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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0001187 [Resin] minor always 06-07-06 07:46 06-26-06 18:41
Reporter ferg View Status public  
Assigned To ferg
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Fixed in Version 3.0.20 Product Version
  Product Build
Summary 0001187: java.util.logging with sub-handlers
Description (rep by Andy Yates)

I've had similar problems with the resin logging levels in that it just ignores any kind of sub declaration of logging. For instance I had the following levels setup:

<log path='stdout:' timestamp='[%H:%M:%S.%s] '>
    <logger name="" level="info"/>
    <logger name="org.springframework" level="severe"/>
    <logger name="org.apache" level="severe"/>
    <logger name="" level="fine"/>

The last one is my own code so the log levels should be fairly verbose for a test system. All calls to the logger are going through commons-log and I even forced commons log to send to the Jdk1.4 logger. None of this worked so I was left with using log4j & getting it to append to stdout which seems to have done the trick but it is by no way ideal.

Anyone else encountered this problem?

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- Notes
06-13-06 11:33

The configuration is changing slightly to fix bugs with java.util.logging. The above example will still have some issues, instead, the configuration would look like

  <log name='' path='stdout:' level='all' timestamp='[%H:%M:%S.%s] '/>

  <logger name="" level="info"/>
  <logger name="org.springframework" level="severe"/>
  <logger name="org.apache" level="severe"/>
  <logger name="" level="fine"/>

In this case, "stdout:" gets any active logging.

The activity level is defined by the <logger>. So "org.springframework" prints only severe and above to "stdout:", while "" prints fine and above to "stdout:".

If you wanted additional destination for "severe" logs, you could define

<log name="" level="severe" path="log/severe.log"/>

The <logger> would remain the same, but only severe log items would go to log/severe.log

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
06-07-06 07:46 ferg New Issue
06-08-06 05:14 mattp Issue Monitored: mattp
06-13-06 11:33 ferg Note Added: 0001289
06-26-06 18:41 ferg Assigned To  => ferg
06-26-06 18:41 ferg Status new => closed
06-26-06 18:41 ferg Resolution open => fixed
06-26-06 18:41 ferg Fixed in Version  => 3.0.20

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