Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
6211 minor always 01-19-19 10:52 01-19-19 10:56
closed 4.0.59  
none 4.0.60  
0006211: admin meter graphs are ugly for locales that use a comma as the decimal point
(rep by S. Busch)

Most probably it is caused by an environment variable or other locale setting where I run Resin, but I have observed that the meters page in the Resin Administration (php) shows ugly meters and it is because the width was calculated with 266,66 rather than using the . to be 266.66

I have attached a screenshot of this.

I would suggest this minor change in $RESIN_HOME/doc/admin/WEB-INF/php/meters_inc.php lines 51 + 52:

 $width = 800 / $columns;
 $height = $width * 0.66;

I would suggest to use round:
 $width = round(800 / $columns);
 $height = round($width * 0.66);

This way the width and height will be integers like 267.

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