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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0004647 [Quercus] crash always 06-02-11 12:18 07-06-11 02:05
Reporter jalmillategui View Status public  
Assigned To
Priority normal Resolution open  
Status feedback   Product Version 4.0.11
Summary 0004647: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 at at com.caucho.quercus.lib.regexp.RegexpModule$GroupNeighborMap.<init>
Description I'm trying to install openatrium a drupal based collaboration suite.

I have finished the install process using 4.0.11 and got the errors described in quercus_errors.txt (attached to this report) when visiting the start page

I then proceeded to update the quercus version to 4.0.18 and restore the site with the same results and errors.
Additional Information I'm running quercus on Dell PE SC1430 with 4GB of ram. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64, with sun java runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07) and using glassfish 3.1 as the application server.

I also copied the default php.ini from ubuntu's php installation and configured the web.xml to look for it on the WEB-INF directory.
Attached Files  quercus_errors.txt [^] (27,764 bytes) 06-02-11 12:18
 markdown.php code section.txt [^] (7,242 bytes) 07-04-11 11:47
 quercus_errors2.txt [^] (15,985 bytes) 07-05-11 17:25

- Relationships

- Notes
07-04-11 09:36

Could you please try to find out the regexp and input data tried at that page? It's not clear from the stacktrace and would speed things up a lot.
07-04-11 09:38

the code should be around
 at MarkdownExtra_Parser._hashHTMLBlocks_inMarkdown(/home/jalmillategui/.glassfish-install-3.1/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/atrium/profiles/openatrium/modules/contrib/markdown/markdown.php:1901)

please post the code at that position, comment it out and do a resin_var_dump() on the input that you are passing to the function. With that info we should be able to create a testcase.
07-04-11 11:52

The code section specified (markdown.php:1901) is a do while loop. I have uploaded it here. There seems to exists serveral regex in the section:

'{^(?>.*\n)+?'.$tag_re.' *\n}'

I will proceed to start generating the resin_var_dump() later today.


07-05-11 17:29

Hi All,

I tried to use resin_var_dump() which caused the stack trace shown in file quercus_errors2.txt


07-06-11 02:05

could you please try to get the complete regex and the complete input given to it?

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
06-02-11 12:18 jalmillategui New Issue
06-02-11 12:18 jalmillategui File Added: quercus_errors.txt
07-04-11 09:36 domdorn Note Added: 0005342
07-04-11 09:38 domdorn Note Added: 0005343
07-04-11 09:38 domdorn Status new => feedback
07-04-11 11:47 jalmillategui File Added: markdown.php code section.txt
07-04-11 11:52 jalmillategui Note Added: 0005346
07-05-11 17:25 jalmillategui File Added: quercus_errors2.txt
07-05-11 17:29 jalmillategui Note Added: 0005355
07-06-11 02:05 domdorn Note Added: 0005356

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