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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0001247 [Quercus] minor always 07-12-06 06:30 03-21-07 10:51
Reporter rikus View Status public  
Assigned To nam
Priority normal Resolution fixed  
Status closed   Product Version
Summary 0001247: const and static field access is not possible from declaration of static fields
Description When trying to access static fields during initialization of the class quercus ends up trying to load the class again and again (?)
Or if you try to access self::some_static_or_const_field during the same time you get an error stating that there is no such class "self"

tried this in:
resin-3_0-snap.tar.gz (2006/07/05)

Please look below for examples...

//File: crash.php

abstract class MyClass {

        const ONE = 1;
        const TWO = 2;
        const THREE = 6;
        protected static $affixMap = array(
                MyClass::ONE => 'Number 1',
                MyClass::TWO => 'Number 2',
                MyClass::THREE => 'Number 3'

abstract class MyClass2 {

        public static $ONE = 1;
        public static $TWO = 2;
        public static $THREE = 6;
        protected static $affixMap = array(
                MyClass2::ONE => 'Number 1',
                MyClass2::TWO => 'Number 2',
                MyClass2::THREE => 'Number 3'

abstract class MyClass3 {

        const ONE = 1;
        const TWO = 2;
        const THREE = 6;
        protected static $affixMap = array(
                self::ONE => 'Number 1',
                self::TWO => 'Number 2',
                self::THREE => 'Number 3'

//Both following statements will give you stack overflow :
    at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.<init>(
    at java.util.LinkedHashMap$EntryIterator.<init>(
    at java.util.LinkedHashMap$EntryIterator.<init>(
    at java.util.LinkedHashMap.newEntryIterator(
    at java.util.HashMap$EntrySet.iterator(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.QuercusClass.init(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.createQuercusClass(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.createClassImpl(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.findClass(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.findClass(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.getClass(
    at com.caucho.quercus.expr.ClassConstExpr.eval(
    at com.caucho.quercus.expr.Expr.evalArg(
    at com.caucho.quercus.expr.ArrayFunExpr.eval(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.QuercusClass.init(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.createQuercusClass(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.createClassImpl(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.findClass(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.findClass(
    at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.getClass(
    at com.caucho.quercus.expr.ClassConstExpr.eval(

echo MyClass::ONE;
echo MyClass2::ONE;

//The following will give you an error like:
// /home/web-app/webroot/crash.php:46: Fatal Error: /home/web-app/webroot/crash.php:46: 'self' is an unknown class.
echo MyClass3::ONE;

Additional Information
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- Notes
01-17-07 12:57

related to php/096f
03-21-07 10:51


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
07-12-06 06:30 rikus New Issue
11-28-06 08:22 alexcrown Issue Monitored: alexcrown
01-17-07 12:57 nam Note Added: 0001728
01-17-07 12:57 nam Status new => assigned
01-17-07 12:57 nam Assigned To  => nam
03-21-07 10:51 nam Status assigned => closed
03-21-07 10:51 nam Note Added: 0001782
03-21-07 10:51 nam Resolution open => fixed
03-21-07 10:51 nam Fixed in Version  => 3.1.1

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