Mantis - Resin
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4654 minor always 07-04-11 09:18 07-05-11 10:02
domdorn Ubuntu x64  
ferg Linux  
normal 10.10  
none 4.0.20  
0004654: usability: missleading compile hint
When downloading and starting a resin-pro server through the eclipse plugin, the following error is printed on the console
[11-07-04 18:14:35.571] {main} JNI file: Unable to find native library 'resin' for com.caucho.vfs.JniFilePathImpl. Resin expects to find this library in:
                                 (Unix) /home/domdorn/resin-pro-4.0/libexec64/
                               On Unix, run ./configure; make; make install.
                               The JVM exception was: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no resin in java.library.path

This is missleading, because even after fixing bug 0004653, the command should be:

./configure --prefix=/home/domdorn/resin-pro-4.0/ && make && make install

(./configure --prefix=`pwd` && make && make install

as a simple ./configure without --prefix would install resin system wide.

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