Mantis - Quercus
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4522 major always 04-27-11 11:52 04-27-11 11:52
new 4.0.11  
0004522: Case sensitive autoload
The Quercus implementation of "class_exists()" appears to lowercase the incoming string, then pass this string to __autoload() and cache the result of __autoload.

If a custom __autoload() function uses this incoming string to load a PHP file from disk -- where case can matter -- the cached __autoload result can cause issues. All subsequent attempts to call class_exists(), depending on that function to autoload the file will fail even if one later uses the correct case.

To test the issue, create a file (a class) Foo/Bar/Biz.php

Then create an __autoload method similar to the following e.g.,

 31 function __autoload($name=null)
 33 {
 34 $class = explode("\\", $name);
 35 $class = implode("/", $class);
 37 $path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../..";
 38 $fullfile = "$path/$class.php";
 40 if(!file_exists($fullfile))
 41 throw new ClassException(ClassException::CLASS_NOT_FOUND, $name);
 43 include_once($fullfile);
 44 }

Then call class_exists() with both incorrect and correct case (in that order):


Since the first invocation of class_exists() fails and the result is cached, the subsequent invocation will also fail until you reboot the webserver. This issue is especially evident when using a tokenized URL (input by the client) to load Controllers/Views a la Zend Framework.

Temporary workaround:

Do not let class_exists() attempt the __autoload by passing false as the second argument. Simply call autoload manually e.g.,

117 if(! class_exists($name, false))
118 __autoload($name);

There are no notes attached to this issue.