Mantis - Resin
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2767 feature always 07-03-08 13:04 07-06-08 18:44
closed 3.1.6  
none 3.2.0  
0002767: MultiThreaded JspPrecompileListener
I have a large number of JSP's and when deploying a new version with an updated .war file, the com.caucho.jsp.JspPrecompileListener is precompiling all the JSP's, but it's only using one thread.

This consumes a lot of time and the startup of the web-app is delayed. It would be nice to have separate threads or instances of this JSP-Precompiler. I've already tried with two listener's but the second one is never doing anything.

This is the structure of the testcase web-app:


The resin.conf contains this:

      <web-app id="/precomp" root-directory="webapps/precomp">
        <log path='WEB-INF/debug.log' timestamp='[%H:%M:%S.%s] ' format=" ${app.contextPath} ${log.level} ${log.loggerName} ${log.message}">
          <logger name="com.caucho" level="finest"/>

        <!-- The first listener, should compile all JSP's in subfolder 't1' -->

        <!-- The second listener, should compile all JSP's in subfolder 't2' -->

But only the first one is working - the WEB-INF/work/_jsp contains only _t1 subfolder with compiled JSP's.

It would be even better, if there would be only one listener with an Init-Param to specify the number of threads for the JSP Precompile, such as:


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