Mantis - Resin
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4730 minor always 08-25-11 09:14 09-06-11 13:20
none 4.0.23  
0004730: Spurious Slow Alarm warnings in the log
hey man,
i got some resin internal exceptions:(resin-pro-4.0.21 , linux 64bit)

[11-08-25 16:10:44][CoordinatorThread[]-2] [WARNING] CoordinatorThread[] slow alarm Alarm[alarm[$HeartBeatAlarm@64811e10]] 11808ms coordinator-delta 0ms
[11-08-25 16:10:44][CoordinatorThread[]-2] [WARNING] CoordinatorThread[] slow alarm Alarm[alarm[com.caucho.distcache.cluster.CacheReplicationActor$ActorAlarm@251c135c]] 11830ms coordinator-delta 22ms
[11-08-25 16:10:44][CoordinatorThread[]-2] [WARNING] CoordinatorThread[] slow alarm Alarm[alarm[DeployControllerAlarm[null]]] 10738ms coordinator-delta 1ms
[11-08-25 16:10:44][CoordinatorThread[]-2] [WARNING] CoordinatorThread[] slow alarm Alarm[alarm[ProServer[id=default,cluster=app-tier]]] 10738ms coordinator-delta 0ms
[11-08-25 16:10:44][ CoordinatorThread[]-2] [WARNING] CoordinatorThread[] slow alarm Alarm[alarm[DeployControllerAlarm[null]]] 10738ms coordinator-delta 0ms
[11-08-25 16:10:44][CoordinatorThread[]-2] [WARNING] CoordinatorThread[] slow alarm Alarm[alarm[$SuspendReaper@7440d1b0]] 10735ms coordinator-delta 0ms

i have no idea about these exceptions, any suggetions?


I am looking into this now and formulating a response.

Add it as a bug report, please.

I'd added the extra logging information (the coordinator-delta) to distinguish between possible bugs, and those show a definite bug in the alarm queue code.

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