Mantis - Resin
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953 minor always 02-20-06 11:48 03-31-06 16:26
none 3.0.19  
0000953: access.log rollover bug
(rep by Olaf Jentsch)

We have used Resin-pro-3.0.15 for months an the rollover of access.log
took place every midnight receiving the first request at the new day.

We are using this option: rollover-period="1D"

But with Resin-pro-3.0.17 we have the same problem as with 3.0.8.
The rollover takes place but instead of starting with a new empty file it
contains all the entries from the old day and adds the new ones so
constantly increasing the file size.

I think it is the old bug from 3.0.8, which was definitely fixed in
3.0.14, but maybe the fix was introduced in an earlier version, that we
did'nt use.

03-24-06 09:24   
My hack to check the log file name bugged me, so I've changed the workaround to the com.caucho.vfs.AbstractRolloverLog class. It's still a hack since the real fix would be closing the file handle, which I haven't been able to find without a complete audit of the log file instances.
The hack is in the movePathToArchive method. Similar to the previous one: empty access log file content if can't delete.
    boolean removed = path.remove();
    if (!removed && this instanceof AccessLogWriter && path instanceof FilePath
        && ((FilePath)path).getFile().exists()) {
        // open file in non-append mode and close it
        new FileOutputStream(((FilePath)path).getFile(), false).close();
My concern is that a hack at the vfs level could break something in Resin that I'm not aware of. So far it seems to be working.