmx.copyContextProperties
- 0000153: [] update/automate pdf documentation
- 0000063: [] CMP UnsupportedOperationException: source map
- 0000149: [] Wrong escape-sequence handling in taglib runtime expressions
- 0000129: [] Resin database does not support LIKE
- 0000026: [] EJB30: ignoring nullable property in JoinColumn
- 0000012: [] PingMailer is not working

Resin - 3.0.16
- 0000453: [] com.caucho.sql.UserConnection.isClosed() throws IllegalStateException when connection is closed
- 0000004: [] cluster store "Block 0 is reserved" (ferg)
- 0000480: [] cache deleteFragment
- 0000460: []
- 0000440: [] cache-mapping url-regexp
- 0000401: [] JMS ConnectionFactoryImpl ConcurrentModificationException
- 0000422: [] pageContext.findAttribute IllegalArgumentException
- 0000486: [] directory rewriting modifies query parameters
- 0000435: [] httpd.exe argument issue
- 0000458: [] Cannot compile/configure OpenSSL; wrong parameter order
- 0000479: [] SSL_WRITE_PENDING
- 0000476: [] IOException occured in ssl_lib.c
- 0000474: [] InstanceAlreadyExistsException with multiple virtual hosts
- 0000420: [] digest authentication issues
- 0000284: [] problem fro "Properties.loadFromXML(InputStream)" under 2.1.16 resin
- 0000424: [] Caucho XML parser does not provide getNodeType()!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ferg)
- 0000465: [] c:forEach works incorrectly unless <jsp/> is present (ferg)
- 0000454: [] EL broken (ferg)
- 0000443: [] c:if fails unless <jsp/> present (ferg)

Resin - 2.1.x
- 0000028: [] jar-cache problem
- 0000269: [] 2.1.16 mod_caucho under load
- 0000309: [] ServletServer.restart(): bad synchronization leads to broken server
- 0000340: [] MethodExpr.evalObject bug. fixed in 3, please backport.

Resin - 3.0.15
- 0000446: [] ./configure 64 bit java detection on Solaris
- 0000241: [] x-anonymous
- 0000426: [] cache deadlock (ferg)
- 0000291: [] business methods in ejb 2.x beans in amber always cause reload from database
- 0000321: [] JMS queue on restart issues
- 0000308: [] EnvironmentLogger.removeHandle
- 0000307: [] Resin Daemon enhancement
- 0000306: [] JMS deserialization classloader issues
- 0000304: [] bad symbol (mutext_lock) causes resin JNI lib load failure
- 0000302: [] Resin does not run on server hotspot jvm
- 0000293: [] CharConversionException when parsing javac errors
- 0000290: [] Time Taken (time of a request) in milliseconds in the access-log?
- 0000289: [] amber list query's only cache the first 25 records of a result set
- 0000278: [] cmp cache-timeout not always observed
- 0000095: [] EJB query with access more than two references deep
- 0000298: [] Resin doesn't deal with <jsp:directive.include under jspx file
- 0000316: [] HostController merge nullpointer
- 0000315: [] xsi:schemaLocation should not be required in web.xml
- 0000143: [] https returned periodically
- 0000186: [] <dependency-check-interval> does not seem to work with Resin 3.0.13
- 0000227: [] jni_vfs.c segv
- 0000259: [] Resin doesn't deal with <jsp:include under jspx file
- 0000271: [] Problem with setuid user support
- 0000275: [] xsl:template named template override
- 0000322: [] FastCGIServlet does not handle Status header properly
- 0000323: [] "Server died unexpectedly" when Resin starts at linux bootup
- 0000280: [] stdout-log rollover at startup
- 0000329: [] Random Deadlocks
- 0000330: [] possible JNI memory issue
- 0000331: [] Problem with simple tag handlers in combination with jsp:include
- 0000334: [] apache1 keepalives broken by JNI extensions
- 0000338: [] mod_caucho debugging enhancements
- 0000073: [] direct api use of eclipse compiler
- 0000349: [] forbid web-app with root-directory == resin.home
- 0000348: [] c:if problem with var
- 0000059: [] default pid filename based on server id and conf file filename
- 0000320: [] Issue related to "web-app" configuration in resin 3.x
- 0000297: [] missing JDBC driver is being logged at wrong level, should be severe
- 0000326: [] JSTL EL variable type conversion
- 0000295: [] path-format for stderr-log, stdout-log
- 0000270: [] DB driver not calling setURL
- 0000276: [] order-by clause ignored in many-to-many ejb-relations
- 0000273: [] CLONE -NPE in AmberConnectionImpl - not fully resolved
- 0000356: [] Bean init and XML validation on access-log bugs
- 0000354: [] NullPointer in Store.writeFragment
- 0000357: [] Implementation of javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport should use accessor to obtain loopStatus
- 0000359: [] dependency tag issue
- 0000382: [] Oracle XA join issues
- 0000361: [] XmlAuthenticator addRole()
- 0000365: [] smtp.vfs not available in Resin 3
- 0000377: [] Deadlock in com.caucho.server.log.AccessLog.log
- 0000375: [] tagfile containing <% %>
- 0000352: [] redeploy-mode not available for <resin> or <server>
- 0000343: [] configuration to change default encoding for everything
- 0000336: [] OOM - TempBuffer
- 0000335: [] mod_caucho keepalive
- 0000319: [] multiple instances of FastCGIServlet connecting to php
- 0000370: [] 100-continue
- 0000387: [] Cannot create JSP 2.0 .tag file with "class" attribute
- 0000390: [] JSP 1.2 Tag inside JSP 2.0 Tag
- 0000391: [] EJB 2.0 Stateless Session compilation
- 0000381: [] Long startup time with many files in WEB-INF
- 0000380: [] In JSP tag compilation, local variables should be instance qualified
- 0000180: [] distributed xa oracle
- 0000379: [] tld modification not forcing recompiling
- 0000378: [] JVM crashes in JNI code
- 0000374: [] CDATA character set too small?
- 0000372: [] cluster selected implicitly
- 0000371: [] Restart required for new index.jsp
- 0000368: [] cache exceeds maximum
- 0000360: [] single signon, timeout in one application affects others
- 0000286: [] content after jsp response.sendRedirect()
- 0000351: [] EnvironmentClassLoader can't find java/lang/Object.class.
- 0000341: [] cluster-store : exceptions in logs
- 0000344: [] large file support on linux
- 0000407: [] chunked encoding for apache 1
- 0000402: [] HttpPath StackOverflowError
- 0000397: [] Hessian should require
- 0000395: [] documentation issue for isapi_srun
- 0000393: [] can't traverse many-to-one paths in amber (resin 3) ejb-ql
- 0000358: [] Expected OraclePreparedStatement not returned from resin pool
- 0000385: [] <http server-id="*" port="8080">
- 0000362: [] Persistence 1.0: one2one relation
- 0000364: [] isapi_srun produces hard-coded misleading error message if resin down
- 0000376: [] mod_caucho 503 returns error
- 0000394: [] Connections leak when DBPool is not first JTA resource manager
- 0000398: [] EJB problem: Read timed out
- 0000383: [] custom protocol enhancements
- 0000373: [] multiple hosts registered with JMX
- 0000325: [] ResinServer needs _lifecycle

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