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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0004692 [Resin] major always 07-03-11 09:31 08-04-11 10:26
Reporter mnsh View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version 4.0.21 Product Version 4.0.20
  Product Build
Summary 0004692: Broken HttpSession.maxInactiveInterval behavior
Description Somewhere between 4.0.18 and 4.0.20, session lifetimes stopped working as expected.

To reproduce, configure a web-app as follows:


1. Unzip the attached jsp:s, and request stest.jsp. Note that maxInactiveInterval changes from 7200 (expected) to 69120 (waay off) when something is jsp:included during the first request. Also note that isNew() is false after the jsp:include.

Reloading the page shows that maxInactiveInterval is stuck at 69120.

2. Edit stest.jsp and set doInclude=false. Restart your browser and request stest.jsp again. Note that maxInactiveInterval == 7200 both times (as expected).

Now set doSetInterval=true and keep reloading. Note that maxInactiveInterval is 7200 the first time and 1800 the second time.

3. Restart your browser and request/keep reloading stest.jsp. Note that maxInactiveInterval == 1800 this time - it seems that setMaxInactiveInterval() only "sticks" when called during a session's very first request.
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information
Attached Files [^] (780 bytes) 07-03-11 09:31

- Relationships

- Notes
08-04-11 10:26


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
07-03-11 09:31 mnsh New Issue
07-03-11 09:31 mnsh File Added:
07-03-11 09:44 mnsh Issue Monitored: mnsh
08-04-11 10:26 ferg Note Added: 0005423
08-04-11 10:26 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
08-04-11 10:26 ferg Status new => closed
08-04-11 10:26 ferg Resolution open => fixed
08-04-11 10:26 ferg Fixed in Version  => 4.0.21

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