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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0004474 [Resin] minor always 04-04-11 10:23 04-05-11 12:43
Reporter ferg View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version 4.0.17 Product Version 4.0.16
  Product Build
Summary 0004474: multiple webapp instances (not versioned) in 4.0.16
Description (rep by Mattias Jiderhamn)

While evaluating Resin 4.0.16 we are seeing something that makes me really concerned. It appears as if after a redeploy there can be two instances of our main app running.

I was made aware of this by noticing that timed servlets (<run-at ... />) were having concurrency issues and logging the same event twice within the same second.
This made me add some extra logging in a <load-on-startup/> servlet, and I can actually see that at some reploys, the same web app is initialized twice - in different, concurrent threads and different classloaders.
For example one instance may be initialized by Thread[http://*:8080-776,5,main] [^] and at the same time (give or take a few seconds) another one by Thread[resin-366,5,main].

I cannot deliberately recreate it by simply redeploying (which makes it less likely to be a configuration issue). But it happens about daily on our test server; possibly issuing requests on a session in the app while redeploying is a factor.

We are not using versioning.
dependency-check-interval is set to 20 seconds.
The "extra" app does not appear in the admin console.

How can we figure out what is going on here???
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- Notes
04-05-11 11:15
edited on: 04-05-11 12:11



- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
04-04-11 10:23 ferg New Issue
04-04-11 10:36 mate Issue Monitored: mate
04-04-11 11:31 briandeng Issue Monitored: briandeng
04-05-11 11:15 ferg Note Added: 0005152
04-05-11 12:11 ferg Note Edited: 0005152
04-05-11 12:43 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
04-05-11 12:43 ferg Status new => closed
04-05-11 12:43 ferg Resolution open => fixed
04-05-11 12:43 ferg version  => 4.0.16
04-05-11 12:43 ferg Fixed in Version  => 4.0.17

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