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    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
   0004772 [Quercus]
minornew09-20-11MediaWiki: "Method call 'isCurrent' is not allowed" when editing a new page
minornew09-18-11Quercus: open-x fails
   0004755 [Quercus]
minornew09-09-11setFormatOutput is unimplemented by Quercus but needed
   0004754 [Quercus]
minornew09-09-11Lazy compilation seems to have issues whereby common methods like define and trim are not found
blocknew09-04-11com.caucho.quercus.QuercusException: com.caucho.quercus.lib.db.PDO.getAttribute: This functionality has not been implemented.
crashnew09-01-11PHP compile error (private)
majornew08-30-11pq_query_params Return false, in case query is not SELECT
   0004703 [Quercus]
majornew08-08-11DateTime class does not implement createFromFormat() method
   0004686 [Quercus]
majornew07-27-11preg_replace_callback does not return empty groups
   0004674 [Quercus]
@0@new07-15-11Interface bug
minorfeedback07-06-11Problem displaying images with PDFLib
minornew07-06-11Quercus does not run with SimpleTest unit testing framework
minorfeedback07-06-11Working versus non-working PDFs
crashfeedback07-06-11java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 at at com.caucho.quercus.lib.regexp.RegexpModule$GroupNeighborMap.<init>
minornew06-17-11htmlentities seem to be mixing up multibyte strings
textnew06-16-11Quercus suffers from MySql SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS / FOUND_ROWS() Bug
   0004615 [Quercus]
majornew06-14-11Method Env.getRealPath doesn't work with path-mapping (compile mode)
blockresolved (domdorn)05-20-11NullPointerException in compile Quercus Page
crashresolved (domdorn)05-20-11date_create with time==null and timezone causes NPE
minorresolved (domdorn)05-19-11Quercus DOMDocument->saveXML($node) does not work
   0004565 [Hessian]
majornew05-19-11Hibernate PersistentMap serialization broken (again)
minornew05-16-11fsockopen can return null
minornew05-11-11can't support chinese words
   0004539 [Quercus]
minornew05-09-11JNDI Lookup doesn't work when using quercus war in jetty webserver (7.4.0)
   0004538 [Quercus]
majornew05-09-11PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY is an unknown constant
   0004522 [Quercus]
majornew04-27-11Case sensitive autoload
   0004510 [Quercus]
majornew04-17-11com.caucho.quercus.UnimplementedException: `mb_convert_kana' has not been implemented
majornew04-13-11wordpress 3.1 and 3.1.1 default install - administrator does not have rights to edit posts /wp-admin/
   0004498 [Hessian]
minornew04-12-11Hessian mapping of class names
majornew04-07-11mysql connection collation is not honored (wordpress)
minornew04-06-11Root-level namespace not working
majornew04-05-11IdentityIntMap.resize(int) does not take replaced objects into account
featureacknowledged03-30-11SoapClient not implemented
   0004464 [Documentation]
minornew03-29-11bloaqueado (private)
featurenew03-07-11Add http session/cookie support to HessianProxy
majornew02-25-11Function pack has a bug
   0004391 [Documentation]
majornew02-12-11CDI event system in CanDI has issue
   0004390 [Documentation]
majornew02-11-11Wrong JSF configuration is documented
minornew02-10-11Multipart messages get stuffed into a single mime part by Javamail
minorresolved (domdorn)02-10-11Quercus - vBulletin 4.0.5 - Error when editing signature
minorresolved (domdorn)02-10-11vBulletin - preview new topic caused IllegalStateException
   0004375 [Quercus]
majornew02-04-11QuercusScriptEngine leaks QercusContexts
   0004374 [Quercus]
majornew02-04-11XMLWriter::openURI does not support streams
majorfeedback02-02-11Missing: Warning: CURL option '75' unknown or unimplemented [curl_setopt]
majorresolved (domdorn)02-02-11file_get_contents in quercus 4.0.11 has bug.
   0004368 [Quercus]
minornew02-01-11pg_fetch_array(result, row, field); with row fiels set to null never go to next row
majornew01-29-11Missing log function with 2 parameters , second one as base as in the php documentation
   0004364 [Quercus]
majornew01-26-11sprintf method with "F" formatting should be non localized...
minornew01-12-11MicroHessianOutput writeBytes wrong size
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