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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0005001 [Resin] minor always 03-26-12 23:55 06-14-12 19:02
Reporter rickHigh View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed  
Status closed   Product Version
Summary 0005001: Timeout for deploy to Amazon instance
Description resinctl deploy --name blog --address --port 8080 --user admin --password roofoo target/blog-0.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.war

causes a timeout:

com.caucho.bam.TimeoutException: QueryFutureImpl[to=deploy@resin.caucho,from=HmtpClient@,payload=DeployCommitListQuery[]] [^] query timeout DeployCommitListQuery[] {to:deploy@resin.caucho}

The problem seems to be the 20 MB war file.

Getting a deployment list is fine...

resinctl deploy-list --address --port 8080 --user admin --password roofoo rick@ubuntu:~/roo4027/blog$

Additional Information
Attached Files

- Relationships

- Notes
05-25-12 12:37

~/example/target$ ./
java.lang.IllegalStateException: future timeout
    at com.caucho.bam.query.QueryFutureCallback.get(
    at com.caucho.bam.proxy.BamProxyHandler$QueryCall.invoke(
    at com.caucho.bam.proxy.BamProxyHandler.invoke(
    at $Proxy25.getCommitList(Unknown Source)
    at com.caucho.server.deploy.DeployClient.getCommitList(
    at com.caucho.server.deploy.DeployClient.deployJar(
    at com.caucho.server.deploy.DeployClient.commitArchive(
    at com.caucho.boot.DeployCommand.doCommand(
    at com.caucho.boot.AbstractRepositoryCommand.doCommand(
    at com.caucho.boot.AbstractBootCommand.doCommand(
    at com.caucho.boot.ResinBoot.start(
    at com.caucho.boot.ResinBoot.main(

This is against a snapshot from yesterday. (May 24th, 2012)

I had some EC2 Security group misconfiguration that I had to figure out before I got to this.

$ cat
resinctl deploy --address --port 8080 --user admin --password roofoo bigwar.war

Smaller deploys still work....

$ ./
Deployed production/webapp/default/h from h.war to [^]

$ resinctl deploy-list --address --port 8080 --user admin --password roofoo

$ cat
resinctl deploy --address --port 8080 --user admin --password roofoo h.war

The bigwar.war is very big.

$ ls -l bigwar.war
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rick rick 19308502 2011-12-01 14:45 bigwar.war
05-25-12 12:37

~/example/target$ ./
java.lang.IllegalStateException: future timeout
    at com.caucho.bam.query.QueryFutureCallback.get(
    at com.caucho.bam.proxy.BamProxyHandler$QueryCall.invoke(
    at com.caucho.bam.proxy.BamProxyHandler.invoke(
    at $Proxy25.getCommitList(Unknown Source)
    at com.caucho.server.deploy.DeployClient.getCommitList(
    at com.caucho.server.deploy.DeployClient.deployJar(
    at com.caucho.server.deploy.DeployClient.commitArchive(
    at com.caucho.boot.DeployCommand.doCommand(
    at com.caucho.boot.AbstractRepositoryCommand.doCommand(
    at com.caucho.boot.AbstractBootCommand.doCommand(
    at com.caucho.boot.ResinBoot.start(
    at com.caucho.boot.ResinBoot.main(

This is against a snapshot from yesterday.

I had some EC2 Security group misconfiguration that I had to figure out before I got to this.

$ cat
resinctl deploy --address --port 8080 --user admin --password roofoo bigwar.war

Smaller deploys still work....

$ ./
Deployed production/webapp/default/h from h.war to [^]

$ resinctl deploy-list --address --port 8080 --user admin --password roofoo

$ cat
resinctl deploy --address --port 8080 --user admin --password roofoo h.war

The bigwar.war is very big.

$ ls -l bigwar.war
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rick rick 19308502 2011-12-01 14:45 bigwar.war

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
03-26-12 23:55 rickHigh New Issue
05-22-12 16:24 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
05-22-12 16:24 ferg Status new => closed
05-22-12 16:24 ferg Resolution open => fixed
05-22-12 16:24 ferg Fixed in Version  => 4.0.28
05-25-12 12:37 rickHigh Status closed => feedback
05-25-12 12:37 rickHigh Resolution fixed => reopened
05-25-12 12:37 rickHigh Note Added: 0005782
05-25-12 12:37 rickHigh Note Added: 0005783
06-14-12 19:02 ferg Status feedback => closed
06-14-12 19:02 ferg Resolution reopened => fixed

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