Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
319 minor always 07-18-05 00:00 11-30-05 14:42
closed 3.0.14  
3.0.14 fixed  
none 3.0.15  
0000319: multiple instances of FastCGIServlet connecting to php
(rep by A Achuthan)

With two FastCGIServlet instances, each in a separate virtual host, a request to host1 works but a request to host2 fails.

For testing purposes, I added two domain names and in
/etc/hosts of my local machine and added the it's IP so that both of
them resolves to my local server.
Then I added the following to my resin.conf :
<host id=''>
      <web-app id="/">

<host id=''>
      <web-app id="/">

I added the following entries in web.xml for using fastCGI servlet.

 <servlet servlet-name="php-fastcgi"
 <servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.php" servlet-name="php-fastcgi"/>

After setting up everything, I accessed the url of the first domain
( and it worked fine. But when I accessed the second domain,
the server didn't seem responding to the request. The browser just waits
 forever for the response. Initially I thought there was some
configuration problem with the second virtual host. But when I restarted
resin and started accessing the second domain first, it worked !

For confirming that the problem is not with the php script, I performed
the same tests with simple <?php phpinfo(); ?> script. But it yielded
the same results.

RedHat 9

07-18-05 00:00   
(rep by A Achuthan)

I think the problem is not with the virtual host set up. The FastCGI
servlet is not working with different apps of the same host also.
I set up two web apps in the default host and put test php scripts in
each. But the same problem exist.
Here is the mapping that I added in the web.xml of each app.
      <servlet servlet-name="php-fastcgi"
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.php" servlet-name="php-fastcgi"/>


07-18-05 00:00   
There are a few fixes to FastCGIServlet. However, the main issue looks like the default value of PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN can be 1. You need a much higher value to run PHP effectively, e.g.

unix> PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=256 php -b localhost:6666