Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
5904 minor always 05-15-15 09:33 07-13-17 14:48
closed 4.0.43  
none 4.0.54  
0005904: heartbeat reported off but servers are alive
rep by Tom Pohl:

Some report no heartbeat but they get traffic passed by the web-tier:
[15-05-15 09:15:00.002] {resin-823} HeartbeatHealthCheck[WARNING:no active heartbeat from ClusterServer[id=app-0,], no active heartbeat from ClusterServer[id=app-1,], no active heartbeat from ClusterServer[id=app-2,]]
[15-05-15 09:20:00.002] {resin-797} HeartbeatHealthCheck[WARNING:no active heartbeat from ClusterServer[id=app-0,], no active heartbeat from ClusterServer[id=app-1,], no active heartbeat from ClusterServer[id=app-2,]]
[15-05-15 09:25:00.002] {resin-823} HeartbeatHealthCheck[WARNING:no active heartbeat from ClusterServer[id=app-0,], no active heartbeat from ClusterServer[id=app-1,], no active heartbeat from ClusterServer[id=app-2,]]

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