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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0002348 [Quercus] minor always 01-20-08 07:41 01-24-08 10:13
Reporter rvt View Status public  
Assigned To nam
Priority normal Resolution fixed  
Status closed   Product Version 3.1.5
Summary 0002348: htmlentities handled incorrecty between mod_php and quercus
Description htmlentities in resin doesn't behave the same as PHP does.
It can always be produced with latest SVN of resin.

Additional Information <?php
print 'htmlentities(\'" \\\' &\') - ' . htmlentities('" \' &') . "\n";
print 'htmlentities(\'" \\\' &\') - ' . htmlentities('" \' &', ENT_COMPAT) . "\n";
print 'htmlentities(\'" \\\' &\') - ' . htmlentities('" \' &', ENT_QUOTES) . "\n";
print 'htmlentities(\'" \\\' &\') - ' . htmlentities('" \' &', ENT_NOQUOTES) . "\n";

output resin:
htmlentities('" \' &') - &quot; ' &amp;
htmlentities('" \' &') - &quot; ' &amp;
htmlentities('" \' &') - &quot; ' &amp;
htmlentities('" \' &') - &quot; ' &amp;

output mod_php
htmlentities('" \' &') - &quot; ' &amp;
htmlentities('" \' &') - &quot; ' &amp;
htmlentities('" \' &') - &quot; &0000039; &amp;
htmlentities('" \' &') - " ' &amp;

Attached Files

- Relationships

- Notes
01-24-08 10:13


quote style option now supported

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
01-20-08 07:41 rvt New Issue
01-24-08 10:13 nam Status new => assigned
01-24-08 10:13 nam Assigned To  => nam
01-24-08 10:13 nam Status assigned => closed
01-24-08 10:13 nam Note Added: 0002675
01-24-08 10:13 nam Resolution open => fixed
01-24-08 10:13 nam Fixed in Version  => 3.1.5

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