Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
477 major always 12-02-05 06:10 01-17-06 11:23
Chris Henley  
closed 3.0.14  
none 3.0.17  
0000477: Installing new license
My actual Resin version is 3.0.12. I did not see an option to choose that in the Product Version drop-down box.

We received an email with a license attachment. Our license number is R3.0-004664. My operating system is Windows XP Pro.

The instructions indicate that we are supposed to save the .license file to $RESIN_HOME/licenses/004664.license. I tried two things. First, I saved it to my existing resin folder. There was no license folder in it so I created one and then saved the file inside of it. The path is: C:\resin-3.0.12\licenses\004664.license. When I started Resin, it did not indicate that it detected the license file. Next, created a folder in C:, calling it $RESIN_HOME. Inside there, I created a licenses folder and then saved the license inside of that folder. Again, when I started Resin, I see that it did not detect the license.

I am inquiring on what it is I did wrong. Just let me know if you need more information.

Thanks in advance,

01-17-06 11:23   
license error messages have improved in 3.0.17