Mantis - Resin
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5291 minor always 11-27-12 14:18 09-08-14 17:14
closed 4.0.32  
no change required  
0005291: jms message destination not set
(rep by Daniel Ziegelbein)

FYI, I got this working?kind of.

After getting past the JNDI issue (just had to set the JNDI name of the ClusterTopic and JmsConnectionFactory), I had a problem where EclipseLink would throw an exception upon receipt of a cache coordination message because the message's destination was null.

To make it work, I had to use a Message Driven Bean, inject an instance of ClusterTopic in that bean and explicitly set the message destination in the onMessage method of the MDB (setting it to the injected ClusterTopic instance). It doesn't seem right that the message destination is null, but if this is a legitimate work-around then I'm fine with it.

Can anyone shed more light on this? Is this a legitimate work-around?

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