Notes |
04-19-09 06:01
More examples: [^]
Under the first question, numeral 2: $RESIN_HOME/ext-lib vs $RESIN_HOME/extlib
Under the second question: So Resin can run without the JNI libraries, it just won't be as fast as Resin. |
04-19-09 06:10
There is also NO documentation for resin 3.2
Even if you're running resin 3.2 and use the resin-doc application, you get resin 3.1 documentation that includes things such as this (which are not accurate) (also to be found in [^]
C:\win32> resin-3.2.0\bin\resin.exe |
04-19-09 06:30
Here's another one: [^]
The example shows a -resin-root parameter. If you try to use that, you get an error and this:
unknown argument '-resin-root'
usage: java -jar resin.jar [-options] [status | start | stop | restart | kill | shutdown]
where options include:
-conf <file> : select a configuration file
-dynamic-server <cluster:address:port> : initialize a dynamic server
-log-directory <dir> : select a logging directory
-resin-home <dir> : select a resin home directory
-root-directory <dir> : select a root directory
-server <id> : select a <server> to run
-watchdog-port <port> : override the watchdog-port
-verbose : print verbose starting information |
04-19-09 06:35
| [^]
makes reference to a bin/ that does not exist. It seems this is very old, crufty documentation. Do you guys see a future for Resin or are you just letting it rot on the vine? |
04-02-09 15:34
here's more inconsistent documentation from the resin 4 quercus docs:
this example is given, yet it seems incorrect (jndi name)
Example: overriding database configuration in resin-web.xml
<web-app xmlns=""> [^]
<database jndi-name="jdbc/mysql">
<driver type="">
<url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test</url> [^]
<servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.php"
</web-app> |