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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0005024 [Resin] minor always 04-06-12 15:02 06-21-12 15:59
Reporter rickHigh View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version 4.0.29 Product Version
  Product Build
Summary 0005024: EC2 CONFIG DEPLOY: Problems using MySQL @Inject DataSource with config-deploy
Description EC2 CONFIG DEPLOY: Problems using MySQL @Inject DataSource with config-deploy.

The deployment does not show up in the JMX tab of the resin-admin.

The error is as follows:

500 Servlet Exception

javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: example.BlogServlet.database:
Can't find a bean for 'interface javax.sql.DataSource' because no beans
implementing that class have been registered with the injection manager

Resin/4.0.27 Server: 'app-0'

This was in the log:

[12-04-06 14:44:00.783] {resin-port-8080-47} WebApp[production/webapp/default/blog] fail
[12-04-06 14:44:00.784] {resin-port-8080-47} javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: example.BlogServlet.database: Can't find a bean for 'interface javax.sql.DataSource' because no beans implementing that class have been registered with the injection manager InjectManager[web-app:production/webapp/default/blog].
[12-04-06 14:44:00.785] {resin-port-8080-47} javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: example.BlogServlet.database: Can't find a bean for 'interface javax.sql.DataSource' because no beans implementing that class have been registered with the injection manager InjectManager[web-app:production/webapp/default/blog].



It is missing from JMX.

The deploy looks like it is working as follows:

To verify that our deploy worked, lets run resinctl config-ls, and resinctl config-cat:

$ resinctl config-ls


$ resinctl config-cat resin-inf/blog-db/blog-database-conf.xml

<resin xmlns="" [^]

<database jndi-name="jdbc/blogdb">
        <driver type="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver">
                 <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/blogdb</url> [^]


$ ls /var/www/resin-data/app-0/config/resin-inf/blog-db/
blog-database-conf.xml lib

$ ls /var/www/resin-data/app-0/config/resin-inf/blog-db/lib

$ ls /var/www/resin-data/app-0/config/resin-inf/blog-db/blog-database-conf.xml
rick@ubuntu:~$ cat /var/www/resin-data/app-0/config/resin-inf/blog-db/blog-database-conf.xml
<resin xmlns="" [^]

<database jndi-name="jdbc/blogdb">
        <driver type="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver">
                 <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/blogdb</url> [^]

Steps To Reproduce
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- Notes
04-06-12 15:07

MySQL should load because of
ls /var/www/resin-data/app-0/config/resin-inf/blog-db/lib
is under cloud:/resin-inf

cloud:/resin-inf = /var/www/resin-data/app-0/config/resin-inf/

I think...

    <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/ext-lib"/>
    <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/resin-inf"/>
    <tree-loader path="cloud:/resin-inf"/>
04-06-12 15:12

I tried to move it based on

$ resinctl config-ls

It seems like this is not working either....

   <!-- shared jars and drivers for the app-tier -->
      <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/${}-inf"/>
      <tree-loader path="cloud:/{}-inf"/>

    <!-- include resources config files in resources/ -->
    <resin:import fileset="${__DIR__}/${}-inf/**/*.xml"/>
    <resin:import fileset="cloud:/${}-inf/**/*.xml"
04-06-12 18:46

I got it to deploy with including the jar in the war (WEB-INF/lib) and creating a resin-web.xml file with the configured driver.

This works....

<web-app xmlns=""> [^]

<database jndi-name="jdbc/blogdb">
        <driver type="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver">
                 <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/blogdb</url> [^]


With this:

public class BlogServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private DataSource database;

Now I am going to retrace my steps and see if I can get it to work with config-deploy
06-21-12 15:59

See 0005004

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
04-06-12 15:02 rickHigh New Issue
04-06-12 15:07 rickHigh Note Added: 0005737
04-06-12 15:12 rickHigh Note Added: 0005738
04-06-12 18:46 rickHigh Note Added: 0005739
06-21-12 15:59 ferg Note Added: 0005929
06-21-12 15:59 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
06-21-12 15:59 ferg Status new => closed
06-21-12 15:59 ferg Resolution open => fixed
06-21-12 15:59 ferg Fixed in Version  => 4.0.29

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