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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0006223 [Resin] minor always 03-26-19 03:54 04-01-19 17:01
Reporter stbu View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version 4.0.62 Product Version 4.0.61
  Product Build
Summary 0006223: 404 for META-INF/resources file when a jar in /webapp-jars is replaced with different name
Description We have a jar file placed in $RESIN_HOME/webapp-jars called my-library-1.0.jar and it contains certain css and images in META-INF/resources/ that are accessed by many web-apps on several virtual-hosts.

From time to time we generate a new version of the "my-library" jar with a different filename, remove the old version from webapp-jars and put the new version (!with the new filename) in.

At this time the web-apps are getting stopped and started due to the detected modification. Perfect so far.
However, accessing these META-INF/resources files are now not served any more -> we get a 404 Not Found.

Other content from the .jar file (classes) are working as expected.

This does not happen when the .jar filename does not change.

See additional information for a way to reproduce the issue.
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information ## This testcase was performed under Linux (Windows blocked certain delete activities)

* Download fresh Resin-4.0.61

# Setup a new web-app called "/test-meta-inf":
mkdir -p webapps/test-meta-inf

## Setup a dummy folder named 'XXX' in which we will build a .jar file with META-INF/resources content
mkdir -p XXX/META-INF/resources/css

# Generate a dummy.css there with the content "Version 1.0":
echo "Version 1.0" > XXX/META-INF/resources/css/dummy.css

# Generate a my-library-1.0.jar and put it in 'webapp-jars' Folder so that it is shared by all web-apps of all hosts:
cd XXX
jar -cvf ../webapp-jars/my-library-1.0.jar *

# Startup Resin
cd ..
bin/ start

# Run curl to see that the file is served with 200 and expected content:
curl http://localhost:8080/test-meta-inf/css/dummy.css [^]

#The output will be:
Version 1.0

# Now we prepare an update of this library.
echo "Version 1.1" > XXX/META-INF/resources/css/dummy.css

rm webapp-jars/my-library-1.0.jar
cd XXX
jar -cvf ../webapp-jars/my-library-1.1.jar *

# Note: Output of log/jvm-app-0.log during these activities at 10:45:28:
[19-03-26 10:43:28.864] {main} Resin[id=app-0] started in 2326ms
[19-03-26 10:45:28.513] {resin-44} /tmp/test-meta-inf-resources/resin-4.0.61/webapp-jars has modified jar files
[19-03-26 10:45:28.513] {resin-44} WebApp[production/webapp/default/ROOT] stopping
[19-03-26 10:45:28.571] {resin-29} WebApp[production/webapp/default/ROOT] active
[19-03-26 10:45:28.863] {resin-46} /tmp/test-meta-inf-resources/resin-4.0.61/webapp-jars has modified jar files
[19-03-26 10:45:28.863] {resin-46} WebApp[production/webapp/default/test-meta-inf] stopping
[19-03-26 10:45:28.902] {resin-48} WebApp[production/webapp/default/test-meta-inf] active

# Run curl again to check for dummy.css
curl http://localhost:8080/test-meta-inf/css/dummy.css [^]

## Now the output is neither "Version 1.0" nor "Version 1.1" it is a 404:
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<h1>404 Not Found</h1>
/test-meta-inf/css/dummy.css was not found on this server.

<hr />
Server: 'app-0'

# Only with a restart it is going to get picked up:
cd ..
bin/ restart

curl http://localhost:8080/test-meta-inf/css/dummy.css [^]

# Output (as expected):
Version 1.1

Attached Files

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- Notes
04-01-19 17:01


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
03-26-19 03:54 stbu New Issue
03-26-19 03:54 stbu Issue Monitored: stbu
04-01-19 17:01 ferg Note Added: 0006880
04-01-19 17:01 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
04-01-19 17:01 ferg Status new => closed
04-01-19 17:01 ferg Resolution open => fixed
04-01-19 17:01 ferg Fixed in Version  => 4.0.62

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