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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0000977 [Resin] major always 03-07-06 08:11 03-31-06 08:56
Reporter anonymous View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed  
Status closed   Product Version 3.0.18
Summary 0000977: srun not giving http result code
Description We have noticed errors in our web applications showing corrupt responses.
We have run a WAS test script that shows that Resin pro behind IIS produces a lot of responses where http result codes are missing. The resin standalone version works as expected. We are using JNI library.
Additional Information Windows XP pro
Sun Java 1.5_04
Attached Files

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- Notes
03-07-06 08:16
edited on: 03-07-06 08:17

WAS script for resin behind srun - have a look at "HTTP result code not given":
Report name: 3.018 srun 16:46:51
Run on: 07.03.2006 16:46:51
Run length: 00:02:00

Web Application Stress Tool Version:

Number of test clients: 1

Number of hits: 57665
Requests per Second: 480.52

Socket Statistics
Socket Connects: 88786
Total Bytes Sent (in KB): 33994.88
Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s): 283.28
Total Bytes Recv (in KB): 380064.66
Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s): 3167.06

Socket Errors
Connect: 0
Send: 3
Recv: 0
Timeouts: 0

RDS Results
Successful Queries: 0

Script Settings
Server: localhost
Number of threads: 10

Test length: 00:02:00
Warmup: 00:00:00
Cooldown: 00:00:00

Use Random Delay: No

Follow Redirects: Yes
Max Redirect Depth: 15

Clients used in test

Clients not used in test

Result Codes
Code Description Count
200 OK 55636
500 Internal Server Error 43
NA HTTP result code not given 1986

Page Summary
Page Hits TTFB Avg TTLB Avg Auth Query
GET /campus/admin/grammar/gr.d 381 10.72 30.88 No No
GET /campus/admin/test/exampre 375 10.15 37.12 No No
GET /campus/admin/test/entry.d 376 9.92 30.93 No No

03-07-06 08:18

WAS script for resin standalone:
Report name: 3.018 standalone 16:52:19
Run on: 07.03.2006 16:52:19
Run length: 00:02:00

Web Application Stress Tool Version:

Number of test clients: 1

Number of hits: 54703
Requests per Second: 455.84

Socket Statistics
Socket Connects: 78398
Total Bytes Sent (in KB): 29679.41
Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s): 247.32
Total Bytes Recv (in KB): 492866.66
Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s): 4107.02

Socket Errors
Connect: 0
Send: 0
Recv: 0
Timeouts: 0

RDS Results
Successful Queries: 0

Script Settings
Server: localhost
Number of threads: 10

Test length: 00:02:00
Warmup: 00:00:00
Cooldown: 00:00:00

Use Random Delay: No

Follow Redirects: Yes
Max Redirect Depth: 15

Clients used in test

Clients not used in test

Result Codes
Code Description Count
200 OK 54361
500 Internal Server Error 342

Page Summary
Page Hits TTFB Avg TTLB Avg Auth Query
GET /campus/admin/grammar/gr.d 361 15.73 24.12 No No
GET /campus/admin/test/exampre 358 0.08 3.74 No No
03-07-06 08:19
edited on: 03-07-06 08:44

sorry did'nt notice I was anonymous when entering this issue.
This is an Issue for MindLink on behalf of Macmillan Publishers

03-08-06 01:12

Note to engineers:

This is the same customer that reported issue 0000805 when upgrading to Resin 3.0.17: [^]

When upgrading to Resin 3.0.18 with JNI enabled (using the fix for issue 0000805), they are now experiencing this issue 0000977. Solution is required urgently.
03-08-06 06:39

This is also happening when running in open source mode without JNI.
Running on JRockit 1.42 shows the same problem.
It really seems to come from isapi_srun.dll.
03-10-06 00:21

Seems related to [^]
03-30-06 16:14

isapi_srun.dll has been enhanced to use chunked encoding, avoiding buffering and threading issues with IIS.

In a case like this, though, having an output of the actual HTTP protocol would be useful (TCP packets would be even better).

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
03-07-06 08:11 anonymous New Issue
03-07-06 08:16 anonymous Note Added: 0000917
03-07-06 08:17 anonymous Note Edited: 0000917
03-07-06 08:18 anonymous Note Added: 0000918
03-07-06 08:19 mindlink Note Added: 0000919
03-07-06 08:43 mindlink Issue Monitored: mindlink
03-07-06 08:44 mindlink Note Edited: 0000919
03-08-06 00:52 rudy Issue Monitored: rudy
03-08-06 01:12 rudy Note Added: 0000920
03-08-06 06:39 mindlink Note Added: 0000921
03-10-06 00:21 mindlink Note Added: 0000930
03-30-06 16:14 ferg Note Added: 0000980
03-30-06 16:14 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
03-30-06 16:14 ferg Status new => assigned
03-30-06 16:14 ferg Resolution open => fixed
03-30-06 16:14 ferg Fixed in Version  => 3.0.19
03-31-06 08:56 ferg Status assigned => closed

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