Mantis - Resin
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5958 trivial always 11-09-15 03:28 06-12-17 14:01
closed 4.0.38  
no change required  
0005958: mod_caucho with new apache 2.2.31 produces unwanted log entries

We are using following Resin Professional Version.
The detailed system configuration is given below.

Resin 4.0.38
Java 1.8.0_51
Apache httpd 2.2.31 (Rev Proxy.)

We switched to Apache httpd 2.2.31 this week and prior to that we were using the apache httpd 2.2.27 version

The mod_caucho was running with apache 2.2.27 version and there was no issues with the apache error log file.

Now after the migration we are receiving a lot of unnecessary logs in the error log file of apache 2.2.31 server.

The log file size rose to 7GB/day from a 5MB/day with respect of old version.

The following are the log statements we can see in the error log files.

[11/Nov/2015:05:53:53 +0100] 17778_47219435157824: stream.c:1284:cse_ok_srun() /
[11/Nov/2015:05:53:53 +0100] 17778_47219435157824: stream.c:1284:cse_ok_srun() /
[11/Nov/2015:05:53:53 +0100] 17778_47219435157824: mod_caucho.c:912:write-request(): w-Q
[11/Nov/2015:05:53:53 +0100] 17778_47219435157824: mod_caucho.c:798:send_data(): r-code s
[11/Nov/2015:05:53:53 +0100] 17778_47219435157824: mod_caucho.c:798:send_data(): r-code H
[11/Nov/2015:05:53:53 +0100] 17778_47219435157824: mod_caucho.c:798:send_data(): r-code M

[11/Nov/2015:10:07:07 +0100] 32668_47219408779584: config.c:1583:cse_is_match(): match host: prefix:Prefix suffix:null with host:hostname uri:uri next:2832f760 ignore:0 exact:1

In the above log is the IP of the remote system where Resin is hosted and port is the mod_caucho port.

There are many other logs related to this mod_caucho module and we are getting it every seconds.

To our surprise we are getting the date same in all days log.[11/Nov/2015…] irrespective of the date.

Could you please check and reply at the earliest!

Note: We have compiled mod_caucho for both apache 2.2.27 and apache 2.2.31 separately.

And since today these mod_caucho logs entries are logging under /tmp/mod_caucho.log. This seems to be very strange because till yesterday it was logged in error.log file of apache and today it's in /tmp/mod_caucho.log file. This file size has also increased to 7Gig within hours.

Kindly provide your answers at the earliest as we are facing critical issues with our production servers.

11-12-15 07:28   

mod_caucho was producing logs as the mod_caucho was compiled & installed with --enable-debug.

Now we have re-compiled without --enable-debug and now everything is working fine.

This ticket can be closed.