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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0003477 [Resin] minor always 05-05-09 12:20 05-27-09 09:10
Reporter emil View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version 4.0.1 Product Version 4.0.0
  Product Build
Summary 0003477: remote deploy
Description (Rep by Scott Hernandez)

So, I'm trying to get the ant task deployed using the new fangled
stuff; It seems to fail horribly :(

Here is some of the (pertinent) output from the ant task:


com.caucho.bam.RemoteConnectionFailedException: Failed to upgrade to HMTP

        at com.caucho.bam.hmtp.HmtpClient.connectImpl(
        at com.caucho.bam.hmtp.HmtpClient.connect(
        at com.caucho.server.admin.DeployClient.<init>(
        at com.caucho.ant.ResinDeploy.execute(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Here is what I am doing in my build file:
        <target name="resin-deploy" depends="war">
            <taskdef name="resin-deploy" classname="com.caucho.ant.ResinDeploy">
                      <fileset dir="lib">
                          <include name="**"/>
                <fileset dir="${resin.dir}/lib/">
                                <include name="**"/>

                <resin-deploy warfile="${build.war.file}" server=""
                         port="6800" user="admin" password="admin" />

This is what is going on in the output of resin (not very interesting):

[09-05-05 00:02:46.941] {hmux-} TcpConnection[id=3,]
starting connection
TcpConnection[id=hmux-,null,ACCEPT], total=5
[09-05-05 00:02:46.941] {hmux-} Hmux[3] start request
[09-05-05 00:02:46.941] {hmux-} Hmux[3] channel-r 20302
[09-05-05 00:02:46.941] {hmux-} Hmux[3] N 17731
[09-05-05 00:03:52.456] {hmux-} Hmux[3] interrupted keepalive
[09-05-05 00:03:52.456] {hmux-} Hmux[3] close stream
[09-05-05 00:03:52.456] {hmux-} Hmux[3] X-w: exit socket

So, I played around a bit and changed the port to 8080, instead of
6800 and now get a different error.

is an unknown actor for queryGet]
        at com.caucho.bam.ActorError.createException(
        at com.caucho.bam.SimpleActorClient.queryGet(
        at com.caucho.server.admin.DeployClient.queryGet(
        at com.caucho.server.admin.DeployClient.deployJar(
        at com.caucho.ant.ResinDeploy.execute(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Resin output:
[09-05-05 00:23:04.152] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerFromLinkStream[null] queryGet GetPublicKeyQuery[] {id:1,
to:null, from:null}
[09-05-05 00:23:04.152] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerToLinkStream[null] queryResult GetPublicKeyQuery[RSA,X.509] {id:
1, to:null, from:null}
[09-05-05 00:23:05.063] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerFromLinkStream[null] querySet AuthQuery[subetha,EncryptedObject]
{id:2, to:null, from:null}
[09-05-05 00:23:05.073] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
[09-05-05 00:23:05.073] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerToLinkStream[null] queryResult
AuthResult[] {id: 2,
to:null, from:null}
[09-05-05 00:23:06.445] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
queryGet DeployCommitListQuery[] {id:3, to:deploy@resin.caucho,}
[09-05-05 00:23:06.445] {resin-ServerFromLinkStream-read-12}
ServerToLinkStream[null] queryError
is an unknown actor for queryGet] DeployCommitListQuery[] {id: 3,,

Note: The admin user is subetha, not "admin" if the output above seems
a bit off ...
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information
Attached Files

- Relationships

- Notes
05-27-09 09:09

server/6210 - updated error messages and documentation. This looks like a missing &lt;resin:DeployService>. If the deploy service isn't enabled on the server, Resin will ignore the client requests.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
05-05-09 12:20 emil New Issue
05-05-09 12:58 nam Project Quercus => Resin
05-05-09 18:34 skot Issue Monitored: skot
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Note Added: 0004035
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Status new => closed
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Resolution open => fixed
05-27-09 09:10 ferg Fixed in Version  => 4.0.1

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