Mantis - Resin
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415 minor always 10-06-05 00:00 01-25-06 16:28
none 3.0.18  
0000415: classloader not picking up property
(rep by Geoffrey Wiseman)

In order to include property files (e.g. in the classpath in Resin without including them in my WAR, I have previously JAR'd them up and put them in resin/lib. This is awkward, because multiple apps get access to the same set of property files, potentially, and jarring them is less convenient than being able to edit them without any post-edit work (no matter how automatable).
After seeing the <classloader> option in the webapp, I decided to investigate if I could use that to load property files by including a directory in which my property files were located. This is failing (can't locate hibernate.conf, in this case). So, two questions:
1> Will these classloader tags work for resource files as well as .java (compiling-loader) .jar (library-loader) and .class (simple-loader) files? I've been assuming that simple-loader or compiling-loader will do the job, but it doesn't seem to be helping me.
2> Is there any way to get debug information on Resin's classloading so I can tell why it's failing to locate the file? Perhaps I've messed up the configuration, but it's difficult for me to tell right now.

10-06-05 00:00   
Seem to have gotten past this issue; must have been a problem of my own making. I've got a new question posted to resin-interest but since it's still probably of my own making, I'm not filing it here yet. ;)
01-25-06 16:28   
Related to the getResourceAsStream issue on Windows.