Mantis - Quercus
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4615 major always 06-14-11 03:15 06-14-11 03:15
new 4.0.14  
0004615: Method Env.getRealPath doesn't work with path-mapping (compile mode)
After use the path-mapping element in the context's declaration we have detected that the __FILE__ constant doesn't work fine.

The next line:

define('ROOT_DIR', (dirname(dirname(FILE))).'/');

is translated as:

env.addConstant(const_ROOT_DIR, quercus_module_2.dirname(env, _quercus_module_2.dirname(env, env.createString(env.getRealPath(getUserPathStatic())).toStringValue(env)).toStringValue(env)).toStringBuilder(env, qv_3), false);

After debug the application we have saw that the problem is generate in the line 1490 of the com.caucho.quercus.env.Env

realPath = getRequest().getRealPath(path);

The realPath is the context's root directory plus the absolute path to the script.


<web-app id="/quercus"
      <compiling-loader path="/srv/backoffice/conf/quercus"/>

With this configuration the Env.getRealPath() for the path "/ServiciosBackoffice/app/bootstrap.php" returns "/srv/backoffice/webapps/quercussrv/www/php/ServiciosBackoffice"
We have resin 4.0.18 Profesional with compile option enable (lazy).
With the compile mode disable it works fine.

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