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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0002141 [Quercus] block always 11-05-07 08:30 11-13-07 19:07
Reporter rsouissi View Status public  
Assigned To nam
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version 3.1.4 Product Version 3.1.3
  Product Build
Summary 0002141: phpBB2 doesn't work anymore with Resin 3.1.3 Pro and non-Pro
Description Hello,

phpBB2 used to work on 3.1.2 in non-compile mode, but now, it doesn't at all with 3.1.3 (I also tried the alpha 3.1.4).
Version 3.1.4 was supposed to fix the issue of phpBB2 not working in compile mode.

These are 2 error cases:

/C:/Dev/resin-pro-3.1.3/webapps/forum/viewtopic.php:973: '*' is an unexpected
token, expected an expression. in
viewtopic.php:972: $pm_img = '';
viewtopic.php:973: $pm = '';
viewtopic.php:974: $email_img = '';

/C:/Dev/resin-pro-3.1.3/webapps/forum/index.php:201: '*' is an unexpected
token, expected an expression. in
index.php:200: AND p.post_time > " . $userdata['user_lastvisit'] .
index.php:201: AND t.topic_moved_id = 0";
index.php:202: if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )

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- Notes
11-07-07 09:57

I found out this problem happens because I had this parameter added to my web.xml:


I needed this encoding to support Arabic pages and it used to work in 3.1.2 Non-Pro version.
11-09-07 18:27

Hello rsouissi

I just tested with phpBB 2.0.22 using the current dev version, the
3.1.3 release and the dev snapshot from 2007/11/06. I was not able
to run phpBB with the 3.1.3 release, but it works for me with the
current dev version and with the snapshot release. Could you do me
a favor and download the snapshot and rerun your test to verify that
this bug is fixed? [^]

11-10-07 09:56


Yes, I tried the latest snapshot (11/06) and the same problem happens.
Did you add this to web.xml ?


For the encoding, you can try iso-8859-6 and windows-1256, both will fail the same way. This used to work in 3.1.2
11-10-07 16:40

Ahh, I am now able to reproduce the problem. Thanks
for following up. The minimal test case for this issue


<web-app xmlns=""> [^]
   <servlet servlet-name="resin-php"
   <servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.php" servlet-name="resin-php"/>


echo OK;

This generates:

.../script_encoding/test.php:2: '*' is
an unexpected token, expected an expression. in
test.php:1: <?php
test.php:2: /**/
test.php:3: echo OK;

Added regression test:

11-13-07 19:07


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
11-05-07 08:30 rsouissi New Issue
11-07-07 09:57 rsouissi Note Added: 0002458
11-09-07 18:27 mo Note Added: 0002472
11-10-07 09:56 rsouissi Note Added: 0002475
11-10-07 16:40 mo Note Added: 0002477
11-10-07 19:32 nam Status new => assigned
11-10-07 19:32 nam Assigned To  => nam
11-13-07 19:07 nam Status assigned => closed
11-13-07 19:07 nam Note Added: 0002486
11-13-07 19:07 nam Resolution open => fixed
11-13-07 19:07 nam Fixed in Version  => 3.1.4

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