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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0004949 [Resin] minor always 02-02-12 10:44 02-21-12 17:39
Reporter rickHigh View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed  
Status closed   Product Version
Summary 0004949: Resin did not recognize configuration deployed with config-deploy
Description I deploy with this command.

$ resinctl config-deploy database-conf/

Deployed production/config/resin from database-conf/ to hmux:// [^]

I verify deployed config exists as follows:

$ resinctl config-ls


$ resinctl config-cat database-conf.xml

<resin xmlns="" [^]

<database jndi-name="jdbc/blogdb">
        <driver type="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver">
                 <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/blogdb</url> [^]


I get this error at runtime which implies that the deployment did not work.

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
bean with name 'transactionManager' defined in file [/var/www/webapps/blogjndi/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml]:
Cannot resolve reference to bean 'entityManagerFactory' while setting bean
property 'entityManagerFactory'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in file [/var/www/webapps/blogjndi/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml]:
Cannot resolve reference to bean 'dataSource' while setting bean property
'dataSource'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
Error creating bean with name 'dataSource': Invocation of init method failed;
nested exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jdbc/blogdb
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- Notes
02-02-12 11:01

I tried restarting the server, but it is still not reading the file.

Nothing obvious in the logs.
02-02-12 11:22

This feature might be turned off unless a license is installed.

I installed a license under $RESIN_HOME/licenses but to no avail.

[12-02-02 11:16:47.123] {resin-shutdown} Shutdown Resin reason: OK
Resin Professional 4.0.25 (built Tue, 24 Jan 2012 04:10:16 PST)
Copyright(c) 1998-2010 Caucho Technology. All rights reserved.

  Resin Professional has not found any valid licenses.
  Licenses belong in /var/www/licenses.
  See [^] for licensing information.

I need to move the license.
02-02-12 11:26

Resin Professional has not found any valid licenses.
  Licenses belong in /var/www/licenses.
  See [^] for licensing information.

Expired licenses:
  1013262.license -- version expired 2011-12-28 -- 1 Resin server Caucho

Need to get new license.
02-02-12 13:04

I installed a valid license (1013792.license) and the problem persists.
02-02-12 13:15

As a debugging step, I tried to copy the lib file to resin-inf, but it did not work...

database-conf.xml:5: com.caucho.sql.DriverConfig.setType(): com.caucho.config.ConfigRuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver in EnvironmentClassLoader[resin-system:,NEW]

4: <database jndi-name="jdbc/blogdb">
5: <driver type="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver">
6: <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/blogdb</url> [^]
7: <user>bloguser</user>

rick@ubuntu:~/examples/blog/database-conf$ ls /etc/resin/resin-inf
database-conf.xml mysql-connector-java-5.1.18.jar
02-02-12 13:22

When I add the mysql jar file to /usr/local/share it works.

$ ls /usr/local/share/resin/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.18.jar
02-02-12 14:15

$ pwd

$ ls
database-conf.xml mysql-connector-java-5.1.18.jar

They are there.

They get ignored.

If I copy them to resin-inf and lib then they get used.
02-21-12 17:39

Belongs in cloud:/app-inf/*

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
02-02-12 10:44 rickHigh New Issue
02-02-12 11:01 rickHigh Note Added: 0005688
02-02-12 11:22 rickHigh Note Added: 0005689
02-02-12 11:26 rickHigh Note Added: 0005690
02-02-12 13:04 rickHigh Note Added: 0005691
02-02-12 13:15 rickHigh Note Added: 0005692
02-02-12 13:22 rickHigh Note Added: 0005693
02-02-12 14:15 rickHigh Note Added: 0005695
02-21-12 17:39 ferg Note Added: 0005700
02-21-12 17:39 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
02-21-12 17:39 ferg Status new => closed
02-21-12 17:39 ferg Resolution open => fixed
02-21-12 17:39 ferg Fixed in Version  => 4.0.26

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