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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0003178 [Resin] major always 12-15-08 04:15 05-06-10 17:43
Reporter gert View Status public  
Assigned To alex
Priority normal Resolution fixed  
Status closed   Product Version 3.1.8
Summary 0003178: IIS connector for 64bit does not return more than 20kb of content
Description Hi all,

I reported this in the forums, but I received no answer. I installed Resin on IIS6 Windows 2K3 and used the 64bit connector to Resin. The problem is, that the response contains unreadable code entries after some 10k or so. The complete code length seems to be around 30k. I have no Idea what the problem might be. I tried it on several servers. On Win2K3 the length problem occurs and on win 2k8 there is a problem with the HTTP headers. But the main problem we have is Win2k3 and Resin 3.1.8. At the end the returned content looks like this:

f I1 . C .U ./test/susi.cfmm .GETc .HTTP/1.1v .mm.webserver.bird-net.deg .8081h . . .ISAPIH
Keep-AliveH .AcceptS &65533;image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/xaml+xml, application/, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-ms-application, */*H .Accept-EncodingS
gzip, deflateH .Accept-LanguageS .deH .CookieS &65533;CFID=fcfc4e02-6c93-4724-895e-b146f516593d; CFTOKEN=0; REQUIREDFORSFSETTINGS=1; NPREMIUMID=0; DISPLAY_OPTIONS=3; FILE_SORTORDER=1; QUERY_SORTORDER=1; OUTPUTMAXQUERIES=100; OUTPUTMAXFILES=100H .HostS
User-AgentS |Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648)H .UA-CPUS .x86Q

There is some content at the beginning that seems ok, but after 10 or 12k these characters appear and the response is corrupted.
I am using the 32bit connector instead and it works, but then the complete IIS has to run in 32bit mode.
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- Notes
05-06-10 17:43

iis/400b, iis/410a

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
12-15-08 04:15 gert New Issue
05-06-10 17:42 alex Status new => assigned
05-06-10 17:42 alex Assigned To  => alex
05-06-10 17:43 alex Status assigned => closed
05-06-10 17:43 alex Note Added: 0004559
05-06-10 17:43 alex Resolution open => fixed
05-06-10 17:43 alex Fixed in Version  => 4.0.7

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