Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
3436 major always 04-06-09 08:11 11-02-09 18:23
closed 3.1.9  
none 4.0.2  
0003436: findAncestorWithClass() does not return parent classic tag instance within classic tag embedded in a tag file
Please imagine the following web application:
- a bodyful classic tag A within a tag library
- a tag file B which uses the classic tag A
- a regular jsp, which uses tag file B, surrounded by classic tag A

Within the classic tag findAncestorWithClass(this, A.class) is called and printed to the JspWriter.

The outer classic tag instance of A correctly returns null in this case.
The inner classic tag instance of A also returns null.

This seems to be not correct, I expected that resin should return the outer tag instance.

Please have a look at the attached example war (with sources).
When accessing index.jsp, resin 3.1.9 (snapshot) outputs the following:

-- classicTest begin
findAncestorWithClass() returns null
-- Tag file begin
findAncestorWithClass() returns null
-- tag file end
-- classicTest end

In comparison to tomcat 5.5:

-- classicTest begin
findAncestorWithClass() returns null
-- Tag file begin
findAncestorWithClass() returns classictag.ClassicTag@e77781
-- tag file end
-- classicTest end

...and WebSphere 6.1:

-- classicTest begin
findAncestorWithClass() returns null
-- Tag file begin
findAncestorWithClass() returns classictag.ClassicTag@ec2de5
-- tag file end
-- classicTest end
 TagAdapterTest.war [^] (3,900 bytes) 04-06-09 08:11

07-16-09 04:18   
Is there any estimation when this bug will be fixed?
It's quite important for us and our customers which use Resin.
11-02-09 18:23   