Mantis - Hessian
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2968 minor always 09-25-08 11:41 09-25-08 11:41
new 3.2.0  
0002968: Hessian deserialization of timestamps
(rep by Marieke Vandamme)

I have a problem with deserializing timpstamp fields in hessian 3.2.0.
When the field with the date or timestamp is null, I get an exception. The exception comes from the Deserializer while creating the Date, Time or Timestamp.
I've added a condition in the SqlDateFieldDeserializer, SqlTimestampFieldDeserializer and SqlTimeFieldDeserializer. When date == null don't create the Date, Time or Timestamp with as parameter date.getTime().
(For example: value = (date==null)?null:new java.sql.Timestamp(date.getTime());)

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