Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
3251 minor always 01-14-09 01:21 04-23-09 09:26
closed 3.2.1  
none 4.0.0  
0003251: Resin dependencies are broken for version 3.2.1 at the Caucho Maven 2 repository
The resin module, version 3.2.1, at the Caucho Maven 2 repository declares some dependencies that have not been uploaded, and it cannot be used without them, and that renders the version 3.2.1 from the repository unusable.

The dependencies that are declared but are missing are:
.- resin-ejb
.- resin-j2ee-management
.- resin-jca
.- resin-jms
.- resin-jsdk
.- resin-jstl
.- resin-jpa
.- resin-jta
.- resin-jws
.- resin-support
.- resin-webbeans

On the other hand, resin 3.2.1 requires some OSGI and Java EE 6 classes that are not even declared (even if just for documentation purposes and declared to be found elsewhere).

There are no notes attached to this issue.