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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0003477 [Resin] minor always 05-05-09 12:20 05-27-09 09:10
Reporter emil View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed  
Status closed   Product Version 4.0.0
Summary 0003477: remote deploy
Description (Rep by Scott Hernandez)

So, I'm trying to get the ant task deployed using the new fangled
stuff; It seems to fail horribly :(

Here is some of the (pertinent) output from the ant task:


com.caucho.bam.RemoteConnectionFailedException: Failed to upgrade to HMTP

        at com.caucho.bam.hmtp.HmtpClient.connectImpl(
        at com.caucho.bam.hmtp.HmtpClient.connect(
        at com.caucho.server.admin.DeployClient.<init>(
        at com.caucho.ant.ResinDeploy.execute(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Here is what I am doing in my build file:
        <target name="resin-deploy" depends="war">
            <taskdef name="resin-deploy" classname="com.caucho.ant.ResinDeploy">
                      <fileset dir="lib">
                          <include name="**"/>
                <fileset dir="${resin.dir}/lib/">
                                <include name="**"/>

                <resin-deploy warfile="${build.war.file}" server=""
                         port="6800" user="admin" password="admin" />

This is what is going on in the output of resin (not very interesting):

[09-05-05 00:02:46.941] {hmux-} TcpConnection[id=3,]
starting connection
TcpConnection[id=hmux-,null,ACCEPT], total=5
[09-05-05 00:02:46.941] {hmux-} Hmux[3] start request
[09-05-05 00:02:46.941] {hmux-} Hmux[3] channel-r 20302
[09-05-05 00:02:46.941] {hmux-} Hmux[3] N 17731
[09-05-05 00:03:52.456] {hmux-} Hmux[3] interrupted keepalive
[09-05-05 00:03:52.456] {hmux-} Hmux[3] close stream
[09-05-05 00:03:52.456] {hmux-} Hmux[3] X-w: exit socket

So, I played around a bit and changed the port to 8080, instead of
6800 and now get a different error.

is an unknown actor for queryGet]
        at com.caucho.bam.ActorError.createException(
        at com.caucho.bam.SimpleActorClient.queryGet(
        at com.caucho.server.admin.DeployClient.queryGet(
        at com.caucho.server.admin.DeployClient.deployJar(
        at com.caucho.ant.ResinDeploy.execute(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Resin output:
[09-05-05 00:23:04.152] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerFromLinkStream[null] queryGet GetPublicKeyQuery[] {id:1,
to:null, from:null}
[09-05-05 00:23:04.152] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerToLinkStream[null] queryResult GetPublicKeyQuery[RSA,X.509] {id:
1, to:null, from:null}
[09-05-05 00:23:05.063] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerFromLinkStream[null] querySet AuthQuery[subetha,EncryptedObject]
{id:2, to:null, from:null}
[09-05-05 00:23:05.073] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
[09-05-05 00:23:05.073] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerToLinkStream[null] queryResult
AuthResult[] {id: 2,
to:null, from:null}
[09-05-05 00:23:06.445] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
queryGet DeployCommitListQuery[] {id:3, to:deploy@resin.caucho,}
[09-05-05 00:23:06.445] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerToLinkStream[null] queryError
is an unknown actor for queryGet] DeployCommitListQuery[] {id: 3,,

Note: The admin user is subetha, not "admin" if the output above seems
a bit off ...
Additional Information
Attached Files

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- Notes
05-27-09 09:09

server/6210 - updated error messages and documentation. This looks like a missing &lt;resin:DeployService>. If the deploy service isn't enabled on the server, Resin will ignore the client requests.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
05-05-09 12:20 emil New Issue
05-05-09 12:58 nam Project Quercus => Resin
05-05-09 18:34 skot Issue Monitored: skot
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Note Added: 0004035
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Status new => closed
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Resolution open => fixed
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Fixed in Version  => 4.0.1

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