Mantis - Resin
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664 minor always 01-03-06 10:03 01-30-06 16:49
closed 3.0.17  
none 3.0.18  
0000664: file/directory expanded deployments
5 -- file/directory expanded deployments

there currently exists in the default Resin distribution:
    resin/deploy/ [for .ear files]
    resin/webapps/ [for .war files]

.ear files contain modules of types .war, .rar, and .jar (EJB interfaces and implementations)

For example:


It is preferable to work with all of the above in an expanded state __but
with the same name as the .jar files__ for in-place deployment -- do not
create _ear_myapp, _war_myweb, _rar_myresource directories, because this
allows classloaders which look inside jars for resources to work in both
the development and production deployment "modes".

if path is a directory
  if filename does not have an extension
    check for directory/META-INF[resin-]/application.xml -> expanded .ear
    check for directory/META-INF/[resin-]ra.xml -> expanded .rar
    check for directory/WEB-INF/[resin-]web.xml -> expanded .war
    check for directory/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF -> expanded .jar

  if filename ends in .ear
    check for directory/META-INF[resin-]/application.xml -> expanded .ear

  if filename ends in .rar
    check for directory/META-INF/[resin-]ra.xml -> expanded .rar

  if filename ends in .war
    check for directory/WEB-INF/[resin-]web.xml -> expanded .war

  if filename ends in .jar
    check for directory/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF -> expanded .jar


to be able to edit any source file within the above directories and have
automatic recompilation and class reloading take place.

Hope that this has been useful. Thank you for your time and consideration.

01-30-06 16:49   