Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
3976 minor always 03-31-10 12:52 04-02-10 12:19
none 4.0.6  
0003976: jsp:param behavior change in 4.0.5
(rep by Aaron Freeman)

We are experiencing a fundamental change in how data is being passed as
a jsp:param between 3.0.22 and 4.0.5. We need to know if this change is
intentional as it has a work-heavy impact on converting our code base
over which currently relies on the behavior of 3.0.x.

It appears that a call to jsp:include was automatically URL decoding any
strings that were passed in, and that that behavior has changed.

I have included source to two files that will demonstrate the behavior
change (in case it's not intentional). And here are the results of
running it:

---- on resin-pro-3.0.22 ----

URL encoded before pass to jsp:include:

Test: 1 < 2 and width="100ďand ampersand=
Here it is as seen inside of test-process.jsp:
Test: 1 < 2 and width="100%" and ampersand=&.

---- on resin-pro-4.0.5 ----

URL encoded before pass to jsp:include:

Test: 1 < 2 and width="100ďand ampersand=
Here it is as seen inside of test-process.jsp:

<%----- BEGIN test.jsp -----%>
<%@ taglib uri="" [^] prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" [^]
prefix="httputil" %>

<c:if test="${!empty param.textarea}">
     textarea param exists:


<c:set var="textareaUrlEncodedBefore"
     URL encoded before pass to jsp:include:



<%-- Set some requestscope variable in test.jsp --%>
<jsp:include page="/test-process.jsp">
<jsp:param name="textarea" value="${param.textarea}"/>
<jsp:param name="textareaUrlEncoded" value="${textareaUrlEncodedBefore}"/>

<form action="/test.jsp">

<textarea name="textarea">${requestScope.processedTextarea}</textarea>

<input type="submit"></input>


<c:if test="${!empty requestScope.urlEncoded}">
     Here it is as seen inside of test-process.jsp:

<%----- END test.jsp -----%>

<%----- BEGIN test-process.jsp -----%>
<%@ taglib uri="" [^] prefix="c" %>


<c:when test="${empty param.textarea}">
<c:set var="processedTextarea" scope="request">Test: 1 < 2 and
width="100%" and ampersand=&.</c:set>

<c:set var="processedTextarea" scope="request">${param.textarea}</c:set>


<c:set var="urlEncoded" scope="request">${param.textareaUrlEncoded}</c:set>
<%----- END test-process.jsp -----%>

Thanks for your thoughts on this,

04-02-10 12:19   

Even with the fix, though, Resin is responsible for any encoding, not the application. So it's incorrect to escape the content before sending it to Resin.