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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 541) Print Reports ] [ CSV Export ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next Last ]
    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
   0004097 [Hessian]
minornew06-02-10hessian sesson management
   0004084 [Quercus]
minornew06-17-10phpBB 3.0.7-PL1 bug with security option "Check IP against DNS Blackhole List"
majornew06-16-10Security exceptions with Hessian on google app engine
   0004080 [Hessian]
majornew06-16-10SecurityException thrown when serializing Throwable on Google App Engine
   0004072 [Quercus]
minornew06-08-10unset value does not seem to work correctly
   0004071 [Quercus]
majornew06-08-10Creating array with "string" as key dissappears
blocknew06-08-10PHP Type comparison not the same
minornew06-06-10strtotime not returning correct value-type
blocknew06-02-10Quercus array() type check on != not fully compatible with PHP
   0004058 [Quercus]
minornew06-01-10print_r not going through whole array when references are used
   0004056 [Quercus]
majornew05-28-10Env.getCookies crashing on _request (nullpointer exception) when in scriptcontext mode (JSR)
majornew05-28-10Drupal 6 update.php messes up database
minornew05-28-10CCK3 content multigroup in Drupal 6.16 not working correctly when viewing data (only first row-data is used to view)
blocknew05-28-10First value in Array is ignore when posting data
minornew05-23-10isset issues an E_NOTICE on unset variable
   0004046 [Hessian]
majornew05-22-10Hessian serializer incorrectly serializes objects when field is overloaded
   0004045 [Hessian]
minornew05-19-10Hessian SSL client
minornew05-14-10Remove flex imports from Hessian2Input/Output for ActionScript
   0004040 [Hessian]
majornew05-13-10Hessian servlet returns unencapsulated fault messages
   0004036 [Quercus]
majornew05-12-10Wordpress 3 dashboard broken with Tomcat compression
   0004027 [Hessian]
majornew05-05-10Client gets RemoteException instead of BusinessException
   0004016 [Hessian]
minornew04-27-10utf-8 toString conversion
   0004015 [Hessian]
majornew04-26-10Exception: expected binary at 0x41 (when trying to read an InputStream in a Hessian Client)
blocknew04-25-10Quercus incompatible with CodeIgniter
majornew04-21-10Server side exception could not be serialized to cilent side.
majornew04-14-10Querecus wordpressMU title column in posts list is blank
crashnew04-11-10using php session_start() always causes a crash
   0003973 [Documentation]
minornew03-02-10Forum doesn't work
   0003958 [Quercus]
majornew03-24-10WordPress titles don't show up
   0003959 [Quercus]
majornew03-24-10PHP parsing errors
blocknew03-23-10mysql_connect hostname substition by mangling jndi name
minornew03-21-10Problem using DomDocument
   0003856 [Hessian]
tweaknew03-19-10Catering for NULLs passed to JavaDeserializer in place of SqlTime, SqlDate, SqlTimestamp
   0003931 [Hessian]
minornew03-08-10expires in Hessian for rest-style responses
   0003930 [Hessian]
minornew03-08-10Invocation exception in HessianServlet
   0003926 [Quercus]
minornew03-05-10amfphp sees Java object names, not php
majornew02-27-10SerializerFactory doesn't return the correct deserializer
   0003917 [Quercus]
minornew02-25-10libxml2 for IP.Board
   0003910 [Quercus]
minornew02-22-10implement attribute setting functions in php oci8 1.4.1
   0003909 [Quercus]
minornew02-22-10implement oci_fetch_array with OCI_RETURN_NULLS flag
   0003908 [Quercus]
minornew02-22-10oci_field_name() fields should be 1 based
   0003907 [Quercus]
minornew02-22-10oci_fetch_array OCI_ASSOC flag
   0003906 [Quercus]
minornew02-22-10easy connect syntax for oci_connect()
   0003905 [Documentation]
minornew02-22-10explain resin:import
majornew02-22-10com.caucho.quercus.QuercusModuleException: java.lang.StackOverflowError
   0003901 [Quercus]
minornew02-20-10JSR 223 javax.script ServletContext issue
   0003899 [Quercus]
minornew02-20-10NullPointerException in private message reply - phpBB3 3.0.6
   0003881 [Quercus]
minornew02-07-10extending or implementing unknown classes does not create error messages or incorrect messages
   0003868 [Quercus]
minornew01-01-10symfony - Class "JobeetCategory" must implement a "getPrimaryKey" method
   0003845 [Hessian]
minornew01-11-10HessianServlet should pass debug setting to created HessianSkeleton objects
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