Mantis - Resin
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5422 minor always 04-16-13 16:43 08-05-13 10:59
closed 4.0.35  
none 4.0.36  
0005422: LB should mark node as unavailable on 503 for a configurable period of time.
rep by Ethan Larson
To review, here's the behavior we would expect to see:

Context: starting node.

1. A node in the cluster goes down.
2. The load balancer routes a request to it, and it times out after 1 second. The LB then re-routes the request to another server in the cluster.
3. The LB marks the node as down for 1 minute and does not send any more traffic to it within that time period.
4. After 1 minute, the LB again attempts to route traffic. If the node is available, great. If not, another 1-second timeout occurs and the process repeats.
5. At no time does the LB route traffic to a node that is known to be unavailable, or respond to a request with a 500/503 when there are nodes available.

08-05-13 10:59   