Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
5042 minor always 04-24-12 09:56 05-22-12 15:53
closed 4.0.23  
none 4.0.28  
0005042: ever growing session file
rep by Chris Biegay

We currently have an issue in our production Resin environment where the data.db file in our resin-data directory keeps growing in size, apparently without bound and without ever getting smaller. Last week we enabled clustered sessions on our 5-server cluster and that file has grown daily since then to its current size of 9.6GB on the three triad servers. We've had about 3,000 active users since then and the session-timeout is currently set to 2 hours in resin.xml.

The interesting thing is the size of the file remains pretty stable over the course of the day, and then when we check in the morning it will have jumped in size by 2GB or so. This seems strange considering the vast majority of traffic occurs during business hours. Could it be due to new sessions being created in the morning and the old session data not being deleted?

We have not noticed any problems with performance otherwise. Is there anything we can do to prevent the size of this file from growing?

05-22-12 15:53   