Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
4589 minor always 06-02-11 11:38 06-02-11 14:26
closed 4.0.18  
none 4.0.19  
0004589: resin eclipse plugin, wizard early finish bug
rep by hwellmann,
Details on 1):

I'm using Eclipse 3.6.2 EE, I installed the latest Resin Plugin (4.0.16) and I created a Server Runtime pointing to the lastest Resin snapshot (resin-4.0.s110531).

Then I created a simple Dynamic Web Project and selected "Run on Server" from the context menu. All I got was an error message "Unknown deploy type 'null'".

After a while, I noticed that the Server Runtime wizard has two more panels, one for the Resin Pro options, and another one for some configurations settings. After checking "use directory deployment" on this panel, I was finally able to start Resin from Eclipse.

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