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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0002490 [Resin] minor always 03-03-08 14:50 03-04-08 15:33
Reporter ferg View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version 3.1.6 Product Version 3.1.5
  Product Build
Summary 0002490: IoC injection in jars timing
Description (rep by Andreas Fischer)

Actually one more note:

I got it to work by declaring every bean in the resin-web.xml. But doesn't the resin doc say if there is a web-beans.xml in a .jar file resin will automatically scan?
Also if I move the beans declaration into web-beans.xml it seems to be ignored and it seems to be a better place to have all the beans / components.

On Mar 3, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Andreas Fischer wrote:

I got a WebBean that represents a DirectoryService. The bean is declared as following:

public class DirectoryService {
    @In private AuthenticationService authentication;

Authentication services is declared as follows:
public class AuthenticationService {

Basically the directory relies on an authentication service to make sure that only validated users can access the directory.
Now the @In in the directory services throws an exception:

Can't find a component for ''</em>

If I got the resin documentation right it states:

<em>Any Resin-managed object can use the entire WebBeans dependency-injection system and all of the managed objects, while objects you create using new are still plain Java objects. Once you've got a root object managed by the system, any futher WebBeans components or singletons you bring in will also be managed. The starting set of managed objects is pretty broad and includes: ...</em>

This sounds like a Webbean looking up another Webbean should work.

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03-03-08 15:26

Its two different .jars as the authentication.jar is reused by multiple applications.
Basically we have a directory server that holds information about multiple available video streams, authentication.jar is shared between the webservers, directory, video and audio servers as they all require authentication.
03-04-08 15:33


Resin-IoC docs are at [^]


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
03-03-08 14:50 ferg New Issue
03-03-08 15:26 ferg Note Added: 0002808
03-04-08 15:33 ferg Note Added: 0002815
03-04-08 15:33 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
03-04-08 15:33 ferg Status new => closed
03-04-08 15:33 ferg Resolution open => fixed
03-04-08 15:33 ferg Fixed in Version  => 3.1.6

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