Mantis - Resin
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2490 minor always 03-03-08 14:50 03-04-08 15:33
closed 3.1.5  
none 3.1.6  
0002490: IoC injection in jars timing
(rep by Andreas Fischer)

Actually one more note:

I got it to work by declaring every bean in the resin-web.xml. But doesn't the resin doc say if there is a web-beans.xml in a .jar file resin will automatically scan?
Also if I move the beans declaration into web-beans.xml it seems to be ignored and it seems to be a better place to have all the beans / components.

On Mar 3, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Andreas Fischer wrote:

I got a WebBean that represents a DirectoryService. The bean is declared as following:

public class DirectoryService {
    @In private AuthenticationService authentication;

Authentication services is declared as follows:
public class AuthenticationService {

Basically the directory relies on an authentication service to make sure that only validated users can access the directory.
Now the @In in the directory services throws an exception:

Can't find a component for ''</em>

If I got the resin documentation right it states:

<em>Any Resin-managed object can use the entire WebBeans dependency-injection system and all of the managed objects, while objects you create using new are still plain Java objects. Once you've got a root object managed by the system, any futher WebBeans components or singletons you bring in will also be managed. The starting set of managed objects is pretty broad and includes: ...</em>

This sounds like a Webbean looking up another Webbean should work.

03-03-08 15:26   
Its two different .jars as the authentication.jar is reused by multiple applications.
Basically we have a directory server that holds information about multiple available video streams, authentication.jar is shared between the webservers, directory, video and audio servers as they all require authentication.
03-04-08 15:33   

Resin-IoC docs are at [^]