Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
4864 minor always 11-21-11 09:10 08-01-12 14:53
closed 4.0.23  
none 4.0.30  
0004864: eclipse plugin: multiple servers conflict
(rep by Aaron Freeman)

> With the latest resin-pro-4.0.23 plugin we are now getting an error when trying to start multiple instances of Resin within a single Eclipse environment:
> java.sql.SQLException: CREATE for path 'C:\opt\project\ext\resin-pro-4.0.23\resin-data\default\tmp\temp_file' failed, because the file already exists. CREATE can not override an existing table.
> We were able to get around the issue by adding a ?data-directory argument to the Resin plugin?s ?Program arguments? section, but why do we have to do that suddenly?
> What is the best practice for starting multiple VMs? Is there some setting we can use to get it to use WEB-INF (not sure that is a good idea), or ${resin.root}/${server}/tmp or something?
> Any other options that would be better than having to explicitly add that extra program argument with a hardcoded path?

08-01-12 14:53   
Added check for unique Workspace Directory (--resin-root) for Server Setup Wizard.