Mantis - Quercus
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5191 minor always 08-26-12 21:05 08-26-12 21:05
new 4.0.27  
0005191: mb_get_info() not fully implemented.
According to the PHP documentation ( [^] mb_get_info() has an optional parameter which if either not provided or set to 'all', an array of all the internal setting parameters of mbstring should be returned. If the name of a specific setting is passed the value of the specific setting returned. As of 4.0.25 (for some reason the Product Version of the bug reporter skips from 4.0.14 to 4.0.27) only passing 'internal_encoding' and 'http_output' work. All others, result in 'Warning: unsupported option: XXX' where XXX is the setting value being asked for. In the case of 'all' or no-parameter 'all' is referenced in the warning.

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