Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
5709 minor always 04-04-14 11:33 09-12-14 14:12
closed 3.1.14  
none 4.0.41  
0005709: ScheduledTask runs before scheduled time, resulting in task being run twice.
rep by Daniel Jimenez :

[11:32:25.553] {main} ScheduledTask[MethodTask[com.caucho.el.MethodExpressionImpl[#{}]],CronType[* * * * *]] started. Next event at Fri Apr 04 11:33:00 PDT 2014
[11:32:25.555] {main} WebApp[http://localhost:8080/foo] [^] active
[11:32:25.664] {main} WebApp[http://localhost:8080/resin-doc] [^] active
[11:32:25.665] {main} Host[] active
[11:32:25.668] {main} Socket JNI library is not available.
[11:32:25.668] {main} Resin will still run but performance will be slower.
[11:32:25.668] {main} To compile the Socket JNI library on Unix, use ./configure; make; make install.
[11:32:25.670] {main} hmux listening to localhost:6800
[11:32:25.677] {main} http listening to *:8080
[11:32:25.678] {main} Server[id=,cluster=app-tier] active
[11:32:25.678] {main} Resin started in 1666ms
[11:32:59.981] {resin-17} ScheduledTask[MethodTask[com.caucho.el.MethodExpressionImpl[#{}]],CronType[* * * * *]] executing MethodTask[com.caucho.el.MethodExpressionImpl[#{}]]
[11:32:59.984] {resin-18} ScheduledBean#fire()
[11:33:00.482] {resin-17} ScheduledTask[MethodTask[com.caucho.el.MethodExpressionImpl[#{}]],CronType[* * * * *]] executing MethodTask[com.caucho.el.MethodExpressionImpl[#{}]]
[11:33:00.482] {resin-18} ScheduledBean#fire()

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