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    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
   0005366 [Quercus]
minornew02-08-13DOMElement->hasAttribute($name) not implemented
minornew02-05-13Make QuercusCompiledScript Serializable
   0005356 [Quercus]
minornew01-03-13need to implement the HttpResponse library
featurenew01-24-13Make quercus as standalone project with no dependency with Hessian and Resin-Kenel
   0005301 [Quercus]
minornew12-04-12PDO never throws PDOException
   0005296 [Quercus]
minornew12-01-12need to implement iptcparse() for mediawiki image uploads
minornew11-02-12is_callable method is different behavior from PHP5.x
minornew11-14-12magento does not work
crashnew11-05-12Java 1.7 Locale serialization fails
   0005224 [Quercus]
minornew09-26-12add native connection pooling to Quercus
   0005221 [Quercus]
majornew09-20-12SimpleXMLElement count return always 0
minornew08-02-12oci_fetch_array() with OCI_RETURN_LOBS not implemented
   0005191 [Quercus]
minornew08-26-12mb_get_info() not fully implemented.
   0005188 [Quercus]
minornew08-24-12quercus stack trace in exception
minornew08-08-12Quercus cannot find or include PHP files through WAR overlay
minornew08-07-12quercus standalone: debug_backtrace() returns an empty array
   0005157 [Quercus]
minornew07-02-12quercus: QuercusServlet with init-param script-encoding="UTF-8"
minornew06-12-12Can't debug Quercus with Eclipse IDE
majornew06-06-12Server Exceptions Not getting passed to client (Found root cause and possible Fix)
   0005104 [Hessian]
majornew06-06-12AbstractDeserializer: UnsupportedOperationException
majornew05-28-12Transfer of Large Binary Data not working within Objects
   0005052 [Quercus]
minornew04-27-12MediaWiki Querucs: problem viewing
   0005051 [Quercus]
minornew04-27-12Unable to upload files in mediawiki
   0005050 [Quercus]
minornew04-26-12quercus cannot find jar'ed php files
   0005038 [Quercus]
minornew04-21-12Symfony 2.0.12 not working
   0005009 [Quercus]
crashnew04-02-12unimplemented exception when using com.caucho.quercus.lib.dom.DOMDocument.schemaValidate(
majorassigned03-22-12Various XCART issues (private)
  0004245 [Quercus]
minoracknowledged03-22-12methods beginning with underscore not visible in get_declared_methods
blockfeedback03-22-12QuercusView for Spring MVC integration no longer works in 4.0.5
majoracknowledged03-22-12'strptime' PHP function is not supported in Quercus
majorassigned03-22-12Quercus + Zend Framework => controller resolution broken
minorassigned03-22-12pg_escape_string() missing argument
crashassigned03-22-12Stack Overflow / Infinite recursion with Zend Framework (in ArrayModule.array_key_exists)
majorassigned03-22-12unset() function does not work properly
   0003989 [Quercus]
minorassigned03-22-12Unable to UNSET values in Drupal 6.16 / Quercus 4.0.3
minoracknowledged03-22-12Quercus: AppendIterator is an unknown class
   0003919 [Quercus]
minorassigned03-22-12java.lang.IllegalStateException on post preview in
minorconfirmed03-22-12Quercus - vBulletin 4.0.5 - Error when trying to add avatar
minorfeedback03-22-12Java String variable argument lists.
   0004554 [Quercus]
majoracknowledged03-22-12Class variable "not found" if null
   0004310 [Quercus]
majorassigned03-22-12inconsistent behavior for declared attributes when accessed from member functions versus public member access
majornew03-09-12No 4.0.24 Maven dependency in Caucho M2 repository
majornew02-26-12Memory leak due to ServiceContext not clearing ThreadLocal
majornew01-12-12Java Enums Deserialization Problem
   0004809 [Documentation]
minornew11-28-11update: (private)
   0004840 [Quercus]
majornew11-05-11com.caucho.quercus.QuercusException: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke: argument type mismatch
   0004815 [Hessian]
majornew10-19-11Deserializing Hessian 1 Response Fails with Java client
   0004793 [Hessian]
minornew10-10-11In performance test, the CPU is always over 90% even only 30 users
blocknew09-21-11Array cookies are not read properly
   0004772 [Quercus]
minornew09-20-11MediaWiki: "Method call 'isCurrent' is not allowed" when editing a new page
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