Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
6114 minor always 11-22-17 21:05 12-21-17 13:59
closed 4.0.54  
none 4.0.56  
0006114: PDF report name timestamp does not match generated time
 ls command
 ls -lc Aug 20 00:01 2017
 ls -l Aug 20 00:01 2017

 stat command
 Access : 2017-10-06 10:09:28.156494683 +0900
 Modify : 2017-09-24 00:01:22.220075698 +0900
 Change : 2017-09-24 00:01:22.220075698 +0900

* app-2-Summary-20170827T0000.pdf
 ls command
 ls -lc Sep 24 00:01 2017
 ls -l Sep 24 00:01 2017

 stat command
 Access : 2017-10-06 10:07:13.623585363 +0900
 Modify : 2017-09-24 00:01:12.976675878 +0900
 Change : 2017-09-24 00:01:12.976675878 +0900
The following is the output result for each week:

2017/07/30 app-2-Summary-20170730T0000.pdf
2017/08/06 (not exist) [*]
2017/08/13 (not exist)
2017/08/20 app-2-Summary-20170806T0001.pdf
2017/08/27 (not exist) [*]
2017/09/03 (not exist)
2017/09/10 (not exist)
2017/09/17 (not exist)
2017/09/24 app-2-Summary-20170827T0000.pdf
2017/10/01 app-2-Summary-20171001T0000.pdf

A PDF report that does not match the file name and timestamp appears to
match the date of the [*] mark.
 app-2-Summary-20170827T0000.pdf [^] (1,029,368 bytes) 11-22-17 21:05

There are no notes attached to this issue.