Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
993 minor always 03-15-06 06:16 03-27-06 13:45
closed 3.0.18  
none 3.0.19  
0000993: Namespace declaration not resolved correctly
The following is a excerpt from our resin.conf:

      <web-app-deploy path="D:/Projects/webapps"/>

    <host id="" root-directory="D:/Projects">
       <web-app id='/' document-directory='webapps/myapp'>


In our jspx file we use a namespace declaration

xmlns:pf="" [^]

and an XML element <pf:username> which is interpreted by our XSLT transformation. It is not a tag name. This leads to a java RuntimeException with the message "bad scheme in http:". If we use a context other than /, for example /test, the message disappears.
When resin processes the pf:username element, the TagFileManager tries to load a tag "username" at location [^] (line 107). This path is interpreted as a file path in the context / thus becoming / [^] in Application.getRealPath (line 2082). The WebAppExpandDeployGenerator then tries to load the tag from an archive /http:.war or a directory http: (line 265). This finally leads to an RuntimeException in HttpPath.schemeWalk at line 155 with the message "bad scheme in http:".

I think this is an error, because resin should not try to resolve the namespace prefix or it should find out that http: is not a directory.

This is the relevant stack trace:

[14:15:09.953] java.lang.RuntimeException: bad scheme in `http:'
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.vfs.HttpPath.schemeWalk(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.vfs.Path.lookupImpl(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.vfs.Path.lookup(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.vfs.Path.lookup(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.WebAppExpandDeployGenerator.createController(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.WebAppExpandDeployGenerator.createController(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.deploy.ExpandDeployGenerator.generateController(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.deploy.ExpandDeployGenerator.generateController(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.deploy.DeployListGenerator.generateController(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.deploy.DeployContainer.generateController(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.deploy.DeployContainer.findController(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.ApplicationContainer.findByURIImpl(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.ApplicationContainer.findByURIImpl(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.ApplicationContainer.findByURIImpl(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.ApplicationContainer.findByURIImpl(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.ApplicationContainer.findByURIImpl(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.ApplicationContainer.findByURI(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.ApplicationContainer.findSubApplicationByURI(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.Application.getContext(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.server.webapp.Application.getRealPath(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.jsp.AppResourceManager.resolvePath(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.jsp.TagFileManager.getTag(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.jsp.TagFileManager.getTag(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.jsp.ParseTagManager.getTagImpl(
[14:15:09.953] at com.caucho.jsp.ParseTagManager.getTag(
[14:15:09.953] at
[14:15:09.953] at
[14:15:09.953] at

03-27-06 13:45   
jsp/031g (only visible with logging enabled)