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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 541) Print Reports ] [ CSV Export ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next Last ]
    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
   0003606 [Hessian]
minornew07-22-09hessian servlet deploy enhancements
   0003602 [Quercus]
minornew07-20-09stack overflow on recursive class inheritance
majornew07-20-09phpMyAdmin has problem with padding of cleartext for blowfish decryption
   0003565 [Quercus]
minornew06-18-09get_object_vars don't respect PHP visibility
   0003562 [Quercus]
minornew06-16-09$_SERVER SSL variables
majornew06-12-09Marshalling cost estimation doesn't work with values represented by Var
majornew06-08-09Potential Encoding issues preventing the appropriate display of essential features in blog software b2evolution.
minornew06-05-09jndi naming broken/different
featurenew06-04-09phpLDAPadmin application requires LDAP modules to be available in Quercus
   0003540 [Documentation]
minornew05-03-09Cannot print the resin-4.0-admin.pdf
   0003529 [Quercus]
minornew05-22-09Using the QuercusScriptEngine on command line throws a fatal error.
minornew05-21-09xmlrpc support
  0003526 [Quercus]
crashnew05-20-09resin restarts due to OutOfMemory heap (phpBB3)
blocknew05-20-09Reference not preserved in compiled mode
   0003520 [Quercus]
minornew05-16-09imagettftext doesn't return bounding box
featurenew05-13-09Need post-send shutdown functions
   0003495 [Hessian]
minornew05-09-09Delegate construction of HessianProxy to an overridable method
   0003494 [Hessian]
featurenew05-09-09Add SSLSocketFactory property on HessianProxyFactory
   0003479 [Quercus]
minornew05-05-09ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on bbPress install
   0003478 [Quercus]
blocknew05-05-09Joomla 1.5.10 on Quercus 3.2.1 gives mysql error on some pages and delivers broken pages
   0003474 [Quercus]
minornew05-04-09Write not supported exception with WordPress theme editor
   0003473 [Quercus]
featurenew05-01-09API to force a dependency check
majornew04-02-09quercus float/rounding bug
minornew04-02-09Inconsistent Documentation
   0003463 [Quercus]
minornew04-28-09regex error
   0003461 [Quercus]
minornew04-27-09Qcodo does not work with Quercus
majornew04-26-09Objects without TTLs still disappear from APC
   0003459 [Quercus]
minornew04-25-09is_resource() returns true for closed connections
   0003451 [Quercus]
minornew04-19-09java_bean does not work as documented
  0003435 [Quercus]
minornew04-03-09respect safe_mode=off setting
   0003433 [Quercus]
minornew04-02-09CakePHP 1.2 on quercus
   0003430 [Hessian]
minornew04-01-09Hessian client fails to connect through proxy when using chunking
   0003425 [Documentation]
minornew03-02-09broken links in
   0003419 [Quercus]
minornew03-26-09pligg 9.9.5: Warning: Can't convert BooleanValue to BinaryOutput
   0003407 [Quercus]
majornew03-22-09NPE running ProjectPiewr
minornew03-20-09Setting "unicode.semantics = on" in php.ini fails WordPress
majornew03-19-09substr() function returns wrong results and even breaks the whole script for certain utf-8 strings
   0003380 [Documentation]
textnew03-10-09Serialization Deflation tutorial typo
featurenew03-05-09Make Quercus JSR 45 Compatiable to allow PHP debugging with Java IDE
majornew03-01-09hessian 3.2.1 does not work with phphessian while hessian 3.1.6 does
minornew02-25-09IMAP module needed for SugarCRM
   0003322 [Documentation]
minornew02-05-09reference documentation incorrect
majornew01-02-09Serializing objects that contain an instance of themselves causes Java exception
   0003306 [Quercus]
blocknew01-01-09Cannot proceed in the Database configuration step during Drupal 6.9 installation
   0003303 [Quercus]
blocknew01-01-09ClassCastException exception upon logout in vanilla forum 1.1.5a
   0003302 [Quercus]
minornew01-01-09Download source link does not work
minornew01-28-09mysqli_errno returns 0 when error happened
  0002999 [Quercus]
blocknew01-22-09LDAP for moodle
   0003283 [Quercus]
minornew01-19-09CData sections don't appear to work with SimpleElement
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