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    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
   0006383 [Resin]
minornew04-04-23How can Resin pro4.0.62 support OpenSSL 1.1.1?
majornew03-26-23com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianConnectionException: 500: Socket closed
   0006267 [Resin]
minornew02-19-23add docs for SSL SNI support
   0006446 [Resin]
minornew12-16-22publish maven dependency for resin-eclipselink.jar
   0006277 [Hessian]
minornew11-11-22Date with custom deserializer
featurenew10-03-22Hessian 4.0.66 Serialize Object with Calendar would fail on deserialization if references are used
   0006475 [Baratine]
minornew08-04-22Can’t connect the canon printer to windows 11 ? It is a common issue that several users have experienced after Windows update
   0006472 [Resin]
crashnew07-15-22ssl crash on windows 10 (private)
   0006466 [Resin]
trivialnew04-07-22Unable to download source file (private)
   0006456 [Resin]
minornew12-17-21add openssl SNI support for host-alias-regexp or host-alias
minornew12-16-21java.lang.IllegalStateException: TcpSocketLink[id=http://...someports...] killKeepalive called from invalid thread
   0006455 [Resin]
majornew12-15-21resin stays dead after request spike (private)
   0006447 [Resin]
minornew11-16-21move resin-eclipselink.jar from lib/ into webapp-jars/
   0006397 [Resin]
majornew04-29-21reopen issue 0006391, fail to resolve http header correctly and sometimes resin hangs when parsing http requests
   0006379 [Resin]
minornew01-11-21example custom AbstractAuthenticator in docs does not work
   0006376 [Resin]
minornew12-17-20add documentation for configuring PdfReport mail smtp
   0006375 [Resin]
minornew12-17-20health PdfReport not using default smtp properties from mail tag
minornew12-09-20APC cache should not be an LRU cache
   0006358 [Resin]
minornew06-30-20add example openssl config to docs for more secure cipher suites and protocols
   0006340 [Resin]
minornew04-15-20add documentation for JDK requirements and supported versions
   0006335 [Resin]
minornew04-03-20add SSL documentation example for disabling DES and RC4 ciphers
   0006315 [Resin]
minornew04-03-20add docs for openssl tag
   0006309 [Resin]
minornew01-02-20add docs for mod_caucho configurable values
   0006290 [Resin]
minornew10-10-19mod_caucho requests are delayed by seconds if not all ResinConfigServer are online
   0006286 [Resin]
majornew10-01-19slow leak of thousands of resin-port-0-launcher threads
   0006273 [Resin]
minornew07-31-19EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on resin pro 4.0.55 (private)
   0006189 [Resin]
minorassigned (nam)03-05-19Resin plugin with STS4
majornew07-27-18substr_count does not provide an accurate count when the search string is repeated in succession
   0006115 [Quercus]
minornew11-25-17com.caucho.quercus.UnimplementedException: `mb_substitute_character' has not been implemented
minornew10-16-17(boolean) is not assignable to ArrayValue [array_map] - Mediawiki 1.15.1
   0006083 [Quercus]
crashnew08-04-17CurlMultiResource#execute Stuck in Infinite Loop
   0006032 [Quercus]
minornew01-11-17[quercus / dokuwiki] quercus doesn't support sprite used in a dokuwiki project
   0006018 [Quercus]
minornew10-18-16filter not implemented: FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT (0)' has not been implemented
   0006016 [Quercus]
majornew09-12-16RegexpModule$RegexpCacheItem.get( hangs
   0006012 [Quercus]
majornew06-16-16[PATCH] Adjust mktime implementation to align with PHP implementation
minornew06-02-16strftime does not work with %R
   0006010 [Quercus]
minornew06-02-16[PATCH] Implementation of try-finally
majornew04-26-16Ajax UTF-8 garbled
   0005993 [Quercus]
minornew04-07-16php_info() showing wrong version
   0005991 [Quercus]
minornew04-06-16apc_exists() function not implemented
minornew03-11-16Hessian IdentityIntMap ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   0005976 [Quercus]
minornew02-11-16array out of bounds for ServletListener
majornew02-08-16BigDecimal objects are incorrectly serialized
   0005975 [Quercus]
featurenew02-02-16Support for jsr223 Invocable interface
majornew01-20-16When inheriting protected instance variables the parent class auto created variable
   0005973 [Quercus]
majornew01-05-16NPE when including a newly created file
   0005965 [Quercus]
majornew11-30-15QuercusCompiledScript doesn't flush writer
   0005963 [Quercus]
minornew11-18-15Quercus is constantly recompiling php files on Windows 10
minornew11-11-15Resin 4.0.46 - Quercus doesn't recompile PHP files edited (private)
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